'''''APC''''' (the new name for the magazine that used to be called '''Australian Personal Computer''') is a Computer_magazine in Australia. It is published monthly and comes with a cover-mounted DVD of Software. The magazine is published by Australian_Consolidated_Press, which is one of the companies in the Publishing_and_Broadcasting_Limited group. According to the current editor, Tony Sarno, ''APC remains the personal computing magazine of choice for IT professionals and "power-users"'' (APC, June 2004, P10). The tagline on the front of the magazine is "high performance personal computing" which APC uses as its point of distinction from other computing titles published in Australia, such as PC_User which targets beginner-medium users, and Atomic which targets gamers/modders. APC was first published in May 1980 and is the longest running computer-magazine in Australia. APC's journalists are: * William Maher (Deputy Editor) * Dan Warne (News and Features Editor) * John Gillooly (Technical Editor) * Dan Chiappini (Journalist) * Nick Race (Journalist) == References == *APCMag.com. == External links == *APCMag.com Website *OnJoomla - site by APC to accompany tutorial {{sci-mag-stub}} {{Computer Magazines}} Category:ACP_magazine_titles Category:Australian_magazines Category:Computer_magazines