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October 2006 - Posts

Manning the door for the trick or treaters tonight wearing glow stick earrings (of the screw post variety that are starting to hurt my ears btw) and Glow in the dark necklace and bracelet and entertaining myself between waves of trick or treaters with Read More...
Eric Ligman has a question about Office Live: http://www.mssmallbiz.com/Lists/Office%20Live/overview.aspx "How do you view and use Office Live with SBS for your customers? (i.e. "I think it's great and here's why," or "I think Read More...
For those of you who know me.. know that I have annual passes to Disneyland even though I live about 4 hours to the north of the place. So recently we went to Disneyland during the Halloween season and well.... Our pumpkin carving just kinda had a life Read More...
http://blogs.technet.com/sysinternals/archive/2006/10/30/sysinternals-site-migration.aspx Want to keep an eye on the Sysinternals stuff? Watch that blog.... they even have a logo now....... Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it Read More...
I'm not proud. And I'll be the first to admit I didn't have the right 'tude' for dealing with a support incident the other night. I didn't have the right 'tude' the other night. I called into my ISP support line and didn't Read More...
Free Download: Office Accounting 2007 Express Upgrade to the Newest Small Business Application Free accounting application perfect for new small businesses upgrading from pen and paper solutions or Excel. Great opportunity for partners to upgrade clients Read More...
...so I'm watching the Legend of Sleepy Hollow..which reminds me in some bizarre way that the sale on RWW-Guard expires at the stroke of midnight on Halloween.... RWW-Guard will go from $100/unit (when buying the RWW Admin pack) to the $250 MSRP on Read More...
When someone can't get to the right level of support... you get this post and this wiki entry https://lateralis.imr-net.com/wiki/jms/Microsoft/ExchangeSucks2006 I think debugging and trying to figure out what a piece of software is doing is one of Read More...
Dear Exchange team: In your KB http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;924334 you state the following: Restart requirement loadTOCNode(3, 'resolution'); You do not have to restart the computer after you apply this hotfix. Uhhh.....wanna Read More...
With a shout out to Mike in the blog comments... he said "I was troubleshooting an installation of QB07 on a 2003 Terminal Server. I had all the security modifications that I have used for the previous versions and it still wouldn't work. What Read More...
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6393658 Starting next year daylight savings time change will move... and for those with Windows 2000 machines, that time change to standard/daylight won't be automatic. Why? Because Window 2000 Read More...
...so I was doing some testing on this workstation at home and couldn't figure out why it wasn't LUA freaking out like I expected it to.... well I think I found the answer... http://www.threatcode.com/hp_oem.htm That's an image of the permissions Read More...
Just a heads up that non admin for Quickbooks 2007 is do-able and I'll be doing screen shots regarding it and blogging it. Alison from Intuit put me in touch with a person in the know that knew. So bottom line.. Quickbooks is LUA-able. Share this Read More...
I find it slightly funny that the second search result for "Microsoft" from the MS. Dewey search engine is how to disable the pilot version of WGA.... See what I mean? Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
Question Several days ago when i install ISA 2004 in SBS 2003 R2 i get the following error in the ISAWRAP_*.log file... and installation setup stops"Installer activated, command-line='/v"/qn FULLPATHANSWERFILE=\"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Read More...
WGA is now becoming WGA and OGA and VGA ...that's Windows Genuine Advantage, Office Genuine and Vista Genuine... The server newsletter has more details http://www.wservernews.com/1HGQOK/061030-MS-Office-Validation The gang is wondering when MGA and Read More...
We're hearing some folks are just now getting their action pack shipment which has a DVD of SBS 2003 r2... I haven't gotten mine yet, but AU folks have indicated it's there for some of them, and we have some reports that it's been delivered Read More...
The SBS Doc blog asks about that "getting started" chart that was in the SBS 2003 documentation... except there's one problem.. you see it's not in every media bundle that's sold. When I got my SA media of SBS 2003 I went looking Read More...
Okay so for the past couple of weeks we've had this little bugs that we've been chasing around the kitchen.... and tonight we found the infestation. And it showcases how just like in technology if we'd keep up to date, not keep old stuff around Read More...
Yoda ...the blog server is a dual hardware raid 35 gig box that every now and then I have to ensure we aren't backing up too much or too little. Right now it's running on SQL 2000 but I really need to up' it to SQL 2005 ...which I have a license Read More...
I told the news to my Sister that next year's TechEd had moved to Orlando and she was like already checking out the round trip packages.... you see TechEd wasn't what she heard...but rather W-A-L-T D-I-S-N-E-Y W-O-R-L-D was the key operative that Read More...
Seeing Buffer Overrun and IIS needing reset in CRM? Get these two hotfixes (for free) KB 915343 ( http://support.microsoft.com/kb/915343 ): Error message when you use Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0: "Buffer overrun detected!" From the KB for 915343 Read More...
Available Today Updated documents are available at the following location: http://accountant.intuit.com/products_services/QB07docland.aspx Two of these documents are now updated : QuickBooks 2007 Network Installation Guide [ updated v. 1.1 ] provides Read More...
When Windows Live started the ability to have a tag line that doesn't interfere with IM conversations all bets were off... and the tag lines frenzy started... mine right now on this computer is about how I'm not used to Grey's anatomy on Thursday Read More...
You can always count on the annual report from the Disney Corporation as having a "ebay" factor. You know... the glossy annual report that at some point in the future will have a resale value on ebay for collectors? Today the Microsoft annual Read More...
http://www.microsoftmonitor.com/archives/2006/10/insecure_me.html Joe wants Apple to be more secure. I just want it to allow me to stick movies or song on it from two different worksations. I have a laptop. When my sister and I are on the road, it's Read More...
Thanks to Mike we have another hack info to add to our information on how to get Quickbooks 2007 to consistently run as non admin: What I discovered is that normal users don't have but need rights to: Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Common Read More...
When I beta tested Quickbooks .... I did Vista on a standalone install...and then did a network install of Quickbooks 2007 on my SBS server to test out the new network install.. and then installed it on XP. It didn't dawn on me until today that I Read More...
The SBS and Centro Community Lead Blog : So, what is "Centro" you ask...........?: http://blogs.technet.com/kevin_beares/archive/2006/10/24/so-what-is-centro-you-ask.aspx From now on Tuesday is officially Centro day of the week.... so want to Read More...
Try shrinking the data file like this: Back it up first, then create a Portable Company File on the original file, then restore the Portable Company file) is the preferred fix to reduce file size and enhance performance. Try that... see if that helps. Read More...
http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/software/default.mspx Apparently Windows defender RTM'd and you have to go through not one..but two Windows Genuine validations.... once to download and once to install. Come on... once is enough.... Read More...
Internet Information Services stops responding on a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 server: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921065 On a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 server, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is unexpectedly reset. Next, IIS stops Read More...
(Susan Edit-Comment - I have IE 7 and every version of Quickbooks known to mankind and even the older Quickbooks are running fine... the key is that I don't need to do online banking or online payroll... it's the 'online' stuff that requires Read More...
If you are running OWA and you just installed IE7, you may need to ensure that you have this hotfix installed on your server http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=5bc06e8a-08eb-4976-bc68-a03ebe3a2552&displaylang=en In the upcoming Read More...
Okay so when we use IE7 on our self signed certs it gives a warning as it should... and I'm going to (sorry) bring up to the front of the blog again, a comment that was said that why coudn't they come up with a patch for "this" red warning Read More...
Maybe I'm weird... but once I've installed the self signed certificate on my machine, I don't get the red warning that is talked about ... just follow Sandi's info on how to install the root certificate on your remote machine and that Read More...
So did a bit of Disneyland in the morning..then Nathan is doing a legoland Discovery Center event and then back to Disneyland to top off the evening... and I found it funny in the PC lab they had at the Discovery center that they too had an acceptable Read More...
From the mailbox today a question about RDP and non admin... I can RDP from an external network to the SBS2003 SP1 server without a problem. From the server I will go to the computer (Server Manager) or the run command line to connect to any XP computer Read More...
Dear ProSystem fx Customer: CCH believes in providing state-of-the-art products, with features that keep you current with the industry's evolving technologies. In support of this philosophy and in alignment with Microsoft's own product support Read More...
(stealing the instructions from Karen Christain of North County Technology Group) When you launch IE7.. you'll get a red colored warning screen about the Self signed cert not being trusted.... to fix this issue follow Karen's instructions... Click Read More...
IE7 released on the download site...but the WSUS has it autflagged as expired as they won't be picking that up until November 1st.... http://blogs.technet.com/wsus/archive/2006/10/19/ie7-coming-soon-to-wsus-servers.aspx More details there. So if you Read More...
Want to keep up with the happenings with the Fresno SBS Partner group? Check out http://smbtnfresno.com/default.aspx to keep track! (yes done on Office Live domains) Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
This sounds really cool except for one thing.... it's using the "B" word again.... no not the "beta" word..... the BRANCH OFFICE word...that B word... and I always cringe when I see it because I wonder if it's "my" Read More...
http://secunia.com/advisories/22477/ http://secunia.com/advisories/22477/http://secunia.com/Internet_Explorer_Arbitrary_Content_Disclosure_Vulnerability_Test/ In my rose colored glass world where daisies are everywhere and you can eat chocolate all day Read More...
Well I downloaded the Small Business Symposium powerpoints and came across this nugget of wisdom..... “If you’re not part of the Small Business Specialist Community, you’re learning everything the hard way, and the expensive way" Read More...
(My opinion --- I don't think more CPA firms do have this in place) As reported in the October 2, 2006, Tax Section E-Alert , the AICPA has secured legislative relief for CPAs from the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act privacy disclosure requirement. However, Read More...
Wonder if it has anything to do with IE 7 releasing? Good Morning , We're writing to inform you that QuickBooks Online Edition has just upgraded the ActiveX control that improves our product's performance while using Internet Explorer. You will Read More...
IE7 has been released http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/default.mspx Per PaBear.. it's baked.... but that doesn't mean you have to run out NOW and install it ...okay? Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
For some reason... some folks have said they have received it (it meaning the Action pack)...but I don't think they are North American MAPS subscribers? Because I've seen folks say they got the action pack, but I haven't and here is the email Read More...
Seeing more spam? Yup we all are..... and besides sending more samples to folks like TrendMicro as shown below, the other way is to filter in front of your box... http://www.exchangedefender.com of course is one way but http://www.postini.com is another. Read More...
http://blogs.technet.com/security/archive/2006/10/17/2006-january-through-september-vulnerability-trends.aspx My take? Don't just look at the OS folks for your patch and security issues.... Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live Read More...
Administrator access means you are "God" ...well almost god .. more on that in an upcoming blog post.... and an email from Dana (Scorpion Software) reminded me of the level of risk we give to someone else when we give them administrator passwords. Read More...
It's getting more and more annoying that when you call up companies.... or even go through a drive through that the greeting you get isn't "XYZ Company, may I help you" or even identfying the Company name... rather you just get a "Hi". Read More...
The upcoming deployment of IE 7 via auto updates and WSUS is coming soon but if you have SBS 2003 R2 or WSUS or even plain old auto updates turned on, you would have to be really out of it to accidentallly get IE 7 on your machine without you approving Read More...
Click on www.microsoft.com/partner and click on Security and Support. And drill down to find the "Managed online newsgroups" and every month there's a Newsgroup News alert in there that you should look for... because the top issues are called Read More...
From the Quickbooks newsletter two big news events: Internet Explorer 7 Next on the Horizon in 2006 * What It Means for You and Your Clients * We expect that Microsoft will begin distributing Internet Explorer 7 in the next month or two, and you need Read More...
In my profession's ethics guidelines, we have to disclose to our clients when we use an external service bureau for a key element of our services. You can read more about it here: http://www.outsourcing.com/content.asp?page=01b/other/oe/q105/aicpa.html&nonav=false Read More...
Another driver to check and see if we need to patch it.....I have an Acer Tablet with a Bluetooth... and I'll bet I need to. Multiple Vendor Bluetooth Memory Stack Corruption Vulnerability ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Read More...
Jamshed's blog : Problems while installing an update for the .NET Framework 2.0: http://blogs.msdn.com/jamshedd/archive/2006/10/13/Oroblems-while-installing-an-update-for-the-.NET-Framework-2-0.aspx Jamshed blogs about some fixes and workarounds to Read More...
Want software to run your consulting business on? Then going to a conference and getting this is not the way, I agree, but signing up for the Microsoft Partner program and getting the action pack subscription is....but you know another way to get this Read More...
We need a "B". Yesterday when I blogged about how SCE was too limited with 15 server maximum.... as you know the intent for SCE once you outgrow the 15 server set is to have a master MOM server controlling your fleet. But there's still a Read More...
Casey blogs about the differences between SCE and SMS/MOM on the blog ... he says.... SCE is meant for medium sized businesses, the “core mid market”. and he says SCE will only support up to 15 servers, and up to 500 desktops ...okay ....so Read More...
So you have SBS 2003 RTM disks..... and you have SP1 disks....but you don't have any slipstream media...and you need to repair Sharepoint..... soooooooo want to know how to do it? From a post in the Partner Managed newsgroup: We cannot get your sharepoint Read More...
Florida IT Pro Community Group Outreach Events by SBSmigration.com Swing Migration and Disaster Recovery with SBS Domains https://www.clicktoattend.com/invitation.aspx?code=112293 Overview In this series of four events offered next week in locations across Read More...
To Trix who indicates that 24 hours after a automatic reboot that Exchange/Outlook isn't working: Go into services, check and make sure all your Exchange services started back up again. When Outlook doesn't work and the server rebooted.. I'm Read More...
The sign that the server rebooted... Alert on DOMAIN at 10/11/2006 10:52:49 PM The server restarted. If this event was not planned, check the Server Performance Report and Event Logs for information that can help explain the event. You can disable this Read More...
Susan Bradley has invited you to view a Microsoft Office Live Meeting recording. View Recording Recording Details Subject: The risk of patching, the risks of NOT patching Recording URL: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/winserver_usergroup/view Recording Read More...
So the question came in about how to patch non-Microsoft stuff and the best way of course is to use a patch tool other than a Microsoft one at this time. While there are "big serverland" tools like SMS and what not, down here the cheapest way Read More...
http://www.microsoft.com/technet/updatemanagement/windowsupdate/ie7announcement.mspx Options for Blocking Automatic Delivery -- besides the autoblocker.... if you use WSUS or SBS 2003 R2 you already have the tools you need to control the deployment of Read More...
Remember that you will need to approve a EULA before it deploys...so it won't automagically just shove down on your desktops... Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (English) is targeted for release on Wednesday, October 18, at 9 p.m., but as always, product Read More...
Keeping track of what isn't patched and resolved: (and these days I'm keeping as much of an eye on that as the patched stuff Microsoft Security Advisory (925143): Adobe Security Bulletin: APSB06-11 Flash Player Update to Address Security Vulnerabilities: Read More...
And I'm working on some slides in advance for Portland's Technology Wizards presentation on Patch Management that I'll be doing for them remotely via Office Live Meeting. I need to add some screen shots tomorrow of the various patching tools, Read More...
If anyone truly needs the information in this document for an installed network that they are working on? Download details: SBS 4.5 Fax Client patch install instructions: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=297f5606-2941-405b-80c5-ca7add67ab4e&displaylang=en Read More...
How to selectively prevent users from sending or receiving Internet e-mail in Exchange Server 2003 or in Exchange 2000 Server: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=924635 You receive a warning message in the Application log when you have File Server Resource Read More...
Articles and vendors have been going around about how Vista will lock other vendors out of the 64bit kernel in order to keep the operating system safer. Some vendors argue that it's another monopolistic move on Microsoft's part. Dr J weighed in Read More...
If you have been following the IE blog and Sandi's blog you would know that IE7 is going to be shipping this month. So how do you get ready for it? First off understand that while it will be available on automatic updates, everyone will still have Read More...
SBS 2003 R2 Internal-Use Software in October Action Pack Look in your October Microsoft Action Pack for your internal-use software. Also, find out how you can get a free for-resale copy of Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2 (SBS 2003 R2)--a US$599 Read More...
I don't allow everyone in my office to have external IM in the office. I happened to catch Exchange 2000/SBS 2000 on software assurance and caught Live Communication for internal only instant messenging. If you do allow your firm to have external Read More...
This workstation is one of my few that support 64 bit... and so I was trying to partition it off into another harddrive so I could get ready to load up Longhorn beta on it, but no matter what I did it would not repartition. So I'm using Acronis Disk Read More...
Between HP and the recent issues of the Board of Directors, to threads on PenTesting forums , there's been a lot of talk about ethics lately. And lately there's been a question of ethics of software . I'm tired. I'm tired of free software. Read More...
From Bob Scott's Consulting Insights... SPREADSHEETS RULE. Despite the fact that there are all sorts of tools out there for analyzing data, the overwhelming majority of businesses still run the numbers through spreadsheets. That was the conclusion Read More...
So the other night I installed SQL 2005 workgroup on my R2 box and I had copied the cdroms up to the server and installed from there. When I did that, at the end of 'cdrom 1' I got this error. But see it wasn't really an error, it was expecting Read More...
When you install R2, make sure you read the install instructions -- http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=29CB973D-41D8-4A5E-9312-90982A0FC164&displaylang=en After you install ISA 2004 you'll need to install ISA 2004 sp2 for Read More...
This update corrects an issue that results in an error message when you use the Microsoft Connector for POP3 Mailboxes Snap-in with Microsoft Management Console (MMC) version 3.0. http://www.support.microsoft.com/?id=921096 If you have SBS and WSUS installed, Read More...
Today I had to go fix a scanner copier... all I did was to basically 'reboot' it... but it was funny how when asked to fix it .. I was asked to "speak geek" to the machine. Sometimes the help menus you get on computers and machines aren't Read More...
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/919009/en-us Hey that Fax KB is finally public now! This confirms that there is a patch out there and all you have to do is call for it. And remember these calls are always a free call for these hotfixes. P.S. In addition Read More...
Well that's a polite service pack now isn't it? SQL 2005 sp1 just warning me that it has files in use and needs me to shut down services if I want it to not make me reboot. Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
Dear Mr. Judge... or to be politically correct... Dear Ms. Judge if the Judge turns out to be a woman: Right now I don't know who you are, if you will be an US Judge or an European one, but whomever you are, I want you to think of the decision and Read More...
Windows Genuine Advantage: http://support.microsoft.com/gp/win_genuineadvantage This specially designed support center is primarily for IT professionals and users who are more inclined to work through technical documentation. Check out the newly opened Read More...
Very nice! http://www.justgiving.com/susanne Way to go! Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
Congratulations to Oliver Sommer who won the German MS Partner award - Best Small Business Solution 2006 with his "Wake on LAN for Remote Web Workplace" (WOL4RWW) Add on to SBS 2003! Nick talks about it he re.... and Oliver's site is here! Read More...
Petergal's SBS Blog : Installing and Configuring the Windows Mobile Stand Alone Emulator w/MSFP Images: http://blogs.technet.com/petergal/archive/2006/10/02/Installing-and-Configuring-the-Windows-Mobile-Stand-Alone-Emulator-w_2F00_MSFP-Images.aspx Read More...
http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/?p=26 Mary Jo Foley reports that the next version of Vista will have Volume licensing activation. Good. 'bout time. Because those of us in the SBS world have been activating using our media for a while now. And just Read More...
So you are a Bob the System Builder kind of person right? And you want to ensure that the machines you build have all the security patches, but you can't do that without Activating the machine and doing the WGA thing right? Guess again... there's Read More...
I just realized that the SQL 2005 workgroup that I have on my server is now behind a service pack and I need to upgrade it to SP1...but... I think I'll visit a locksmith first and get an additional office key made.. don't ya think? http://www.microsoft.com/sql/sp1.mspx Read More...
Download details: Installing Microsoft CRM 3.0 on Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=46D1887A-DDCD-4ACB-829F-688618D91F1B&displaylang=en There is a known issue that involves Microsoft Read More...
IT E-Alert: Congress Passes CPA Exemption from Privacy Disclosure Provisions Over the weekend, Congress passed an exemption for CPAs from the privacy disclosure provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB), apparently recognizing that our Code of Professional Read More...
You are unable to send or receive SMTP messages from certain Internet domains in Exchange 2000 Server, in Exchange Server 2003, and in Small Business Server 2003: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/300171/en-us When you run the Windows Small Business Server Read More...
http://www.vladville.com/2006/09/oofgm.html Now if only Fry's had a wedding registry.... but congrats to Vlad for finding a jewel in the form of Katie who will put up with ... well... um... with Vlad. Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg Read More...
Watching Cspan this morning and they had the hearings about the Pretexting and HP. Dunn's prepared testimony http://energycommerce.house.gov/108/Hearings/09282006hearing2042/Dunn.pdf My sister and I are going to be doing some work on the house and Read More...