Zip and Unzip files programmatically
08 February 07 04:32 AM | bipinjoshi | with no comments

Recently one of the reader of posted a question on the discussion forums about compressing and decompressing files via code. There is no obvious answer to this question because C# and VB.NET lack this functionality. However, J# does have a way to zip and unzip files programmatically. In this article I am going to explain how this can be achieved. In this article you will develop a reusable class library that can be used to create, extract and alter ZIP files. Once developed you can use it in your Windows or web applications.

Read complete article and download source code here

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ASP.NET AJAX Enabled Web Site File Manager
24 January 07 03:07 AM | bipinjoshi | with no comments

Now that Microsoft has released Atlas...sorry ASP.NET AJAX, lots and lots of applications are going to use it (many are already using it). Here is a simple but handy tool that I wrote using ASP.NET AJAX and the Control Toolkit.

BinaryIntellect Web Site File Manager is a FREE tool for managing files and folders of your web site. Just include the FileManager.aspx in your web site and that's it! You have a complete file manager ready. It supports almost all the file and folder management operations such as folder creation, cut, copy, paste, rename, delete and upload. You also get complete source code of the tool. Developed using ASP.NET 2.0 server controls, ASP.NET AJAX and ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit this tool is a must for any web site owner or host.

Download the tool at


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The Favorite Devotee
07 December 06 11:41 PM | bipinjoshi | with no comments
Narada Muni was well known for his devotion towards Lord Vishnu. He always used to chant "Narayana Narayana" (Narayana is one of the names of Lord Vishnu). He used to think that he is the greatest devotee of the Lord. Once upon a time he went to Vaikuntha, the abode of Lord Vishnu. During their conversation Narada intentionally asked - " O Lord! You have so many devotees. I am curious to know who is your favorite one." Narada was expecting that Lord Vishnu will honor him as his favorite devotee. To his shock Vishnu pointed to a poor farmer on the earth and said "That poor farmer is my favorite devotee."

Complete story can be read here.

Lesson 8 - Cause of Karma
01 December 06 03:14 AM | bipinjoshi | with no comments

In Lesson 7 you learnt that unless the store house of Karma is burnt there is no escape from the cycle of birth and death. It was also mentioned that the sorrow that is yet to come should be avoided. Now it is time to understand the root cause of all Karmas.

Karma is born whenever there is union of seer and the seen. Seer refers to the "observer" or "Atman" that has trapped into this body. Seen refers to the external world. Seen doesn't mean only visible objects but everything that can be "experienced" by sense organs. We experience the world not just when we are awake but also when we are dreaming. When we experience this world the seer identifies itself with the objects being experienced. Thus there is union between the subject(seer) and the object (seen). This union is the root cause of all Karmas.

Read complete lesson here.

BinaryIntellect Code Generator (BETA) released
29 November 06 04:18 AM | bipinjoshi | 3 comment(s)

One of the things I like about software development is the ability to automate monotonous tasks. Few weeks back I needed a free code generator for generating typical insert, update, delete, select all and select by Id kind of stored procedures and classes. Believe it or not but there are developers who manually code these stored procedures and classes. There are many gode generation tools available today. Some are free and rest all are commercial. In the past I used one of the popular FREE tools. But it seems that the tool no longer exists as FREE. The company has removed its mention from their home page. Moreover my requirements was such that I could not have used the code AS IS. So there was no option but to write my own tool :-). As a result I wrote BinaryIntellect Code Generator. It is absolutely FREE to use Currently it is being released as BETA. Some features will be added in near future. If you can spare some time running it on some test database and give your feedback including bugs, error or features that will be great. I can include them in the final version.

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Saving Office 2007 documents as PDF
29 November 06 04:02 AM | bipinjoshi | with no comments

Finally Office 2007 allows you to save office documents as PDF files. During beta stages this support was supposed to be "native". However, the released version requires you to download an add-on for the same. The add-on is a FREE download but before downloading it checks if you have genuine version of the software. That means you must download it from the same maching on which you have Office 2007 installed. I know many small companies where internet connection is not available on each and every maching. Moreover, the resultant PDF files are not much attractive. Previously I used PDF Creator but for some reason it is crashing under Windows Vista.

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Balance of Mind
24 November 06 04:26 AM | bipinjoshi | with no comments

Once upon a time Gautam Buddha was travelling via a village. The villagers came to know about his arrival and rushed to greet him and seek his blessings. They decided to visit him and offer him some gifts. Gautam Buddha was sitting under a tree with some of his followers. The villagers crowded the place. They started offering fruits, rich cloth, gold coins, ornaments, previous stones and what not. One by one Gautam Buddha politely refused to accept any of these gifts. "I do not need any of these things" was his answer. The villagers tried to convince him to accept the gifts by saying that they respect him a lot and are offering the gifts from the deepest of their hearts. However, Gautam Buddha was firm on his decision.

Read the complete story at

Technorati :

Installing Windows Vista
24 November 06 04:22 AM | bipinjoshi | with no comments

Ok. So finally Microsoft released mush awaited and delayed Windows Vista. One of my friend called me to check if I can help him out with installing Vista on his machine. I wholeheartedly accepted his offer because my own machine is not at all Vista compatible and rather than messing up with your own machine first it is always good to mess with someone else's :-)

Read the complete post at

Technorati :

Asynchronous Web Services in ASP.NET 2.0
13 October 06 01:26 AM | bipinjoshi | with no comments

Here is anew addition to 

Asynchronous Web Services in ASP.NET 2.0 =================================

By default when you call a web method from the client application it is a synchronous call. that means unless the web method returns the further code will not be executed. However, this approach may not be suitable in each and every scenario and you may need an asynchronous way to execute the web methods. This article is going to explain how to do just that.

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Develop your own Blog
06 October 06 01:26 AM | bipinjoshi | with no comments

Few months back I wrote a three part article on building your own blog. The complete source code of the sample application is available on


Develop your own Blog

Blogging has become a very popular trend on the web. Many people are using blogs to express their own thoughts, work and personality. There are many web sites that offer you to start your own blog with them. Don't you think that your blog should reflect your own identity and personal flavor? If you are a developer, always desperate to make your hands dirty with code the chances are that you will develop your own blogging application instead of using some readymade one. If you share the same feeling then read on. This article is going to explain how to build your own blog using ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL Server.

Download available at :



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