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An amazing set of support resources

Blake submitted an amazing set of links to the Industry Insiders blog yesterday, the links took me over an hour to check that they were all current and valid, so heaven only knows how long they took to collate.  He has managed to get every single link to all of the support sites for all of our products, with links to the KB articles, searches for documentation, how to's and tips.  He's included all of the best newsgroups that we host, as well as searching out all of the product team blogs and articles.  This must have taken him forever (or he has too much time on his hands...!)

I just wish I'd had access to this set of resources at my fingertips when I was out on customer site.  It would have saved me so much time when troubleshooting.  So now I'm giving you the link to the document.  So that you'll have less head scratching time - and much less frustration when you've got a problem...



Friday, October 21, 2005 10:11 PM by Blake Handler

# re: An amazing set of support resources

I'm so flattered that you liked my article! This began as an Intranet page created for a client’s IT Department. Then was moved to my blog so "I" could find things easily.

Ultimately, my clients wanted me to add “instructions” and my geek buddies wanted me to add all the Microsoft products. I could not be happier if this can help others supporting Microsoft products.

Thanks again Eileen!
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