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Office 2007 for the Mac

Ooh. this will impress my friend Mark , who's been banging on about this for ages. The Mole and Tom have already tried it and like it, and I uncovered this article , which says we're going to release Office 2007 for the Mac, 6 months after the release

Cleaning up your Powerpoint documents

John, one of our Platform Strategy Advisors (he talks about Visual Studio a lot in a broad Geordie accent), send a mail out with an amazing tip about Powerpoint, which I repeat in full as it's really useful and will save you lots of time... If you, like

Office Webcasts for October

TechNet Webcast: Overview of Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 (Level 200) Wednesday, October 25, 2006 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Pacific Time Jean-Francois LeSaux, EPM LEAD ARCHITECT, Microsoft Corporation http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032309358&Culture=en-US

Office Gets Technical

There's new area where you can go to get answers to all of your Technical queries about Office. It's long overdue I say. The regular Office site has loads of great information - but its geared towards the end user. This site sweeps all of the Office back

Take your Laptop to bed...

This takes the term "working from home" a little bit too far. The New York times reports that people are working with their laptops in bed. I was going to launch into an indignant tirade about how dreadful this is, and how it can be rather detrimental

Infrastructure Optimisation

I had a chat to Garry the other day. Garry runs our Infrastructure Optimisation team and is tasked with making people aware of how they can improve their environment from reactive to proactive. There are 4 states to this model 9full description of each


I like the idea of virtual roaming. To be able to go on tour without leaving my house is a bizarre way of passing the time - but gives me the opportunity to travel without having to book too much holiday. Photosynth builds on this idea. According to this

Creating a line in a document in Word

This is a nice tip and one I didn't know... Create a line across the page of your Microsoft Office Word 2007 or Outlook 2007 document with just a few keystrokes. At the beginning of a new text line, type three consecutive hyphens and press Enter . A solid

Office webcasts for September

Microsoft Office System Webcast: A First Look at Office Project 2007 (Level 100) Wednesday, September 06, 2006 - 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Time Keith Wilson, Senior Consultant, Project Management Practice Inc. http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032305752&Culture=en-US

Sharepoint webcasts for September

MSDN Webcast: Extending the Web Content Management Features of Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Level 200) Tuesday, September 05, 2006 - 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Time Jim Masson, Senior Product Manager, Microsoft Corporation http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032304828&Culture=en-U

Microsoft at work

I've been receiving this newsletter for some time now. Sometimes it's got some cracking tips that I've never heard of before. Some a little bizarre, some that I add to my repertoire. Like these: Powerpoint: Navigate slideshows with ease. Go to a particular

Download 2007 Office System beta for $1.50

There's been a lot of comment in the press about the fact that we're charging $1.50 if you want to download Office 2007 Beta 2. We've had more than 3 million downloads of Office and over 1 million downloads of Vista. Some of this press has been fairly

Office System videos

If you're keen to get the best out of Office 2007, Sorry, the 2007 Office System(!), here are some videos showing you how the office "back-end" products can help you to become more productive at the "front end". They're developer focused, and some parts

Starting all over again - with Vista

It's amazing how much stuff you tend to accumulate over a lifetime. Memories from when you were a child, mementoes from your youth, things that you've purchased and used extensively, things you've bought and now wonder what the heck you bought them for,

Office Webcasts for August

MSDN Webcast: Introduction to Visual Studio Tools for the 2007 Microsoft Office System (Level 200) Tuesday, August 08, 2006 - 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Time Eric Carter, Development Manager, Microsoft Corporation In this webcast, we introduce the Community
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