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April 2006 - Posts

I'm a long time user of the Maxthon browser which does everything you expect from Internet Explorer and a bit more like tabbed browsing, address line shortcuts and mouse gestures. But having recently started testing the Internet Explorer 7 beta I've just Read More...
I've previously posted about Outlook's annoying Ctrl-Enter shortcut which instantly sends your email, even if you accidentally type Ctrl-Enter midway through composing your email. There are a number of workaround options including disabling the shortcut Read More...
My regular reader will recall that back in late 2005 I was busy rushing around the country supporting the Exchange Tour Unplugged . If you weren't able to join one of our tour dates you can now view some of the highlights on the TechNet IT's Showtime Read More...
I've been banging on for ages about the future state when we'll be able to listen to our emails and read our voicemails. And we're now on the brink of being able to do just that. Exchange Server "12" will introduce new unified messaging capabilities that Read More...
If you use more than one monitor then you'll already appreciate the massive productivity gains you get from having more screen estate to play with. But not many people take advantage of the amazing functionality provided by their graphics card software. Read More...
Ha! I knew there had to be a keyboard shortcut. My boss (God bless 'er) just asked me if there was a way to expand all grouped items in a list in Outlook to save having to click on the little down arrow inside each group. And there is: right-clicking Read More...
This makes perfect sense to me. Intel has unveiled a new laptop concept machine where the machines folds to allow the screen to face away from the keyboard so it can be used as an LCD TV in a docking station. Given the quality of modern laptop displays Read More...
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In a very short space of time Windows Desktop Search has become the tool I use most often while at my PC. If you don't have it yet you can download it for free from http://www.microsoft.com/windows/desktopsearch/enterprise/default.mspx . With a bit of Read More...
Good news for IT Pros and Developers in the UK: registration for the Microsoft Technical Roadshow 2006 is now open. The May/June roadshow will visit five venues across the UK: Birmingham, Edinburgh, Manchester, London and Bristol. We'll be giving detailed Read More...
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