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What are your top 10 questions about Exchange Server?

KC put up a post on the Exchange blog asking for feedback on questions that you have about Exchange Server..

This is for our VP, Dave Thompson. He's giving a talk at Tech-Ed, and as part of that talk, we're trying to put together the top ten questions IT pros have about Exchange so that he can answer them.

These questions don't need to come from existing Exchange users or a certain type of org, we're looking for what are the common questions across all org sizes, across all customers of any messaging system.

Some examples of the ones we've heard so far are: “What is the future of Exchange?”, “How can I fight SPAM and viruses?” and “What is the future of public folders?”

Leave comments in her blog entry or you can email if you prefer.

posted on Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:41 AM


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