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Mailbag for 11-13-2006

Wii Supports Custom Soundtracks

I was stoked to hear that Excite truck will support custom soundtracks but what I want to know is how do you go about getting the music onto the SD card?, I'm hoping this can be done through the Wii itself.


Ryan Heath responds: If you're wondering if you can rip a CD from the Wii directly to the SD slot, it's probably not going to happen. You'll only be able to drag and drop mp3 files from your PC onto the SD card, if your computer has an SD slot. If your computer doesn’t have an SD slot, you can buy a USB SD card reader.

Retailer Drops Wii's Last Megaton Announcement?!!

Great site newbs! I mean guys! Whassup? I just have a little piece of information that shocked me. In my latest Zellers flyer I checked out the Nintendo Wii inside and was surprised to find this written about it:

"Nintendo Wii
-Unleashing the new generation in HIGH DEFINITION ENTERTAINMENT"

-Brandon Berge

Ryan Heath responds: I’m pretty sure it’s either a typo or Zellers assumes that because it can be seen on an HD television that it makes it HD. If people were to believe all the print ads, then they’d learn from this ad that you can play Wii with your television OFF!!

Will I Actually OWN the Wii VC Titles?

I was just wondering on how the virtual console titles work, do you download them in the memory card or the hard rive or do you play them online?


Ryan Heath responds: Nintendo had talked at one point about a possible monthly subscription where you could play the games, but you wouldn’t actually own them. They’ve since gone the ownership route where you can download the games onto the 512MB internal flash memory or an SD card.


Will the USB Wi-Fi Connector that I bought for my DS work with the Wii?


Ryan Heath responds: Yes. :)

Wii Video Functionality

Great job on the site, keeping it updated and fresh every day. Now, I was just wondering if Nintendo announced what type of video files the Wii's photo channel will support. Video recorded on many digital cameras is in the AVI format, so do you think it is possible to watch other AVI videos not recorded from cameras(like episodes of your favourite TV show) on Wii? If you recall in one of Matt Casamassina's mailbags a while back he said Wii would not support the playing of Hollywood movies, when he could have easily said "Wii doesn't play DVDs." I think he was hinting at similar functionality to the PSP, where you can put movies, music and of course photos on an SD card or USB flashdrive to viewed or listened to on the Wii.



Ryan Heath responds: Well, as of now we know it plays AVI files, as you stated in your letter. Kotaku also did a rundown on Wii's multimedia features and mentioned that it can also play Quicktime movies. As far as Matt's comments about "Hollywood movies," I'm not sure what he means. He may have been speaking of sites where you can purchase movies online and get them in AVI or WMV format. Possibly there's some embedded DRM that won't be readable on Wii, but I really don't know.

Wii Boot Up Screen

Hello, this is my first response in as long as years as I could remember. Anyway, my first question is whether or the not the Wii has a fancy startup screen (i.e. the same as with what the GCN, 360, etc. has had in the past)? Also, I myself am the many who didn't get a chance rto pre-order a Wii, so as of now I am on a sorta recon mission of sorts to hunt one down come launch day. Now, I have a Best Buy that is 30 miles away from me, but camping out may not be an option; however, I do have a local Wal-Mart SuperCenter, and I was wondering if you guys know about how many Wii's they'll have a midnight release? I live in a town of about 6,000, which sorta gives me a chance considering how little Nintendo fanboys there are here. So, my plan may be just to stick around Wal-Mart for a good 5-6 hours before launch to grab one. Any advice? Please!!!

-Harry Milfeld

Ryan Heath responds: As far as the startup screen goes, you simply get the health warning that you see at the beginning of all Nintendo published titles on the GameCube, followed by an immediate jump to the Wii Channel selection. published a video of this startup process for your viewing pleasure.

Advice for getting a Wii at launch: first, check out our news article showing instructions to view the stores in your area that will be selling Wii; and secondly, have the phone number of the store you choose to go to on hand (the phone number will be provided to you in the news article I mentioned). Call them throughout the day before launch to inquire about whether a line for Wii is forming or not. Check back with them every couple of hours and when the line begins, head to your store. This way, you have your bases covered in case a line starts way earlier than your above mentioned “5-6 hours” mark, and you can get there in time.

Crack Wii VC to play on PC? (say that 10 times fast)

A simple question no one has talked about yet:

How long until Virtual Console games on an SD card are cracked to run on any PC or Wii? Nintendo is eliminating their traditional line of defense against piracy by using standardized and easily PC accessible format. When (not if) the DRM is cracked, what do you see Nintendo doing to fix it?

PS to the Editor:
I think Xeno devale (from the last mailbag) was asking whether or not the Wii would support the LAN features on existing Gamecube games. Which, as I understand it, isn't possible, as the adaptor slots are obviously not on the Wii.

-Joseph Schmoe

Ryan Heath responds: I don’t foresee people cracking the DRM on Virtual Console titles in order to play them on their PC. Not that someone couldn’t figure it out, but the fact that the type of person that enjoys cracking software in order to freely distribute them will be the same person who already has thousands of ROM files for every games system already sitting on their PC. We’ll probably see these people working hard to hack the Wii itself in order to get Wii to play their illegal ROM files instead.

In reference to your PS to the Editor, you may be right. I answered his question about LAN connections specifically for Wii titles, but I didn’t delve into the GameCube aspect. I haven’t seen anything that suggests the USB LAN adapter will or will not work for existing GameCube titles. We’ll have to wait and see.

Also, is your name really Joe Schmoe?

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