Bobo fan Tiffani Amber-Thiesson
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MENCKEN: ''Any questioning of the moral ideas that prevail -- the principal business, it must be plain, of the novelist, the serious dramatist, the professed inquirer into human motives and acts -- is received with the utmost hostility. To attempt such an enterprise is to disturb the peace -- and the disturber of the peace, in the national view, quickly passes over into the downright criminal.''

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About ''Which Circle?''

''Which Circle?'' is the creation of Jeff (Pacific Northwest) and Chris (Southeast). The comic has been published internationally in The Door Magazine begining in January 2001.

The comic's goal is to celebrate the truth, beauty, and glory that is Christian campus ministry. Perhaps the best window into the intent of the comic is the letter below from a current Campus Crusade staff member in response to Jeff's invitation to visit the ''Which Circle?'' web site.

Hey Jeff,

I checked out the website this e-mail refers to, and I must say that I can't believe that you would write such horrible things. It doesn't seem like something you would do, but I guess you were always a bitter guy... and I never knew Chris but obviously he has no integrity either.

Please never refer me to any of your websites again.


And Jeff's response:

Hi Tom.

Thanks for your honest and straightforward response.

You don't specify what I wrote that was so horrible so I can only assume that you are offended by our satirical criticism of Crusade. I had no idea you were on staff until I just now noticed your e-mail address.

Are you actually a staff person with full support in Campus Ministry? It's always the best to get hate mail from the most elite Crusade staff.

You should know, Crusade people have varied responses to our strip. Our biggest fan is a new Crusade staff person who subscribes to the magazine and now has it delivered to Headquarters in Orlando. He's even gone as far as making us T-shirts.

Others, like yourself, are horrified. I give you credit for being able to express your anger.

The comic strip was born because Chris and I had the idea of doing a comic and submitting it to The Door Magazine. Our experiences in Campus Crusade were ample fodder as that was something we had in common. You have to admit there is a great deal of things to poke fun at. In our day, there were guys who wore the ''I'm not doing it'' T-shirts even though they were doing it. You don't think that's funny?

I both laugh and cry when I think about my missed opportunities to get laid!

The comic is a great avenue for portraying the irrelevance and hypocrisy prevalent in the Christian world. And there is no group that combines both as effectively as Campus Crusade for Christ.

You say I was bitter. Well, how do you think people feel when they are filtered out? As a student, I was pretty golden. I was a veteran of a stateside and international project. I was on leadership. I bought into the idea that you should not date until your relationship with God was all together (even though there's no definition for that). But, because I wouldn't jump through certain hoops, I was filtered out. And we know that ostracizing people is the best way to care and nurture fellow believers.

So, now that you are on staff, it must be great to ''disciple'' young men. Are you helping them to conquer their lust? Hopefully you have given up watching Tiffani Amber-Thiesson on ''Saved by the Bell'' reruns.

Yes, I was bitter. But I have always had a sense of humor. Come on, man. You act is I've denounced your Lord. That makes me question your priorities.

As far as integrity goes, you shouldn't play that card. Don't forget, I lived with you.

Take my advice.

Live by faith.

Make sure to have your quiet time today.

Pray for me.

Oh, do you happen to have Curt Hayashida's e-mail address?

-- Jeff

Questions and comments (including information about the whereabouts of Mr. Hayashida) should be directed to the ''Which Circle?'' webmaster.

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