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Enabling javascript on your Web browser and the other Dispatch Interactive Web sites will not work correctly unless "javascript" is enabled in your Web browser. A javascript is a small section of code included in Web pages to enable certain functions such as pop-up windows.

Javascript is already enabled on most browsers. If it is not enabled, here is how to enable it:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6:

  1. From the Tools menu at the top of your browser window, select Internet Options.
  2. Click the Security tab, then click on Custom Level
  3. Scroll down to the next-to-last heading: SCRIPTING
  4. Click the enable buttons for all three sub-headings: Active Scripting, Allow paste operations via script (c)Scripting of Java applets
  5. Click OK. You'll get a prompt to confirm; click OK again.
  6. Close and restart the browser.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5:

  1. From the Tools menu at the top of your browser window, select Internet Options.
  2. Click the Security tab and then, from the list of zones at the top of the Security options, select the Internet icon.
  3. Select the button near the bottom that reads Custom.
  4. In the new window that pops up, scroll down to Active Scripting.
  5. Select the option marked Enable.
  6. Click the OK button at the bottom of the Security Settings window.
  7. Click the OK button at the bottom of the Internet Options window.

Netscape 7:

  1. From the Edit menu at the top of your browser window, select Preferences, then Advanced.
  2. Under the Advanced menu, choose Scripts & Plugins
  3. At the top of Script & Plugins, look for the words "Enable Javascript for." Click into the box next to Navigator.
  4. Click OK at the bottom of the preferences window.

Netscape 4:

  1. From the Edit menu at the top of your browser window, select Preferences.
  2. Click on Advanced.
  3. On the right-hand side, select the checkbox marked Enable Javascript.
  4. Click OK at the bottom of the Preferences window.

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