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June 2005 - Posts

Hold on ... SUS isn't dead yet, was If you aren't WSUSing maybe you'd better

From Bink today comes the word that SUS 1.0 is going to be turned off soon, so if you are running SUS ... this US Holiday weekend is probably a good time to start testing out WSUS. Step by step instructions on migrating from SUS to WSUS are here and given
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Error 0x80072EE2

I was checking the Microsoft update here at the office and when I went to MU I kept getting Error 0x80072EE2. Hmmmmm....so I googled and found: You receive an "Error 0x80072EE2" or an "Error 0x80072EFD" error message if you try to use the Microsoft Windows
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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News at 11

Crazed woman arrested in Fresno after she disrupted a United flight from Las Vegas to Fresno. Passengers say that the woman unbuckled her seat belt during take off and crawled over the seats and began strangling a passenger two rows behind her. When questioning
Posted by bradley | 5 Comments
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Red hats, purple shirts and a belonging

The first five I met in the plane over from Fresno, the next glob was in the line for a cab, the next view was in the window of a shop at the Bellagio hotel, and even now, sitting as I typically do, on the airport floor next to the power plug in, they
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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V6 Windows/Microsoft Update and SBS

Just a heads up to everyone.... the Windows Update/Microsoft Update that may be offering up to your servers right now that will have the v6 in it's address, it is offering up to you the Windows 2003 sp1...that is NOT SBS 2003 sp1 . It is merely the first
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Who am I?

In the Indentiy Management presentation by Roger Grimes at Tech 2005 and he's talking about Identification - who I am Authentication - prove it Authorization - can I access that object? Accountability - who did what? So many times in SBSland we don't
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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...so we're packing up....

Last day of the AICPA Tech Conf in Vegas... And of course, the LAST thing I'm putting in the suitcase is the DLink wireless access point. We're using the TV checkout system. Things we didn't do. Sleep Anne didn't audio blog I didn't go to the pool Anne
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Dual Skill sets

In the AICPA Tech 2005 presentation with Roger Grimes [fellow MVP] and he's talking about Open Source. And one of the points he makes is that Migration is hard. from any platform to another platform..AND he's making the point that in most firms you will
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Update rollup for Windows 2000 sp4 released today [SBS 2000]

* Security Advisory (891861) - Title: Release of Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) - Web site: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=49772 Support: ======== Technical support resources can be found at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=21131
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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I ranted ..oh yeah I gave a talk

Gave a presentation today with Clint Krintner from the Center for Internet Security on Security benchmarks and we drove it home that we ....the users...the buyers... the consumers have the power. We have the ability to ask...to make the vendors do a better
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Rats... batteries

Rats... the digital camera is dead and so is the cell phone and the power cords to charge them are all the way back in the hotel room all they way back on the other side of the Casino in the Spa Tower. Batteries.... if you don't have power.... you don't
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Technology is a force of change

Blogging to you live from Vegas from the AICPA Tech2005 Conference and it's the 25th anniversary. One person has been part of that history the entire time ...Rick Richardson. There will be some special events to celebrate this and Mark Minasi is sitting
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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The knock at the door

Update - read Dana's view of the knock on the door From the mailbag today comes the question...what do you do if you see traces of someone banging on your accounts? Now here comes the controversy...some say they like account lockout as it shows when you
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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So we're a bit high maintainance females

You would think Anne and I would fight over the TV station or where to eat or which sink which one of us is going to use in the hotel room..but no..we fight over the high speed access. Thus this time in my geek travels I brought with me a tiny [and I
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Conferences and face time

A great conference is great because of the face time... show me a conference ....and I'll show you a bond.. a level of communication that occurs. Show me a really really great conference and I'll show you one with people who have communicated for a while
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Alice and Bob brings us rule number 7 of the laws of Security

Law #7: Encrypted data is only as secure as the decryption key Suppose you installed the biggest, strongest, most secure lock in the world on your front door, but you put the key under the front door mat. It wouldn't really matter how strong the lock
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Things that are annoying about computers

Had to remove a computer drive to do a forensic analysis on it and it's always annoying how the teeny tiny screws that hold the hardrive drop inside the case. And then of course you have a heck of a time getting them back out. Even though Dell machines
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Packing list

Las Vegas packing Pocket CDrs that have CISecurity.org information burned in [the presentation topic is benchmarking...more on this later] Presentation on USB thumb drive/laptop and CDrs Laptop Remote presentation thingy [...ooh need to go find that]
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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To /3GB or not to /3GB that is the question

I don't. Some do. Most say they see no difference. SBS engineers have said don't do it. A KB says no....but there are enough vague ones out there that say ...yes do it... What am I talking about? The /3GB switch. I have 4 gigs of RAM and have never messed
Posted by bradley | 7 Comments
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Don't get blogs and RSS? You should!

I have an 'addictive' personality.... I'll admit it.....I'm addicted to Dew... I'm passionate about SBS... and blogging.. well.... I think it's obvious that I'm wacko about that too. At first when I started this blog I was like...what the heck am I going
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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I guess I'm a spammer again

Dear SBC Yahoo, I wish you would do someting about your mail servers... on a regular basis these days I'm told that my emails end up in junk mail folder.. and I jokingly say “it's because of pacbell.net as it got bought out by Yahoo. And tonight
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments

Piracy in Software

What do you get when you purchase software? Think about it... it's instructions, it's a cdrom..but what really 'is' it? Is it a manufactured item? Not exactly is it? It's someone's brain cells in a silver cdrom isn't it? Think about it. It's someone's
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Are you aware of these Security resources?

Are you aware of the following resouces from Microsoft Security? MSRC blog Microsoft Security Response Center Blog Security bulletins on IM Security advisories Security advisory sign up - [included in comprehensive edition which also includes advance
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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The mission... should you decide to accept it ... is to beat up your vendors

We have a mission for you. It's hard, it's not going to be easy...but you and I need to do it. We need to push our vendors to support LUA. Microsoft already gets it and has started a push...but we...the consumers...the buyers... we need to push our vendors.
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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How to fix an application that isn't working after 05-026

Microsoft Security bulletin 05-026 broke our “help” file that is inside the CCH Tax preparation program...you go to help...and there's nothing there....but there's an easy fix that is listed in this KB: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;896054
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments

Still having issues with backup and monitoring after SP1 and the KB doesn't work?

Lrob pings that he's still having issues with backup and monitoring..... However, that particular fix does not work for me. And I am about to take a gun to this unit. This did happen after a service pack update and also broke the MSDE icon that sits in
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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The "Wow" factor Stepto style

”Stepto” is a member of the Microsoft Security Response Center and in his personal blog talks about his use of technology. You remember ...our “WOW” factor? Read his post. Now think of all the technologies he talks about that we
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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Something to think about when you use your Windows 98 machine

When you or your clients use that Windows 98 machine..just think of this... Windows 98...what was job one for that operating system? Being a GUI platform for programs. Was it a feature of that operating system to be a tool for the Internet? I'd argue
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Alice and Bob revisited

Revisiting the Alice and Bob encryption story with an update. Someone was asking if they send out an encrypted message and only 1/2 of the people on the mailing lists have digital certificates and the other half you don't, the email will be encrypted
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments

SBS KB articles of interest

Credentials that are provided to ISA Server are sent in an unprotected form: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=899807 ISA Server 2000 Web site visitors may be directed to unexpected content: [only SBS 2003 pre sp1 without ISA 2004] http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=901117
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments

Looking for Macintosh Advice?

Looking for all those really good Mac postings? Look no farther than Eriq Neale [and look for him in Seattle in September at SMBnation ] Lessons Learned: Connecting a Macintosh to SBS 2003 Server via SMB: Lessons Learned: Connecting a Macintosh to SBS
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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Alice and Bob want to send secure emails.... oh and can they not be forwarded too?

A fellow MVP sent me an digitally signed email and asked if the email was encrypted.... but you see it wasn't. Why not? Because he didn't have 'my' digital certificate in his cert store. You see when Alice want to send an encrypted email to Bob she must
Posted by bradley | 5 Comments
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Blocking Spyware from the get go

A fellow SBSer who had a client workstation hit with Coolwebsearch reminded me of a way to prevent some of these things before they wiggle their way into your network. A blocking hosts file that stops Malware. What you say? The hosts file? Yup that thing
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Blocking Windows 2003 sp1 from your systems

Got a lot of servers [or a lot of SBS servers] that you want to block Windows 2003 sp 1 from [so your clients/customers won't automatically click and install it until YOU are ready?] Click here for tools to block the deployment of Windows 2003 sp1 on
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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MS Security advisory: Browser Windows Without Indications of Their Origins may be Used in Phishing Attempts

******************************************************************** Title: Microsoft Security Advisory Notification Issued: June 21, 2005 ******************************************************************** Security Advisory Updated or Released Today
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Backup and Monitoring not working after SBS sp1?

I've seen this a couple of times so I thought I'd repost it again After SBS 2003 sp1 you can't get to the backup and monitoring snap in.... you can fix it here: 842693 You receive a "HTTP 400 - Bad Request" error message when you try to use the Monitoring
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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What ports do I need?

From the mailbag today comes the question...what ports do I need? And the question was asked if all these ports are needed to be forwarded from a hardware firewall to the nic of the server: Small Business Server 2003 21: FTP (do we need port 20 for FTP
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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When things screw up...reinstalling is not the answer

Today I had an issue with a SQL application...one that I was banging my head on for hours. And I called in support in the form of a very talented MVP who fixed me up in less than 2 minutes. 2 minutes. Today in the newsgroup I see, once again, folks that
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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NEWSFLASH: Elvis spotted near the Gulf Coast of Florida

Well the headline got your attention didn't it? Okay so it's not Elvis ... but rather Jeff Middleton's SwingMigration Tour that is on the road again. You near the Gulf Coast June 23 ? Jeff Middleton SBS-MVP is presenting on Swing Migration to the Gulf
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Okay so maybe hate is a harsh word, but how about severely dislike instead? We moved over the blogs to a more private SQL server and in the process had to reattach some things. My SQL server knowledge is about a -5 on a scale of 1 to 10 so if you were
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Do you trust your software?

You heard me... do you trust your software? The very software that is supposed to protect you....how secure is it? We've seen firewall software get targeted, antivirus software need fixing for security issues, honestly, how well do we know if the very
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Web pages a little...well sluggish?

I was asked about a new SBS install where the web pages seemed a bit ...well sluggish...and here's some of the thoughts I'd have for troubleshooting. How's your DNS -- it seems like DNS is a bit confusing to folks but in general what we do in SBSland
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Dell OEM SBS and SP1

Two things I'll still trying to track down answers for but thought I'd post them up here in case you are seeing anything regarding Dell OEM version. If you are seeing this... drop me a note at sbradcpa - at - pacbell.net or put comments on this post.
Posted by bradley | 8 Comments
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Drugs, Gambling, Loans and other such scum of the earth

For everything that is good...there is bad...a yin and a yang. I have this blog here and today I was noticing in the feedback section [back in the admin section that I see] a bunch of spam posts that are being stuck on old blog posts. And it reminded
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments
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How about rerunning that monitoring?

From the newsgroup tonight comes this post: Getting this error after SP1, how can I stop it from reporting this? TIA Microsoft ISA Server Control 14079 6/17/2005 5:46 AM 5 * Due to an unexpected error, the service fwsrv stopped responding to all requests.
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Rule of patching - don't panic

When you reboot your server and forgot that you have the USB based harddrive turned on and the server is set to 'boot from usb' .... word of advice...don't panic when after patching your server it sits there looking at you ...and at the usb harddrive....looking
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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It's Friday Night and it's PATCH NIGHT!!

That's right boys and girls! It's the Friday after Patch Tuesday and you know what that means? It's Patch Night! Let's see if we are ready to go.... We've tested the patches already on the home server and everything was fine. We've rolled them out on
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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We're moving the foundations a bit...bear with us

If you've been trying to email me via the contact form..sorry ...we're in the process of moving the blog over to a more semi-dedicated server and the web part is on the new site and the blog database is still kinda under the old SQL server location...so
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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The "Customer" view of SBS

Over and over again when I talk to fellow SBS owners [you know the ones that pay your bills to install SBS] they complain that they'd like to know better how to share calendars, how to use Sharepoint, how to better utililize what they have and currently
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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The 'gator' that wasn't

So I kicked on reporting on ISA 2004 [for those on premium the new reports are really cool] but nearly had a heart attack when one of the Internet browser reports said one of my top browsers was “Gator”. Gator? That scum of the earth? Lower
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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"I don't need the whistles and bells"

At a client's today, and a consultant came in with a laptop. A Windows 2000 laptop. Reminded me of two recent blog posts...one by Mary Jo Foley about how Windows 2000 is still used in about 1/2 of the business desktops, and another by Dana on how 2000
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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BCM now using a MSDE database to share info and integration with Small Business Accounting

Business Contact Manager Update for Outlook 2003 Business Contact Manager Update for Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 provides the latest updates to Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager. It is available only to licensed users of Microsoft Office Small
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Catch Anne Stanton's webcast on CRM!

Register HERE Event Name: Wednesdays on the Web with TS2: Conversation with a Partner Event Date: 6/15/2005 Event Time: 2:00 PM Pacific Duration: 60 minutes Description: In this web seminar we will discuss the management perspective to CRM. Share this
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Oh MY GAWD, they can download anything to "insert usb device here"

You know when paranoia starts coming into SBSland that it's becoming mainstream. A few days ago in the newsgroup somone asked how to block USB devices so that people wouldn't download massive amounts of data. While you can set policies to deny the use
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Missed the webcast on SBS 2003 sp1?

All is not lost, remember all Microsoft TS2, MSDN, TechNet webcasts are recorded for later viewing: Special Friday edition of the TS2 “Wednesdays on the Web“ - The Ins and Outs of SBS Service Pack 1 can be found at this link Share this post:
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Patches today

June 14, 2005 Today Microsoft released the following Security Bulletin(s). Note: www.microsoft.com/technet/security and www.microsoft.com/security are authoritative in all matters concerning Microsoft Security Bulletins! ANY e-mail, web board or newsgroup
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Tech Ed Security web casts now available for viewing

Malware WSUS Security configuration wizard [don't do on SBS but fun to watch anyway] Security policies and last but not least... least privilege Click on the link, register and get the media file of the webcasts Share this post: email it! | bookmark it!
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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It's not only Patch Tuesday... but CHAT TUESDAY with Handy Andy!

Not only is it Patch Tuesday, but it's Chat Tuesday as well! Andy will be hosting his live SBS chat fest! CHAT: SBS Live! Tuesday, June 14, 7 p.m. Eastern Got Small Business Server and want to get help administering it or help others to get the most out
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Odds and ends with ISA server 2004 on SBS

Having any odd issues with accessing SSL sites with ISA 2004? If you are... try this.... Open up the ISA Server management console Click on Configuration Then on General Then on Define Connection Limits Then on Connection Limit Then on Limit the number
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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ISA 2004 sucking up a bit too much memory in SBS 2003?

Mariette just completed an how to article on how to limit the amount of RAM the MSDE instances use on your SBS 2003. I've done this on my office machine [along with throttling the SBSMonitoring instance] and it's running just fine. Just remember if, upon
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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The All open rule with ISA 2004

Back on ISA 2000, we had a “all/all/all” rule that we'd throw open when we'd get stuck [ please keep in mind this is for diagnostics only ] But just in case..here's the 2004 version of all/all/all [ from the Dr. Tom book , Configuring ISA
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Having trouble getting your mobile 'thing' talking to your server 'thing'?

Before I forget it, I'm stealing some comments from Amy [ ISA/SBS blog you know ] about getting mobile devices to connect: Sean's post on the subject Javier's post and the Documentation on Mobility Just remember you may have to disable the certs to get
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments
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What's your Tape Drive.... uh I mean hard drive.... rotation schedule?

I just started using Hard drives as backup media and while I will still plan on getting my Quad Sony fixed , let me just say that I'm not having to rush to get it fixed. Reminds me that someone was asking what kind of rotation schedule I was planning
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments
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Where should WSUS be installed?

From the newsgroup comes the question “ Where should WSUS, the patch tool be installed ?” And it's perfectally fine and supported “on” the SBS 2003 server. While it “can” be on a member server, it can't be on the desktop
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Law # 6 -- What can a domain administrator do?

This question came up in the newsgroup of an owner that was concerned that if the computers were left on at night that someone could 'break into them' if they knew the administrator passwords and do nasty stuff.... and well... while the probability of
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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So where will YOU be July 14th - 16th?

The SMB Technology Network® has opened registration for its Summer Conference 2005 to be held July 14-16, 2005 at Embassy Suites in Buena Park, CA. The goal of the event is to expose attendees to knowledge, products, and services that can either
Posted by bradley | 5 Comments
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You know you are a geek when....

You reach in your purse to show off your 1 gig usb thumb drive and compare it to the CompUSA salesman's drive [his was smaller but still a gig] You tell him about the USB pen drive that is a Writing pen and he didn't know about it. You can remember when
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Proud owner of several Porsches

I HATE TAPE DRIVES. Now that I have that out of my system.... let me tell you why I hate them. For one my Sony Quad tape drive decided to stop working over the last couple of days and the more days that went by that I was only able to backup to a physical
Posted by bradley | 10 Comments
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Who has your keys?

Yesterday we got new keys for the front door at the office. And keys are like passwords, aren't they? If you don't know who you've given the keys out to, you have no idea who has access. The same is true for computers and routers and firewalls and ..well
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Hmmm.... I don't think that's a BBQ....

So I'm driving home last night with the sunroof open and start smelling a really strong barbeque like smell. Geeze... whatever they are BBQing with is pungent wood? As I keep on driving I notice that the BBQ smell isn't going away...in fact it's getting
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments
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WSUS the really big news - revisited

Remember how Fred gave us the heads up about the REALLY BIG news on WSUS ? Here's the scoop.... if you remote into your client's server and approve the patches there, you do not need a Service Partner Agreement SPLA in place which can be had with a Hoster
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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The "Wow" Factor

Chatting with my fellow MVPs this week and there was a statement that just stuck out at me: “Ever since I got my smartphone I find that having cool gadgets to show clients really pays by itself (the “wow” factor)“ Your small business
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Security Patches next week

As part of the monthly security bulletin release cycle, Microsoft provides advance notification to our customers on the number of new security updates being released, the products affected, the aggregate maximum severity and information about detection
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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We interview Sam the SBS Server on getting ready for SBS 2003 sp1

Q. Hi Sam, we haven't spoken in awhile. A. Yeah it's been a couple of months. Q. You look like you are in training, you are a bit sweaty? A. Yeah, I've been exercising and testing. Working out getting ready for my Service pack . Q. Getting ready? A. Yeah,
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Did we forget about Microsoft update?

In all the fun over WSUS, don't forget that another patch tool shipped this week... Microsoft Update Instead of WUing ...you can now MU. This was posted on the patchmanagement.org listserve: Just go to http://update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate and complete
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Is WSUS supported on SBS 2003?

From the mailbag today comes the question.... Is WSUS supported on SBS 2003? Was it tested by SBSers? Heck yes. We were specifically invited on the beta as a matter of fact. Now keep in mind one issue that I personally had was that I had to add manual
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Are you an Admin? Should you be?

From the Administrator Accounts Security Planning Guide If you regularly log on to your computer as an administrator to perform common application-based tasks, you make the computer vulnerable to malicious software and other security risks because malicious
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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WSUS for the Var/Vap - the REALLY big news about WUS for Partners

Fred Pullen [ yes, the TS2/SBSer Presenter Fred Pullen ] has a blog entry about how the Var/Vap can provide WSUS services to their clientele: Fred Pullen's Blog :: Partners & Patching & WSUS, Oh My!: http://blog.fred.pullen.com/blog/_archives/2005/6/7/918069.html
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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SBS 2003 sp1 webcast this Friday

* Special Friday Edition * of Wednesdays on the Web with TS2: The Ins and Outs of SBS Service Pack 1 presented by Ron Grattopp, June 10th at 2 p.m. Pacific time http://www.msreadiness.com/wscart.asp?eid=2378 Get the latest information about Microsoft
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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You would think a phone company could call or email or something? Having issues with PacBell DSL?

DSL went out at home and my sister did all the things she thought to do... unplug the DSL modem, unplug the Linksys router, but no go. So I get home, log into the router and it says PPOE authentication failure. Hmm... so I try resetting it and no go.
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Act now and get the cream of the TechEd Speakers to Consult on an SBS Install

If you act now, you could be one of 23 bidders to get the cream of the TechEd speakers to get an hour's consulting time. Shall we stump the TechEd speakers with a SBS install question? Make their grey matter stretch with a SBS network configuration? I
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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How do I open up ports for....

Today I got pinged to ask how to open up ports in the firewall, to which I gave the SBSer practically the third degree. Why? Because you anytime a vendor tells you “I need this port open” you need to stop and begin to think about a risk analysis.
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments
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Open Manage 4.4 is here

For those waiting to install SBS 2003 sp1 which includes Windows 2003 sp1, remember that you had to wait if you were a Dell customer for OpenManage 4.4. Now it is out: http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/format.aspx?releaseid=R101039 Share this
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Professional Identity Theft

I got a call today from a mortgage company to confirm that I did the bookkeeping and tax return for a client. Slight problem. I didn't recognize the client. Next problem, the woman from the mortgage company said the letterhead that was typed up had my
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Read any good audit logs lately?

Once upon a time I downloaded the Microsoft Debugger tool and found how helpful the help file was inside of it with error codes. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Today I have a similar moment of joy: AUDIT LOGS DOCUMENTATION ! Yes, I'm probably
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Putting you guys on notice

If you are a blog reader you'll know that WSUS is finally out and for us SBSers, you should understand that this is step one, a big baby step on the way to perfect patch management system. For us premium folks, it won't patch ISA Server, so we'll still
Posted by bradley | 5 Comments
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Samantha is right, the lines to the ladies room is very short

In the beginning of the Tech Ed keynote , Samantha Bee from the Daily Show talks about what we call the “ bathroom line effect ” Us geek gals have no lines for the bathroom. In fact, I've been in Tech Conferences before and I can attest that
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Sorry Amazon.com, it wasn't you after all

I'll be surfing out on Amazon.com and after I've stuck something in the shopping cart...like...oh .... Dr J's and Riley's new book ..... I'll click the back button and I get a page not displayed. Rats. Stupid Amazon.com. Does this to me all the time.
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Patch News

Announced by Steve Ballmer at Tech-Ed today and now live on www.microsoft.com: Windows Software Update Services (WSUS). Final release of WSUS went live today. http://www.microsoft.com/wsus Microsoft Update (MU): Microsoft Update replaces Windows Update.
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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You might want to rethink your partitions

As reported earlier , the 16 gig store limit in Exchange 2003 sp2 will now increase to 75 gigs [public/private]. So if you happen to be building a server today, at this very moment, you may want to rethink those partition sizes. I did a really big OS
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Exchange 2003 sp2 coming out this fall - we can now store more spam!

http://www.microsoft.com/exchange/downloads/2003/sp2/faq.mspx Based on feedback from customers like you and because of the evolution of e-mail usage, we are increasing the storage limit for Exchange Server 2003 Standard Edition with SP2 to 75 gigabyte
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments
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It's not on the web yet, but the word from the WSUS Wiki is that WSUS 'rtm'd' wsus - Status of WSUS Product: http://www.wsuswiki.com/WSUSProjectStatus It's about time folks. Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it!
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Can't be at TechEd?

Can't be at TechEd, Microsoft's geek fest? Order the DVDs for US$195 or watch the live webcasts . Hmmm..... I'm not sure I'm willing to get up at 6 a.m. for Steve though. Ordered! Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it!
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Trend on SBS

We all used to follow the “Official Les is more guide to installing Trend on SBS” but we have a new guidebook we can use. Wayne Small put together a visual how to on his new web site that has the exact how to instructions. If you haven't checked
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Microwave Potatoes

Me being the insane person that I am can see security issues in everything... so I'm in the grocery store yesterday and Dole is selling Microwave ready russet potatoes. Already shrinked wrapped, prewashed potatoes that all you need to do is peel off the
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Are we sane?

Listening to a security mp3 on the flight home and Eric Cole was talking about patching. And he says the more critical the box is, the less services you want to run on it. And yet, what do we do in SBSland, we put everything in one spot. Is it no wonder
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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Being agile

Being involved in events and traveling always reminds me of making sure that you keep a view of agility. I'm once again cross legged sitting on the floor because the seats are full in the waiting area at the airport and I'm going standby on an earlier
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Dear geek widow

Dear Mr. or Mrs. Geek widow: Your significant other probably either printed this out, or handed you the computer so that you could read this blog. Don't worry, it's really not important what a blog is. What is important is your significant other wants
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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The best time for an upgrade

This morning underneath my door was a note that said “Today between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. we're upgrading our phone system. We apologize for any inconvience”. So at first I'm thinking...gee...that's an odd time for an upgrade...but then it hit
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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WSUS documents hitting the web

Overview of WSUS . Getting started with WSUS on Windows Server 2003 Getting started with WSUS on Windows 2000 Three things on the download site today of interest to us SBSers, the WSUS documents. Hmmmm.. this sounds like it may be near done 'baking'.
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments
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Software change management

When I'm using my standalone laptop that has the standalone Trend PcCillian is when I truly realize that on a daily basis I have a massive amount of 'software change management' on my PC that I do nothing to 'vet, test, or approve'. Every month I test
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Knowing more, making it easier

Back in the hotel room before dinner, I was demonstrating the SBS I have at the office as well as my SBS at home. ...Yes... I have two SBS boxes that I live with....and it was interesting that two comments came up that I've heard of before. Exchange needs
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Is it secure as VPN

In some presentations today and the question that invaribly comes up with SBS 2003 and in paticular Remote Web Workplace is “is it as secure as VPN”...to that we SBSers argue... Yes, and we'd argue that it's “MORE” secure using
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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A little too much technology

So in the hotel room I get ready to go to bed last night and look at the clock radio to set the alarm. There on the desk is this cdrom/clockradio/am/fm/ programmable thing that somewhere has an alarm set button somewhere. hmmm...ever notice how the alarm
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Looks like I have a bit of cleaning when I get back home

So I'm remoting into the server at home and looking at the ISA 2004 firewall reports and build a daily report. {Keep in mind you Premium folks need to do likewise} and the first think I need to investigate why, even with the ISA firewall client loaded,
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Write them down, memorize them, two factor them, just pick better ones will ya?

Law #5: Weak passwords trump strong security The purpose of having a logon process is to establish who you are. Once the operating system knows who you are, it can grant or deny requests for system resources appropriately. If a bad guy learns your password,
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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