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     Interested in exploring, joining or returning to the Catholic Church?
  Are you interested in exploring, joining or returning to the Catholic Church? Welcome! There are many resources available to assist you in this process:

We offer the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). RCIA is a process that introduces the Catholic Faith to seekers who are interested in exploring Catholicism. We also prepare adults who have decided to join the Catholic Church by way of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Inquire about RCIA through the local parish of your choice. Click here to find a parish.

In addition to RCIA, programs for returning and inactive Catholics, such as "Landings" or "Catholics Returning Home", are available. Inquire about these programs through the local parish of your choice. Click here to find a parish. You may also find helpful information on the "Once Catholic" website which you can visit at

Questions? Contact our Prayer and Worship department via e-mail at, by phone at 414-769-3348 from Milwaukee, or toll free at (800) 769-9373 ext. 348, within the ten counties of the archdiocese.

May God bless you on your journey!

 Article created: 8/2/2005