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Bryant Likes's Blog

It's all about WebData

August 2006 - Posts

Reading Petzold's Applications = Code + Markup
After Tim Sneath posted that Petzold's WPF book was available I ordered it on Amazon and I received my copy yesterday. I'm only on chapter 2 of 31 and so far I like Petzold's approach of code first and markup later. At first I was skeptical thinking that Read More...
Install Database Pro CTP5 w/o SQL Express
As I mentioned in a prior post , VS Database Professional CTP5 requires you to install SQL Server Express as part of the setup. On my current project I just started to do some database work so I really wanted the CTP installed, but I didn't want to Read More...
Snooping WPF
Yesterday I was working on migrating the Coding4Fun FreeCell application to the July CTP as a simple task to better understand WPF styles and templates. As I was migrating the code I kept getting binding errors and, due to my ASP.Net background , I kept Read More...
Is That a Runtime in Your Browser?
In my life as a developer I have somehow never been on a project where I was creating a windows forms application (or a VB6 UI for that matter) AFAIR. Somehow I was always doing either ASP, ASP.NET, or some backend application with no real UI. My current Read More...
Extending Community Server
I have to commend Telligent for how easy they made it to extend Community Server . I recently setup a new blog to use for posting videos of my son so that my brother-in-law who lives out of state can see him grow up (he asked me to). However, I wanted Read More...
VS Database Professional CTP5
The CTP5 is now available . I'm installing it right now and I already have a complaint. <rant> Why do you force me to install SQL Express when I already have SQL Developer installed!?!?! </rant> I don't want to install SQL Express, Read More...
WM5 Beta Exam Promo Code
Via Jason Langridge : We've just released preliminary details of the Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 - Application Development certified professional exam. This exam is currently in development. It is expected to be released in its beta version in August Read More...
Clipboard Paste Live Writer Plugin
If you copy source as html (or have any html in the clipboard), hitting paste in Windows Live Writer pastes the text without the markup. So since there is an SDK and some great samples , I went ahead and wrote a simple plugin to paste the clipboard contents Read More...
Technorati Tags in Live Writer
Via Greg : Feeds.com - Write a Windows Live Writer plugin using C# However I didn't want to sleep without writing a plugin and tried to write a more useful plugin to add Technorati tags to blog posts. Here I write about the process I followed to let Read More...
Testing Copy Source as HTML
How well does this work with Live Writer? (got the CopySource settings from here ) public partial class Window1 : Window { public Window1() { InitializeComponent(); TopPanel.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler (TopPanel_MouseLeftButtonDown); Read More...
CS Paperclip Theme Modifications
I decided that I would like to change the top graphic on the paperclip theme which I'm using as a skin on my blog . However, there doesn't seem to be a source file for the graphic and the only reference to this that I found was on Dennis's blog here . Read More...
Live Writer Ping Servers
Via Greg : OK, AQ - Ping Weblog Servers "...Here is a list of ping servers to cut and paste into the form located in Tools > Preferences > Ping Servers :" For a nice list of ping servers, check out the above post. I've added those servers to my Read More...
July CTP Conundrum Solved!
If you're following along the NetFX 3.0 CTP trail, the July CTP leaves you without VS 2005 support. Although you can develop WPF apps in Expression Interactive Designer (EID) , the experience isn't quite like the VS experience. However, you can use the Read More...
Tech-Ed 2006 Content Online
Just got this in an email: Dear Bryant Likes, Tech·Ed2006 Content is now available online at http://www.msteched.com/ click 'Online Recordings'. Your Tech·Ed 2006 DVD set is scheduled to ship 8/18 and you should receive within 1-3 weeks (depending on Read More...
I'm starting a new project where we will be using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) . I've done very little work with WinForms in the past, but from what I understand the Composite UI Application Block (CAB) is the way to go for WinForms development. Read More...
Bryant Likes's Blog v2.1
Just upgraded the sqlxml.org blogs to community server 2.1 . One of the features that I was interested in was the Feedburner support. I was thinking of using feedburner a long time ago, but I really didn't feel like figuring out all the issues around Read More...
A Puzzle
From Joe Beda : Check this out. Get to 30. Your day is now shot :) I'm stuck on 13 right now (and there is a hint in the comments but I haven't looked at it yet). Pretty fun exercise. :) Read More...
WCF: Unable to open IChannelListener
On one of my current projects we are trying to use WCF with BizTalk 2006. In order to do this I was trying to implement the WCF adapter for BizTalk Server 2006 community project. The project comes with a nice sample application that demonstrates how everything Read More...