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August 2005 - Posts

Today is our 7 year wedding anniversary (and also, funnily enough, 10 years to the day since we met). Faye bought me quite possibly the best gift i've ever received. What did I buy? I went for the sentimental angle and named two adjacent Read More
Just got a Technet e-mail about a series of security and systems management events coming up for UK readers. They all look like excellent sessions and I would recommend the MMS one to anyone who uses the Windows Server System platform in any part of Read More
Julian sent me a link for a very cool WWW app that that lets you build your own radio station and, using the data from the music genome project, suggests other stuff you might like. It's invite only, so let me know via comments if you want to have Read More
I've had some kind of gastric flu for the last few days hence the lack of blog posts (what's the correct adjective here? Blogs? Posts?). Most of the sicky stuff is gone now but my head still feels like its been run over by a train and no amount (or variety) Read More
Sean Alexander has made a download with 32 new search providers for IE7 along with instructions on how you can create your own. You get the following providers: -Amazon.com-AOL-AskJeeves-C|Net (Product search)-C|Net News.com-Costco-eBay-Encarta-Fandango-FedEx-Flickr Read More
Last week, I blogged that I was having to write my posts in FireFox as IE7 broke the toolbar and it looks like Keni is having the same problem. Eileen to the rescue! She pointed out that CS v1.1 thinks that IE7 is a downlevel client and so strips the Read More
Scripting is one of those things that many IT pros think they should be able to do but actually don't. Eileen blogged about an article on Technet called Sesame Script which goes through some scripting basics for absolute beginners and is actually Read More
Neil blogged last week about trying to recover an orphaned Outlook 2003 OST file. After a little research, this is actually quite a common issue, with the only solution seeming to be a tool that costs $600. Neil and I are both wondering why there Read More
First up from the Work Essentials site, the Redaction Add-In for Word Eileen does a much better job of summarizing it than me (plus it's late and i'm still working) and for those of you now blankly staring at the screen, she has a link to the definition Read More
I'm not sure if this is new, but there is a Work Essential section on the Office website. This site allows you to find office tasks relevant to your occupation as well as including stuff like work/life balance, e-mail cleanup and time management. Read More
I havent blogged for a while but I do have a couple of excuses 1) I'm knee deep in SMS for some sessions that i'm working on. 2) I'm having to write this blog post using FireFox as IE7 Beta broke community server OK, #2 is a lame excuse but #1 Read More