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20061018 Wednesday October 18, 2006

Whitesnake, Iced Earth, Rod Stewart… plus all the latest news in brief

David Coverdale says that as well as a new Whitesnake studio release, plans are being made for a 20th anniversary reissue edition of the multi-platinum 1987 album. Additionally, three more classic Whitesnake albums - Live In The Heart Of The City, Come An' Get It and Saints An' Sinners - are due to be reissued later this year.

Environmentally conscious frontman Thom Yorke tells The Guardian that unless steps are taken to reduce carbon emissions, Radiohead may cease touring. “It’s a necessary part of what I do, but the consequences are unacceptable,” he says. “In the US, 80,000 people have all sat in traffic jams for five or six hours with their engines running to get there, which is bollocks.”

Patti Smith has made rock ‘n’ roll history by being the final artist to play at CBGB, the New York club which opened in 1973. “CBGB is a state of mind, it doesn’t matter whether it’s here, or wherever,” Smith told reporters of the venue’s relocation – possibly to Las Vegas. Blondie’s Debbie Harry also performed a set 24 hours earlier, rhetorically asking the crowd: “What are we going to do now?”

Veteran US power metal band Iced Earth have replaced Ernie Carletti, who faces a possible charge of rape, with Britain guitarist Tim Mills. Former drummer Brent Smedley has also returned to the group, who are working a new, conceptually-based album, due to be released next year.

Sir Paul McCartney has apparently begun setting wheels in motion to trademark his name. This is said to be for the benefit of various merchandising opportunities, including lines of clothing, headwear and footgear.
The first three Phenomena albums are jointly re-released in expanded digipack form by Escape Music on December 7 as The Complete Works. Originally issued between 1985 and 1992, they include contributions from Glenn Hughes (pictured right), Brian May, Ray Gillen, Scott Gorham, John Wetton, Cozy Powell and Don Airey among others.

Rod Stewart has told American magazine Blender that although the band’s catalogue is limited, he would consider reuniting The Faces “for the right reasons – maybe a big one-off charity event. [But] we haven’t got enough material. We used to play live for 45 minutes; people want two hours now.”

Glyder return to the studio with Thin Lizzy producer Chris Tsangarides to record their second album in January. The Irish rockers seek UK-based management, and can be reached at:

The new-look TNT line-up, with ex-Shy singer Tony Mills replacing Tony Harnell, is in pre-production for a new album. It will be recorded with Norwegian producer HP Gundersen.

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