Bobo just wants to know the Lord
The characters in 'Which Circle?' are drawn solely from the imagination of the authors. Any resemblance between humans living or dead and those appearing in the comic is purely coincidental. Issues of bitterness or alienation that the authors may or may not have nothing to do with the formation of this textual performance.
Which Circle? gear
MERCHANDISE: Score exclusive Which Circle? gear. T shirts, mugs, thongs, boxers and more. Be the first on your campus to sport your love for Bobo and Doug.

Character Guide

The following is a comprehensive listing of every named character that has so far appeared in the 'Which Circle?' comics. Some have their own home pages with more biographic details.

(#) indicates the episode number of the character's appearance

© 2001 - 2004 · Contents may not be reproduced without written permission · Modified 02/02/05 
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