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June 2006 - Posts

... and if anyone has any issues hearing me while mowing their lawn...just holler....a short 6 minute podcast on security patching news in the SBS world http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?podcast=1075|2&t=6736 06-025 re-released but unless you are Read More...
You going to Boston for the World Wide Partner Conference ? If you are make sure you give Susanne Dansey a big HI! She'll be in Boston at the Small Business Symposium giving a talk on Community... How and what the UK & Irish community is Successes Read More...
So Dana Epp already worked on and came out with a ISA tool that really adds a ton of better reporting to my ISA server... but he blogged about what he's working on next...the answer to my 'risk' question from yesterday...he's working on a two factor plug Read More...
...and I need to also disclose how the "SBS Diva" started.. you see I was helping David Coursey out with his SBS 2003 server and in a review he called me the "SBS Diva" and well it just stuck... so since we just added some new blog skins.. I decided to Read More...
I've used this tool before and it's really cool.. and I forgot to blog that it's been updated...check it out! You can download SYDI-Server 2.0 from the SYDI website: http://sydi.sourceforge.net Post on his blog concerning this release: http://ogenstad.net/2006/06/26/sydi-server-20-released/ Read More...
Service Pack 3 for SBA/BCM This service pack provides the latest updates to Microsoft Office Small Business Accounting 2006 and Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager Update. http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb;en-us;920115 (and Read More...
So you want to start a patch management process...but you don't think your micro biz clients will install R2? Check out this i nfo from Shavlik---- Microsoft updated their guidance today concerning support for MBSA and customers running legacy Operating Read More...
The Official SBS Blog : Using the /3GB Switch with SBS 2003: http://blogs.technet.com/sbs/archive/2006/06/30/439628.aspx Mark posts the SBSized answer to "do we use the /3 gig or not?" on our SBS boxes. Okay so now that that religious argument is now Read More...
Earlier today there was chatter about the impact of WGA.. Windows Genuine Advantage... and how we didn't like the fact that Microsoft deemed the "piracy patch" as a critical patch, and when it failed, it had security implications because the computer Read More...
I think this is the thing that Dave (from the SBSShow) talked about that he really liked.... Microsoft Solution Selling for Partners Online: https://partner.microsoft.com/40016089 The MS solution selling training... and it looks like it's only $60 for Read More...
..and I was demoing the WSUS in R2 tonight for our SBS partner group and I looked under the 'real' WSUS and went...whoa.... Page after page of drivers up on WSUS that just came down on June27th. I personally do NOT like to install drivers from Windows Read More...
You know I already posted up dump files for folks to play with..now see the expert in action..... Watch this webcast and download this powerpoint for "THE" debugging webcast of TechEd... and you can even buy the DVD of all of the presentations for $195(US) Read More...
Risks. Real risks for a small firm. Real risks for a small firm for remote access include such things like the misuse of kiosk computers that could steal usernames and passwords. The US government is going to require mobile devices to support encryption Read More...
So it all started when Dave Nickason had a couple of workstations that just would not let him RWW into them. And when he went to query them, they had the XP sp2 firewall not allowing the remote desktop functions...but they were on the domain so it made Read More...
Thursday June 29th, the Tidbits from Teched will be presented at 6:30 p.m. at 1991 N. Gateway. Pizza and drinks will be served. You can RSVP by sending an email to Sbradcpa-at-pacbell.net See you there! We'll be handing out User Group DVDs and Technology Read More...
Microsoft Partner Readiness: http://www.msreadiness.com/WS_abstract.asp?eid=15004326 *Recorded Event Date:* 6/28/2006 *Presenter:* Ron Grattopp & Tim Barrett *Event Time:* 12:00 PM Pacific, USA & Canada (DST) = GMT - 08:00 *Duration:* 60 minutes Read More...
So you were hesitating on becoming a Small Business Specialist because you were not liking the fact that Microsoft PAMs would call you.. or that you got cool offers? But what if there was something cooler? What if you could go to a staffed and managed Read More...
Since I can't post comments to Tim's post about how he's given up on beta testing Vista.. I'll leave my comment here... So, Tim? Did you bug it? Did you post your 'what didn't work' in the appropriate forum? I can't stress this enough on how important Read More...
So you loaded up Vista and you want to try it on a SBS network... so while you 'can' ... I'd read the SBS blog posting about Vista and SBS first.. http://blogs.technet.com/sbs/archive/2006/06/26/438938.aspx And please do follow the advice of Dr. J ... Read More...
Invariably in newsgroups and listserves the question comes up "Can I cluster SBS?" and even more so now with Virtual Server and Virtualization the question comes up again...but it seems to me that everyone is looking for a technology issue to what I see Read More...
One thing that came up in today's Tech Days is the "desktop issue"... 1. Person complains that every time they use RWW their icons get shoved over because the screen they are using doesn't match the one they use for remote access.... this casuses the Read More...
and I happen to set on the side of the train that doesn't have the working plug ins... and my battery is about ready to drop me off... so I do have another battery but it points out how dependent I still am on power. In fact I just warned Scott on IM Read More...
In the Fresno airport waiting for a trip to San Francisco and reading the Harvard Business Review (well sort of reading it...the eyes are bleary at this hour of the morning) and there's an article about "Eager Sellers and Stony Buyers: Understanding the Read More...
I'll be on the road again (getting up at an ungodly hour and then taking the train back) to do a Saturday event on SBS... on Security and patch management, on Disaster Recovery, etc. etc... so if you happened to want to sit inside an airconditioned room Read More...
I probably should have made it clearer to David and others of what my Debugging 101 post was meant to do... I already know the root cause of the memory dumps... the intent is to show the masses out here how near obvious those memory dump files can be. Read More...
(drinking the Mountain dew for those following the blog.. doing a load of laundry.. ) Okay so I'm in the process of uploading a big dump file but I've already got the mini dump files up on the server if you want to try this out.. it's what we did on day Read More...
Fixed the comments.. I had an extra ";" in the forbidden spam words filter and it caused the blog comenting to fail... sorry about that. All fixed now. (Blog now fixed.. and I STILL need a Dew) Read More...
So I was messing with the comment spam filtering because blog spam was pretty bad and somehow I think I broke comments in the process... I'll trying to deal with it but I'm honestly sitting here on the couch vegging out (I need to do laundry as well) Read More...
Quickbooks R7 info Release 7 (R7) as Auto Update Tomorrow, Thursday, June 22, we expect to make Release 7 available to you and your clients who are working in editions of QuickBooks® 2006 for Windows as an Auto Update . Earlier we told you about R7 when Read More...
We had WSUS training yesterday and I'll be blogging some of those tips and tricks after SBS 2k3 R2 has it's debut after the WWPC but just a heads up on two blogs you should have in your aggregator.... The Patchaoholic blog that today has the list of top Read More...
It's day two of the mini summit we have in Texas here and ... we nearly lost a "cockroach" tonight. On the way to the dinner with about 20 someodd SBS MVPs and the PSS SBS team (aka the Podcast gang) we realized that Wayne Small wasn't with us... and Read More...
I told a group of SBSers in Boston that I would hunt them down if they did not subscribe in their RSS reader to the Official SBS blog http://blogs.technet.com/sbs ...and let me say this to those of you guys reading this.... seriously.... if you do not Read More...
http://www.cafepress.com/smallbizworld With the world launch in Texas.. the Cockroach Shirts Store is now launched... Read More...
Saw a post about how "Microsoft France"'s web site was hacked..but I'm not certain that ms.com's IIS was... the web post in question doesn't point to http://www.microsoft.com/france but rather a web site called http://experts.microsoft.com/fr and the Read More...
Charlie Russel brought us copies of the SBS 2k3 R2 admin companion book and it's really cool to see the final product. I was exceedingly pleased and excited to be part of this book... mainly because it's a rewrite of the original book and includes chapters Read More...
Then listen to Vlad's Podcast of me, Dave Sobel and Alun Jones! And we were indeed shutting down the place... it was amazing to think of the logistics of that event. But whether your go to TechEd, WorldWide Partner Conference, SMBNation, or SMBTN's training Read More...
<Do you really need to have Excel files come into your office via email? No? Then why the heck are your alllowing them to enter in the first place? Block them. From the Incidents listserve... There has been a report of a targeted attack leveraging Read More...
So here I am on the last day ... sitting on the "Security Couch" and we just came out of a focus group where we all agreed that Security cut across all products, and that you couldn't have any product not have thoughts about security..... The real issue Read More...
So this blog comment points out how to debug issues in patching 1. Don't uninstall all patches... if you can tell from debugging a bluescreen that it's a driver like that.... pulling off all umpteen patches is not the answer.... read the bulletins because Read More...
06-025 is having issues...read more here: http://isc.sans.org/diary.php?n&storyid=1419
Then you need this to emulate Windows Mobile 5 devices without the hassle of the Visual Studio and all that........ Courtesy of Sean Furman.... you need this link (and Happyfunboy did want to point out he was first about this... but... Sean told me in Read More...
In the "Vista Security Tidbits" presentation waiting for it to begin... and I need to make sure I get the DVD because it's now in the "rats I have to miss this to go to that" session. What am I missing? Dump analsysi (and thanks to PeterGal's blog that Read More...
At the Birds of a Feather today I was reminded that I've never blogged about this...courtesy of Sean Furman .. he reminded me to go grab this and blog it.. I finally was able to remove the dialog box requesting the username/id/password. My laptop belongs Read More...
So on the way to the Center and blogging from the bus... well as long as the battery holds out anyway.... And for those coming to the Birds of a Feather on SBS..make sure that I've had enough Mountain Dew in the system to hand out the SBS Server Hardening Read More...
Exploits out for some of the issues yesterday.. Window Media.. Word.. etc... Exploits for most recent Microsoft Patches http://isc.sans.org/diary.php?n&storyid=1415 That means that the issues and attacks based on this might be getting ready to go....just Read More...
Birds of a Feather on all things SBS (and not just security) will be at 2 p.m. room 203..at least I think it's room 203 as bleary eyed as I am and as small of writing on the mini guide... All SBSers are welcome including those that aren't SBSers but should Read More...
http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms06-jun.mspx Wow.. lots of patches today... including one that I don't agree with ... the patch for RRAS says that Remote Access service is not "running by default on a Windows 2003 server".. and on Read More...
Sometimes it's the little things in life that make you smile... like the line to the men's bathroom at TechEd... ..when of course the women's restroom has no line.. Read More...
..want to see the keynotes from TechEd? http://virtualteched.com/default.aspx Watch them here.. live.. Read More...
You know you are in geekout land when the airport has this .. and hotel room key looks like this ....but I should have packed a powerstrip... we do have the wireless set up so that the gals can share the highspeed Internet..and yes that's a snap shot Read More...
The other day (and sorry for being tardy) I got pinged about resources to get started with Sharepoint and I forgot to point folks in the direction of David's blog http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/doverton/archive/2006/06/06/537.aspx Scroll down a bit as it's Read More...
Today on my accounting listserve someone posted in that a patch had hurt him... so much so that he was turning off automatic updates and leaving them off... I just wasted a few hours of my life when my computer could not connect to my network. It was Read More...
Hey did you see this? Microsoft Small Business Applications: http://blogs.msdn.com/rajattaneja/default.aspx The Tech Gap: 2006 Innovation Awards Honor Technologies that Advance and Enhance Productivity: http://www.thetechgap.com/2006/06/2006_innovation.html#more Read More...
<warning religious wars ahead> First off Vlad wrote an interesting 'why SBS works for Small business" on his blog.. and then EmailBattles has the audacity to say why Linux is superior to SBS.... ready for this? But while Vlad suggests that people Read More...
Okay so it's pretty clear from the public news that SBS 2003 R2 RTMd just recently.. and honestly.. I really wasn't going to blog about it... why? Well because for one.. right after I would blog about the RTM RTMing you'd ask me "so what's the pricing?" Read More...
Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/advance.mspx and given that I'm in Boston next week.. I'll have to decide whether to patch remotely or not.. yeah I'll be reading those bulletins and Read More...
The sky is falling Podcast Episode 2 Links regarding topics discussed: Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/advance.mspx Welcome to the Microsoft Security Response Center Blog! : June 2006 Read More...
Yoda Backpack - Gizmodo: http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/gadgets/yoda-backpack-179185.php bummed I can't get it in time for Boston.. but oh yeah... it's on order.. Read More...
This question was seen in the beta tester application of a certain software package..... is that software.... a. The latest and greatest Google app killer targeting another Microsoft app? b. The latest and greatest voice over IP dohicky software? or c. Read More...
http://virtualteched.com/default.aspx I'm on the VirtualTechEd site watching the video of the interview with Michael Howard about his new book on the Security Development Lifecycle..yes the book is ordered and shipping from Amazon soon....and it struck Read More...
DNS For Simple SBS 2003 Setup, AlphaOne Computing, Brighton, Sussex: http://www.alphaone-comp.com/kbase/2006/06/dns_for_simple_sbs_2003_setup.php hmmm ... I don't open the SBS DNS console like that.. I run the connect to Internet and Email wizard....and Read More...
I've send email to someone and when they email back.. up in the header file their IT staff has placed the following right in the subject line: "CAUTION-Email contains attachment -DO NOT OPEN IT unless you are expecting it. Even if it is from a known or Read More...
WSUS Product Team Blog : WSUS SP1 published to MU and available to WSUS today: http://blogs.technet.com/wsus/archive/2006/06/07/433695.aspx Read More...
In the blog comments..... a poster says. ... . Everytime I write up a memo to use WSUS it gets shot down by my boss as "Too dangerous", "It might break something", "But patches force me to reboot and I can't work then". and to that I say .. TOUGH. Reboot... Read More...
FIX: You experience high memory usage in the W3wp.exe process on a Windows Server 2003-based computer that has Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 installed: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=916984 Information about Microsoft ActiveSync 4.0 error Read More...
Programs that use other instances of SQL Server 2000, MSDE 2000, or SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (Windows) may fail when you remove an instance of SQL Server 2000, MSDE 2000, or SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (Windows): http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=91876 Read More...
and that means that today is NOT Patch Tuesday... that also means that next Tuesday will be patch Tuesday and I WILL BE AWAY FROM MY NETWORK... which means about Friday night after I have remoted into the office and installed the patches there..I will Read More...
So this morning the power was dropping and the lights were blinking.. so we called PG&E and got them to come over and look.. I was joking that it was due to changing out our old Scientific America cable box with the new digital one that takes a rocket Read More...
This guide explains how to deploy and configure Intelligent Message Filter in your Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 organization . Read More...
So I'm out searching the blogs tonight on Technorati and I hit and entry on myspace talking about SBS ... but.. uh.. like I can't to the page... and then it hits me.. I blocked myspace.com in ISA Server. You know the other day when folks said that they Read More...
Okay so we're taking a poll..... read this article.... a couple of folks have pinged and says the author sure sounds like he used the www.sbsmigration.com method to move his problem server... the use of "TempDC" ...and the word "SwingMigration" made a Read More...
I need to track down Chris Johnson and tell him we have an entire community out here just on SBS.. yes there is information specifically on SBS.... That can be a problem when it comes to getting help. "You might find Windows-type things on the Internet," Read More...
For those that are planning to be at TechEd in Boston... well. I'll be the first to admit I'm a security 'groupee'. See that security track at TechEd? Well you could make that the entire event and I'd be happy.. and in fact.. I've of the opinion that Read More...
So I'm in the Los Angeles Union station walking (okay near running) to catch the surfliner train south to meet up with friends for the weekend.. and all of a sudden right in front of me scampers across the walk way was a sign.... .. a big.. rust colored Read More...
So I'm listening to the www.sbsshow.com episode 20 and they are talkng about the process of finding a trusted peer resource and building up a network of peers... and here's the thing.. blogs aren't really new.... we've been doing this trusted network Read More...
So yesterday Eweek called and asked me their 400 questions to get a free magazine survey.. and you just have to wonder sometimes about surveys... because due to my 'Jack of all trades, Master of None" I have many if not all of the boxes of "what technologies Read More...
" Age 40 is that magic number when you need those dime store reading glasses hung around your neck. " As stated by Grey Lancaster.... Dell, Microsoft and ESPECIALLY Apple's Ipods are making me go blind. Seriously... blind.. totally blind.. because I can't Read More...
In many of these communities many folks have complained about Microsoft not listening.. well folks... and I'm sorry if you said in the past "Microsoft isn't listening"... well now it's more like "you aren't stepping up to the plate when asked". 400 responses Read More...
Just got an email about issues they are seeing (possibly) with Symantec def files? In case anyone else sees this...watch those dat file updates.... "We had major issues with our 2000 PRO SP4 PCs this morning. Constant rebooting and blue screens. I was Read More...
Service pack 1 has been released.. This document describes known issues affecting Windows Server Update Services Service Pack 1 (WSUS SP1) The good news is that this allows WSUS to be installed on SQL 2005 and that includes workgroup edition. Read More...
<Sis> So where are my photos located <me> So where did you save them? <Sis> I don't know. <me> so where does the program save them? <Sis> I don't know. <me> Okay but they are somewhere on your harddrive, right? <Sis> Read More...