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Batman & Robin (1997)

Batman & Robin Directed by
Joel Schumacher

Writing credits (WGA)
Bob Kane (Batman characters)
Akiva Goldsman (written by)

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Genre: Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Thriller (more)

Tagline: Strength. Courage. Honor. And loyalty. On June 20, it ALL comes together...

Plot Outline: Batman & Robin try to keep their relationship together even as they must stop Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy from freezing Gotham City. (more) (view trailer)

User Comments: I ask you God, what have we done to deserve this? (more)

User Rating: ***_______ 3.5/10 (38,778 votes) Vote Here

Cast overview, first billed only:

Arnold Schwarzenegger .... Mr. Freeze/Dr. Victor Fries

George Clooney .... Batman/Bruce Wayne

Chris O'Donnell .... Robin/Dick Grayson

Uma Thurman .... Poison Ivy/Dr. Pamela Isley

Alicia Silverstone .... Batgirl/Barbara Wilson
Michael Gough .... Alfred Pennyworth
Pat Hingle .... Commissioner Gordon
John Glover .... Doctor Jason Woodrue

Elle Macpherson .... Julie Madison

Vivica A. Fox .... Ms. B. Haven
Vendela Kirsebom Thomessen .... Nora Fries (as Vendela K. Thommessen)
Elizabeth Sanders .... Gossip Gerty
Jeep Swenson .... Bane
John Fink .... Aztec Museum Guard

Michael Reid MacKay .... Antonio Diego

Also Known As:
Batman 4 (USA) (working title)
Batman and Robin (USA) (alternative spelling)
MPAA: Rated PG-13 for strong stylized action and some innuendos.
Runtime: 125 min
Country: USA / UK
Language: English
Color: Color (Technicolor)
Sound Mix: DTS / Dolby Digital / SDDS
Certification: Ireland:12 / Brazil:12 / Canada:PG (Alberta/Manitoba/Nova Scotia/Ontario) / Canada:G (Quebec) / Australia:PG / Finland:K-12/9 / France:U / Germany:12 / Italy:T / Netherlands:12 / Norway:11 / Portugal:M/12 / Singapore:PG / Spain:7 / Sweden:11 / UK:PG / USA:PG-13 (certificate #35367) / Iceland:12 (video rating) / Iceland:10 (original rating)

Trivia: The sign on a club reads "The Head Room" just before the scene in which Alfred's computer likeness talks to Barbara in a manner resembling Max Headroom. (more)

Goofs: Revealing mistakes: When Mr. Freeze ices a police car, you later see the car door open, and the icicles on the door sway back and forth as if made of rubber. (more)

Mr. Freeze: I need to get more diamonds, from my hideout.
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy: I can help you grab your rocks.

Awards: 5 wins & 18 nominations (more)
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User Comments:

74 out of 114 people found the following comment useful:-
I ask you God, what have we done to deserve this?, 8 December 2003
Author: eamon-hennedy ( from Co Down, Northern Ireland

This is hands down the worst film ever made in the history of the existence of the universe. There have been some bad films made but this is a travesty. It is hard to believe that money was spent to make this. It could have been used on something else (charity I suppose). I was 12 when I went to see this and it broke my heart. Batman was my favorite comic book and character when I was a kid and this film broke my spirit. The excellence of the Tim Burton/Michael Keaton films are long gone. The dark emotional center and development of the hero and the villains is sidelined for action sequences, action sequences and some more action sequences, some of them incorporating the worst CGI and model work ever seen on film.

The casting itself had to the potential to make a good film. George Clooney could have made a great Batman (square jawed, popular with the ladies), the only thing going against him being that can be too laid back (maybe with a better script he could do the darker material). Uma Thurman is perfect for Poison Ivy. She is a good looking yet quirky actress, but you wouldn't know it by the emphasis on camp context and innuendo in this film. Arnie is maybe a little miscast as Mr Freeze, but he does well getting a chance to use some 'great' puns, but someone who can come across as more evil would have been better. Then there is Chris O'Donnell and Alicia Silverstone as Robin and Batgirl. Let's just say more charisma can come from a line of fridge freezers with nothing in them. The only decent performance comes from Michael Gough as Alfred, only one of two actors to have appeared in all four films. His performance is wonderful in this otherwise mess of a film.

The blame for this disaster can be laid at the hands of Joel Schumacher. His direction misplaced and his intentions misguided. He may have redeemed himself with Phone Booth, but he will always be the man who destroyed Batman in my eyes.

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song ??KillerDarkfox_666
Dont take it sooooo seriouslythyroidburst
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