Jewish Museum Berlin - Architecture

The Architecture of the Jewish Museum Berlin

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Daniel Libeskind, 2003 © Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Sönke  Tollkühn, Berlin



Graphic of Kollegienhaus and Libeskind-Building
Two buildings, a classical Kollegienhaus and a modern structure hailed as an architectural masterpiece, house the exhibitions, collections, and several offices of the Jewish Museum Berlin.

The new building is full of artistic expression: the architect Daniel Libeskind named it “Between the Lines” on account of two linear shapes which form its structure. The “Line of Connectedness” expressed in the window design symbolizes the cultural exchange between Jews and non-Jews and the ways in which they influenced each other. The “Line of the Voids” is a series of empty rooms, which runs in a straight but disrupted line through the building. These empty rooms represent the cultural gaps left in Germany after the Holocaust.

Opening hours:

The museum is open daily from:
10 to 8, Mondays from 10 to 10.
(closed: 9/13+14, 9/22, 12/24)