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Back to Lacie's

Okay so about a week or so ago I ran out of space on my Lacie 160 gig usb 2.0 harddrives I was using as backup... and I went to the local computer store and they were out of Lacie's ... so I bought a Western Digital Big Book drive ... I mean drives
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments
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Okay so Shadow copies on a usb drive are not a good idea.....

--update-- we're hearing more reports of "froze" grey screen servers... hang loose for more details.. a reboot that takes a longggg time appears to clear it up.... Event Type: Warning Event Source: Ntfs Event Category: None Event ID: 50 Date: 8/31/2006
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Geting your backup .... back

I'm going to bring up to the front of the blog a ping by Jim about a recovery software that he used to get a corrupted backup....back.... http://www.nucleustechnologies.com/Corrupted-BKF-Backup-File-Repair-Software.php File that away in the "okay hope
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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The backup file contains unrecognized data and cannot be used

From the newsgroups today... Hi folks, Really need some help with this one! I have a Proliant ML150 where the RAID failed and drives are a complete loss! I have been backing up accross the network to a backup server on a 3 day retention cycle. Each of
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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Clustering SBS

Invariably in newsgroups and listserves the question comes up "Can I cluster SBS?" and even more so now with Virtual Server and Virtualization the question comes up again...but it seems to me that everyone is looking for a technology issue to what I see
Posted by bradley | 7 Comments
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Do you backup your phone? I sure do.

On the security awareness blog is a post about losing your data.. on your phone.... and in the post they ask the readers if they backup the information in the phone.. or print it out as they couldn't recreate it easily. uh... wanna bet? I can. In fact
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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SBS "CAN" exist with other domain controllers Rob....

So Rob sent me a comment via the blog........and since he didn't give me an email address.. I have to address him via this way. But before you click to download the updated 06-015 patch, or reboot your box for the iTunes/Delta hotfix for ISA 2004 sp2,
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments
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Hey Cool! I Dr. Watson'd!

Remember the other day when my cheap test box did this? http://msmvps.com/blogs/bradley/archive/2006/03/21/87198.aspx When I rebooted back into it tonight... Hey! Cool! I got a Dr. Watson ! And yeah.. I should at least set up a USB harddrive for this
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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To anyone who thinks that their tape backup runs slower after SP1

A tape backup device performs slowly after you install Windows Server 2003 SP1 or hotfix 873422: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=907418 You may be right....... Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it!
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Got backup issues?

http://blogs.technet.com/edwalt/archive/2006/02/02/418665.aspx Wayne today happened to post that his home box suddenly could not backup and all his VSS writers vanished. Ed to the rescuse with that blog post about reregistering the VSS writers to the
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Rotations of Backups

At the MCPmag Handy Andy chat earlier today the conversation came up about tape/disk rotations....and the interesting comments surrounded the number of rotations depended on the clients needs for retaining data. Many took a special backup once a year,
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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So why do people think you need something special for restoring?

I find some of the comments to my "Drive monkey" posts funny... for one... I personally think that the robustness of USB drives versus tape is tied to whether the server natively supports USB 2.0 or you have a good USB card. Then comes the follow up question
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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So what does your Tape monkey change ...when you don't use tape?

Speaking as the office monkey here... I use Lacie harddrives now and as the 'drive monkey' I swap out the drives by turning off the power and unplugging the usb cable and power cord and swapping the devices out. This ensures that I don't have that icky
Posted by bradley | 9 Comments
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Yes Virginia, sometimes USB Drives do go bad

So I've been using Lacie harddrives to do my backups and this morning I get the message that the backup failed and in the log file is this: Verify Status Operation: Verify After Backup Active backup destination: File Active backup destination: G:\Backup
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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The importance of System State backup

When you perform a system state backup on a domain controller that is running Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1, Backup may fail: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=909265 The moral of this KB is? Don't move the log files. I haven't seen too many
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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The restore

Always what comes up is the question of “do you test your restore?” But how do you test that restore? The SBS podcast gang make the point of testing the restore... and I'll be flat out honest with you... I've renamed files off my box and restored
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Ensuring those foundations are there

When you build a house in California, you pour a concrete slab and then build from there. When you install a SBS 2003 system you install it on a server. The foundation. The slab. And as long as your foundation is good and solid, you are good to go as
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Mr. Backup setup Wizard? Can you dump me to a log file please?

So I was rerunning the backupwizard to change to a new storage location here at home and I got this.... An unexpected error occurred (80070057) at the end of the configuration wizard. Okay, I say, I'll just go find the backup wizard log... where is that
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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How does one move data?

How does one move data from one machine to another? A variety of ways... OEM - Using OEM computers I use the XP file and transfer wizard to transfer settings from one computer to another and then I 'hang' the old drive off the inside of the new system
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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So what's your backup plan?

Being the victims of the NTT/Verio shared web hosting meltdown over the last couple of days was a stark reminder of how important it is to have full redundancy at a different location for our very small business. We don't need much and we can't afford
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Do you backup your CALs?

Do you go inside the Licensing console and backup those CAL licenses? What? You don't? You do realize that if you have to [heaven forbid] rebuild the server, that you will have to call up PSS/Licesnsing and reactivate the CALs. But if you just take a
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Mind telling me which one, dear?

So the backup failed last night and I remote in to look at the log file errors.... “Verify of "F:" Backup set #3 on media #1 Backup description: "SBS Backup created on 9/19/2005 at 7:00 PM" Verify started on 9/19/2005 at 10:30 PM. Error: An inconsistency
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Having a lot of log file history

My HP has lots of monitoring that it throws up in the Event logs and in today's monitoring email it told me that my Power supply number 2 kicked on. Hmmm... so I remoted in and looked for all other instances of Event 4181. My log files is sized nice and
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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A little conversion in order

So I get hit on IM that my backup failed.. HUH? You see I had put in the rotation a new Lacie harddrive tonight ... went off... and at 9:14 got hit on IM [ I have my server set to hit me on email, cell phone messaging and IM with those monitoring error
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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The data everywhere

Once upon a time a guy in the office bought a computer... a computer with a gig of harddrive space. HUGE! What in the world made you buy a harddrive so large? You'll never use that much space! We said to him... Fast forward to today.... So today ... in
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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