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November 2005 - Posts

My soapbox

Brian Tankersley today talks about my soapbox issue. User rights. I'm tired of the major accounting vendors setting such an horrible example of security. We should be ashamed that our major accounting applications, the backbone our of financial records
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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So about that Thunderbird

There goes my mail again .... since my Netscape days at least once or twice a year there goes my Thunderbird and I have to reinstall it and set up a new database. The annoying part of using an alternative place for my junky email account is that it blows
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Did you know that Windows 2000 is no longer mainstream?

Windows 2000 is technically out of "mainstream" and into "extended" support as of June 30, 2005. Microsoft Support Lifecycle: http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/?p1=7274 Got any SBS 2000's out there? You know... I'm sorry...but good enough isn't these
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Only 6

I was at yesterday's TS2 presentation and only 6 people in attendance were using WSUS. Remember SBS 2003 in the R2 era will have WSUS inside the box. Now I will still honestly tell you I vastly prefer Shavlik's push, patch, done versus WSUS's setup, tinker,
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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Got Mac's? Got SBS? No Problem!

We're pleased to announce the first of several webcasts dealing with integrating the Macintosh into an SBS environment. On Thursday, December 8, join me for a session that discusses basic Macintosh networking, accessingfile shares on an SBS server, and
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Who knew my Gov'nor had a computer?

This will all make sense after you listen to the SBSShow this week . Just don't be drinking Mountain Dew.......you'll get it all over your Ipod... Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it!
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Man if you aren't a partner after this....

So I met Stephen today... Stephen Cracknell at the local TS2 presentation. And at the end of the four hours, after all the offers, links, invitations to email him, to cc' him, to ensure we gave him feedback, I think the about the only thing he didn't
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Antispyware gets an update

Microsoft Antispyware gets an extension of time so you should start seeing this pop up in your systems..... Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it!
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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The "Business suit" of Tech

Want to look like IT is your profession? Your business? Get a shirt. Not just any shirt...but a logo on your shirt. Polo shirt, button down shirt, but stick a logo on there. How do you do that? Easy. Get a logo designed. Locally or online , you can get
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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So what do I choose in WSUS

Amy asks if we should just choose the “Windows Small Business Server” now as our only WSUS option, and I'll double check, but I think the answer is “no”. It's my understanding that the patches that come under that section are unique
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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So what's the risk of Self Signed Certs?

You've seen it haven't you? This: The self signed cert prompt before getting into RWW. So you are probably wondering why... with all my paranoia I don't go out and buy a third party certificate that I can trust from someplace like instantssl.com ? Because.
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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I got problems with....

Sometimes I get emails about someone having a problem with say.... OMA and RWW or OWA or whatever and they are unsure of how to go about fixing things without a total reinstall of SBS. First off, It's my opinion that unless you get a virus, trojan or
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Computers on or off?

Quick question? Yes? [btw ever notice how quick questions usually end up not being quick questions?] Is there a way to stop a user from shutting down a machine? Yes...but....are they a local administrator on that box? Yes. Ah, well then if they are admins,
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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More to WSUS

So Amy on the mssmallbiz lists reports that the WSUS syncronization options now list SBS as an option Hey, cool, remember how any of our unique to SBS patches are only offered up on Shavlik right now? Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it!
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Buying a license

I have a box of Windows XP in my office. It's a retail blue box. And if [heaven forbid ] the office burns down, I've lost that license. I have to rebuy it. The other day for our Business Insurance renewal I was asked to write down all the software licenses
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Ready to Learn

Okay if you are reading this you aren't the person I'm going to be ranting about. You are here because you've gotten plugged in. You've stepped up to the plate. You are a person I would not mind sending a Small Business client to. And I apologize in advance
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments
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The Toy Server

The “toy server”. SBS has been called this by even some of my fellow MVPs as the “Toy Server”. Yet under the hood is the same active directory, the same bits and code, the same parts as our big brother servers..... and as such
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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If you are reading this blog from a Server

Like Happyfunboy says ... SHAME ON YOU! Now I'm going to assume that you have a laptop running Windows 2003 and it's not your production, domain controller.....but if it is STOP DOING THAT ! You are introducing risks in your firm and you more than likely
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Dear Active Directory Migration people of Microsoft

So I just went through part of Jeff Middleton's process designed to move the domain roles from one server to another...something that big server land does a lot of but we don't down here. I'm just putting you guys in AD on notice .... in a very public
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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I bought an HP today

The old server at home is getting very wheezy and needs to be upgraded and I was going to move it over to the glowing blue baby server but his fan is making a racket and sister says ... 'uh that's not going in our house is it?' and it's probably been
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Ask the gang from the Official SBS support blog

Okay gang... get out your nastiest, your narly-est, your most nagging, annoying SBS questions. Here's your chance to ask the best of the best of the SBSers. These guys and gals would have a SBS server in their car powering their vehicle if given the chance...that's
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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So you want to start a little buzz do you?

Check our the posts on “how to start buzz”... subtitled... get a Microsoft Across America Van and see what you can do..... Check out Chris Rue's posts.... The road to Huntsville .... The secret weapons ... Partnerships .... Share this post:
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Just in time for the weekend

The SBSshow is online and while your significant other, your better half or you are out braving the stores in the USA for Christmas shopping, take an Ipod or MP3 with you! www.sbsshow.com Check it out! Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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So you want to remove .zip files without rerunning the CEICW?

As Happyfunboy would say... Easypeasy.... Courtesy of Nathan Liu from Microsoft Customer Support : Alternatively, we can manually allow the attachments which we know are safe go through the SBS Server. Please perform the below steps: 1. Open Start, click
Posted by bradley | 6 Comments
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So if I just bought it... why does it need updating?

So I bought Trend's PCCillian Internet Security 2006 ..and I downloaded it on DSL here at home so I wouldn't have to 'watch paint dry' also known as using dial up to download it. So I burned it on a cdrom, took it over to Dad's computer, installed it,
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Oh and another thing....

It would be really nice if there was a 'landing page' for all the post XP sp2 patches in one easy to click place.. I'm going to try out Windows Catalog and see if it will help. The other day when I brought up a Dell Optiplex it needed 29 patches.... There
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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I think I need to buy Dad DSL

Had to run home because I forgot that one of Dad's computers is not running XP sp2 [ shame on me ] and to bring it down on a dial up it would be 6 hours.... wow... I don't know how someone can fix a computer, secure a computer, keep it safe without DSL
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Resolution -- CRM install issues on SBS 2003 sp1

TIDBITS on MS CRM: SBS SP1 and MS CRM Install Issue Resolution : Anne posts the resolution to the issue of getting MS CRM 3.0 on SBS 2003 SP1. Thanks to the gang of the UK Small Business Specialist group and to HappyFunBoy for bringing this up One item
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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A little too much security

Eve of Thanksgiving.....everyone else has left for home or away for the 4 day weekend..... I go to remove the backup device to take an offsite copy...... Use my keys to unlock the safe, swap out the drive, leaving the keys dangling in the safe.... I turn
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Then and Now

One year later Then Now Memory in use 1,733 MB 2,018MB [diff...ISA 2004 with MSDE instance] Free Disk space (C:) 26,196 MB 18,675 MB [5 parts of a service pack and patches and I'm sure some quarantined email and prob a few log files that shouldn't be
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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A year later

Just looking over the 'first' email from a year ago .... this weekend last year was when SBS got installed here at the office... Your company installed Windows Small Business Server 2003 on your computer network. Windows Small Business Server provides
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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The tcp/ip per client connections revisited

Remember when I wacked off the tcp/ip connections per client because I was tired of getting my own connection limited? Amy's webcast reminded me of why this is not a wise move along with this blog post . So I fired up the ISA configuration . I've clicked
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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We're now a three phone firm

Set up another Windows Mobile phone...we now have three phones that connect seemlessly and effortlessly to the network here at the office [and three more ways that a firm password is on a remote device too, so one has to keep that in mind] I still did
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Dear postoffice of host.hawk.igs.net

Right now your admin did a stupid thing... they put a “please notify infected parties when I receive virus laden emails from someone that they need to have someone look at their mailserver” setting. But here's the thing. It's a totally STUPID
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Want to talk to a human?

This ... you gotta listen to.... NPR : Phone Guide Is a Real Customer Service: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5024153 Morning Edition , November 23, 2005 · Entrepreneur Paul English has produced a "must have" for the modern
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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So what data protection resources are there?

So what rules and laws are in place that you have to abide by for security personal identity information in your network? Where do you live? What clients do you serve? If you have California residents you are bound by AB1950 /SB1386... but if you are
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Looking from CRM resources?

Well besides our Favorite CRM blogs of course..... Google Groups : microsoft.public.crm: http://groups.google.com/group/microsoft.public.crm?hl=en Business Solutions Community Newsgroups: and.... psssst... still just hang loose the CRM/SBE/SBS gang will
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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SMB signing... black and white revisited

In the SBS community there have been long standing discussions back and forth regarding the merits ....or lack therof... of the benefits of SMB signing. If you are not aware... by default on a domain controller, the signing policies are enabled. Over
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Making the case for upgrades

On the podcast gang blog today is this post .... and it reminds me of discussions about upgrading... we already find it hard to make a business case for patching, for service packs.... and the upcoming 64bit means we have to make a business case ....
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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...so Microsoft called my Boss today....

And invited him to a morning presentation on Mobility, MOM, Security solutions and other ways to deploy end to end secure solutions for clients to make scalable and dependable infrastructure ....blah blah blah blablah...... at about which time he turned
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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Yes, by now I'm sure my IP address has been tracked by the FBI and no, thank you, I don't want to see Paris's videos

Okay is it sad that I've had emails all day today with all of these and because they were about Paris Hilton and my IP address being tracked I just kinda went 'oh yeah...whatever...“? 'At least two of the English versions of WORM_SOBER.AG spoof
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Security Advisory posted tonight

******************************************************************** Title: Microsoft Security Advisory Notification Issued: November 21, 2005 ******************************************************************** Security Advisory Released Today ==============================================
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Trend CSM 3.0 and the Compression issue

We've been tracking an issue with Trend CSM 3.0 getting installed on SBS boxes and with think we know the trigger event. Let's review the issues.... Mariette reported that the Security Center was 'choking' because Compression was checked and Trend's CSM
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Yes the sky is falling

Incidents.org reports a “0-day” for Internet Explorer and while one should always use caution these days when surfing I think we're not fixing the real problem here. This issue along with many others can be mitigated against if we run any
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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ISA resources for SBSers? Jason asks for ideas!

Jason Fossen writes..... Hello SBS Admins! I maintain www.ISAscripts.org and I've been trying to think of new scripts or resources that are not already on the site and that would be specifically for SBS somehow. My e-mail address is on the site, so if
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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CRM 3.0 SBE on SBS 2003 sp1

Just a heads up that was first brought up by Chris Rue in Amy Babinchak's ISA webcast, there are early reports of folks having issues with installing CRM 3.0 SBE on SBS . Right now not 100% sure of the underlying issue as we have SBSers who have CRM 3.0
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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Amy Babinchak's ISA 2004 "taco talk" is now available for viewing

Amy “she rocks” Babinchak's presentation this morning to the San Antonio SBS group on the topic of ISA Server 2004 on SBS was ....well.... you just watch it yourself you'll see what I mean. The link is here ! As Larry said ..lots of good takeaways
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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An Amy tip:

On a site that Amy recommended at www.isascripts.org is this gem: ISA_Server_2004_Error_Codes.xls Spreadsheet of names, descriptions and hex numbers of ISA Server 2004 error, cache and response codes. Handy for troubleshooting. Share this post: email
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Top issues with Microsoft Update and WSUS

Problem1 ==================== Symptom: --------------------------- You get a .Net error when accessing the WSUS Admin page:, such as: Cannot execute a program. The command being executed was "c:\winnt\microsoft.net\framework\v1.1.4322\csc.exe" /noconfig
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Partner Top Support issues this month

And if you are a Microsoft Partner ...you get one on one support from MS support engineers in the Partner Newsgroups TOP SUPPORT ISSUES ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 1 ==== Problem: ------------- While configuring backup
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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The road ahead

We're getting ready for the next phase... migration Migration means you test... and Chad is testing out the conversion of the existing blog to the Community Server version. You can get a sneak peak of it here . P.S. That's a photo taken this morning ...
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Wow just finished watching/listening to the ISA 2004 webcast by Amy Babinchak [she hangs on the ISA/SBS forums on ISAserver.org During the presentation there's a couple of settings I'll be revisiting in my office... Increase client connection limits [default
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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My cell phone is visiting the mountains this weekend

My coworker today said he was getting a new phone from Cingular... WAIT! I said.... before you make up your mind as to the phone... take mine up to the Mountains and make sure it works... if it does.... I'm going to insist that he buys an Audiovox. I
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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What if "Lost" and "Desperate Housewives" did a show together

What if your two favorite shows did a show together? Kinda like if “Lost” and “Housewives” did an episode together. What if the characters from the two shows visited each other and sat down for a chat? November 27th, the SBS community
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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Baby step - part one

Well here we are on step one.... on the new box.... our new home where Vlad Mazek, CTO of OwnWebNow , ExchangeDefender , and The OfficeServer , host of SBSShow.com , and Vlad's blog assisted in making a fast webhost transition about as fast as you could
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Mark your Calendars!

Someone special will be at the November Atlanta SBS Users Group... wanna know who? November 30, Wednesday From 6 to 8 p.m. Microsoft Alpharetta To RSVP email Milliel - at - sf-it.com or call 678-353-3222 Mark your Calendars! Someone special will be at
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Why do we do what we do?

Susan, question....have you ever considered a SBS2003 install with Virtual server running Virtual Server 2005 and inside that hosting a second domain controller for disaster recovery? Specifically, to avoid the issue of doing a restore on dissimilar hardware.
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Update one thing at a time

Hello everyone, I have had the worst time this week with our servers. It appears that the installation of the Trend Micro 3.0 CSM install may be to blame. A little background information. Last weekend I installed SBS SP1, ISA 2004, and SQL 2000 SP4. I
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Virtual Server is ..... how cheap?

Did you guys see the news for this? Virtual Server R2 RTM'd and it now only costs $99 ? It can run on 64bit architecture, support Linux. Wow. It does kinda need one ....kinda.... sorta... dumb feature request. While it can run on 64bit machines... it
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Finding the good stuff

In the blog world there is content...and there is ...well... I don't quite know what this is . Even a blog with merely categori es makes me learn a new technology . In it's pure simplicity, it speaks volumes. If I do a mere Technorati search on Small
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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The competitive analysis

Something happened at a SBS partner group meeting .... let's just say one vendor who obviously helps host the event, helps to provide infrastructure to the event blew it. They had a chance to step up to the plate of where we are in business today. But
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Okay do I need a SQL course or what?

As you have probably seen if you are a follower of the blog... we have had issues with uptime lately and quite frankly I think I need to take a course in SQL server. Given that databases are becoming more and more important lately, I soooooo do not know
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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What you should do - Security steps for IT Pros

Sign up to receive security updates notifications via email, instant messages or RSS Download and deploy security updates [ Microsoft update ] Report security vulnerabilities through secure -at - microsoft.com Attend the monthly TechNet Security bulletin
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Security resources

More stuff from today's presentation: Security web sites www.microsoft.com/security and www.microsoft.com/technet/security Sign up for notifications www.microsoft.com/security/bulletins/alerts.mspx Sign up for the Security webcast each month www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/summary.mspx
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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So it's acting a little strange is it?

Earlier today there was an interesting presentation on how to know when you had a “security incident“ and I thought these bulletpoints were excellent.... so I got the okay to blog them. If you suddenly find that your machine is acting strange....and
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Future proofing

So what are you buying in your servers now? Are you future proofing them? Ensuring they support 32 now, 64 later? Just got the word from the IT forum that SBS and Centro [the mid market bundle] will be on 64 bit only. Now in my case.. if Vista is late
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Off topic a bit...but have you noticed....

That sometimes words end up in your vocabulary that have meanings you didn't quite expect? To me “the blog is horked“ means....well it's broken ...not working... Well ... reading the urban dictionary version ... Oh man..... Yuck. I mean we
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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The Partner program as seen by a Partner

Happyfunboy talks here and here about new changes in the Partner program and his personal experiences. The big issue... Small Business Specialist points will kick in in January...so hang tight. Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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SBS Podcast Show - Intense about Disaster Recovery

Vladville - SBS Show: http://www.vladville.com/sbsshow/2005/11/sbs-show-episode-4-recovering-sbs-in.html The second part of the geek out podcast is now here. The SBS Show this week is now online. As HappyFunBoy said on IM...this one was pretty serious
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Trend CSM 3.0 - just hang loose a bit

Just a heads up we're seeing some issues with Trend's CSM Suite 3.0 on certain SBS 2003 SP1 servers.... Mariette talks about it here And Michael forwarded this...but not 100% sure the solution is working....I'd probably hang tight a bit if you haven't
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Blog is horking big time today

Many apologies, like most technology, the minute you threaten/plan new stuff the existing stuff starts failing... big time. We apparently have major issues with the rss.aspx feed so we're getting 'server busy' about every hour on the hour. In the process
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Are you Out of Office?

With the holidays coming up... I'm looking forward to all that social engineering stuff I can learn from out of office messages. You know... by default an mail server does not send outbound to the Internet OOF messages, but admins the world over have
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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SBS Chat this Tuesday at MCPMag

Handy Andy Goodman writes..... Don't forget this coming Tuesday is the SBS Chat at MCPmag.com or REDMONDmag.com which ever name you prefer. http://www.mcpmag.com/chats/ 4:00pm pst and no excuses, if I can make in on my anniversary, you can make it also.
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Where's your perimeter?

Where's your border? What do you have to defend? Tuesday at 9 a.m PST there will be a web cast on this very subject Webcast : Because businesses today have more network connectivity and more kinds of devices, firewalls no longer represent barriers that
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Want to get BCM on your server so it can talk to your SBA?

Instructions from Jeff Kane of TechSoEasy First, you must install Small Business Accounting 2006 on your SBS . You then install BCM on a workstation first... and set up a local MSDE database when you open Outlook after installation. (be sure to use BCM
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Do you know about the Network configuration operators group?

I'm strongly beginning to think that Windows 2003 and XP are like Office.... every time we say “I'd like the OS to do that“, there's something already in the platform that will probably do what we need it to do. Did you know about the Network
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Got a junk mail stuck?

Recently I've seen folks ask about how to get a piece of junk mail with wacko characters stuck in their Outlook/OWA and Shift-Delete isn't working.... You'll probably have to use the MDBVU32 tool to muck out that junk email as talked about on the Exchange
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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ISA MSDE and the memory throttle

You may experience high memory usage on an ISA Server 2004-based computer that logs messages to an MSDE database: http://support.microsoft.com/?id=909636 SYMPTOMS You may experience high memory usage on a Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA)
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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So you reinstalled the server...and...

I see many times in the newsgroup that people reinstall the server and don't realize they've just shot off all their profiles and my documents, but many times it's really there and just hiding... If you enabled Offline files on your network and then blasted
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Dell Optiplexes and the "cheesy" keyboard

Got one of those new Optiplexes from Dell ...the ones with the SATA drive and was surprised that they keyboard and mouse could only be USB. I don't remember that the spec's saying that they were not going to be shipped with PS2 ports. Yeah it's not a
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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Mr. Backup setup Wizard? Can you dump me to a log file please?

So I was rerunning the backupwizard to change to a new storage location here at home and I got this.... An unexpected error occurred (80070057) at the end of the configuration wizard. Okay, I say, I'll just go find the backup wizard log... where is that
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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SBS Technical books

Released books or near released SBS books: These are my personal opinions.... Small Business Server 2003 Administrator's Companion - Charlie Russel, Jason Gerand - My only complaint about this book is the title - it's really geared torward the external
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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What is the impact of having a domain controller in a virtual environment?

The SBSPodcast gang brought up the issue of ...does having a domain controller in a Virtual Environment have Security issues? The topic came up about offering a service to your clients for an additional domain controller, that you could set up a virtual
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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SBS Support Blog Podcast is HERE

The Official SBS Support Blog : Inside SBS Episode #8 is Here!: http://blogs.technet.com/sbs/archive/2005/11/12/414279.aspx Tonight's episode is about Migration/Transition Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it!
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Did I miss November?

Went to Target tonight... that's pronounced... Tar...shay you know. Okay...can someone tell me what happened to the month of November? Since when is Christmas right around the corner? Did I miss Thanksgiving ? Is this December? Share this post: email
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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What's your pain?

Listening. To make an effort to hear something. To pay attention. Do you ask what your client's pain is? Someone said the other day in one of the Small Biz listserves that they are now taking a CPA with them when they visit clients so that they can not
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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The Religious wars ....the technology wars

You know what gets tiring on some listserves that have a security focus? The religious wars. The “my software is better than your software” stuff. The the whole “I don't want to pay for software” or the “we use open source
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Making sense of 05-019 and the post patch

Prior to installing Exchange 2003 sp2 the release notes say you need to install 898060, but the confusion lies in the bulletin. The bulletin says that 05-019 has been re-released to fix for this issue. So us SBSers would think..okay ...so as long as I
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Flash advisory

Microsoft released a security advisory on Macromedia Flash that needs an update. But what I also found interesting was an issue brought up on the Patch Management listserve . It appears the old Flash bits are left behind... behind so that if someone is
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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A Holiday gift for your favorite geek

I was just looking over a couple of chapters for Eriq Neale's SBS Unleashed book... looking good.....looking good...... almost here.... Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it!
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Exchange 2003 SP2 IMF and the SP1 IMF

Before you go to install Exchange 2003 SP2 you may want to really and truly make sure that the SP1 version of the IMF is uninstalled. We're getting reports that folks have accidentally not realized it was installed, went to install SP2 and the IMF got
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Need a little logging?

First off a word of advise...when setting up an application ...one that will not go through the firewall... you don't want to turn off the firewall in order to test the blocking. There are bad guys and bad things out there and you just don't want to do
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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It's the SBS support guys [and a few gals] tomorrow!!

http://blogs.technet.com/sbs/archive/2005/11/10/414198.aspx This is your invitation to join us for the recording of Episde #8 of Inside SBS. This week, we'll be talking about migration, "super-sizing", and the Transition Pack. If you've ever wondered
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Is the truth harmful?

The webopedia defines a rootkit as... A rootkit is often used to hide utilities used to abuse a compromised system. These often include so called " backdoors " to help the attacker subsequently access the system more easily. For example, the rootkit may
Posted by bradley | 5 Comments
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SUS problem fixed

For those still running SUS 1.0 the issue with the files is fixed per the MSRC blog. I've finished my testing here and will probably be rolling out the patches tonight... a smidge earlier than ususal, but with just the one patch, didn't have to do quite
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Quickbooks 2006

Now that Quickbooks 2006 has hit the streets, just letting you know that you will continue to have to hack the hives and registries to get it to run in anything less than Administrator or Power user. Now before you go running off to load up in Power user,
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Setting up and trusting

Gordo talks about how a misconfiguration of a Desktop search caused issues in a network. Are you aware of the other issue that it may have? On your Exchange? The SBSPodcast guys talked about it last week and they pointed to the KB article Exchange 2000
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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About those good passwords

Dana posts about an issue he hit when he had a good strong password chosen and used it to also sync with his SmartPhone. You know...he had a space in his password. Now windows likes it just fine.... Smartphones...well let's just say that they needed a
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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But what if I don't have the resources to test?

Every month we get security updates from Mothership Redmond. And each time, especially in the server world, we say “you need to test patches” and many times in the SBS community the question comes back “but how can I set up a test lab?”
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments
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There's a new Trend in town

And folks have reported that they or their clients have gotten an email from Trend Antivirus saying that they are eligible for the upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0 since they a Trend customer. Now .. I'd love to copy and past this email to show you what it says
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments
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Can't send email because your ISP wants authentication "per" person?

If you are a Verizon customer who recently went to a system where the user name and password for EACH user has to match the outbound authentication... it's time to get serious about your business. There is nothing that Mothership Redmond can do in the
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Non Security updates on Microsoft Update/WSUS

Microsoft is today also making the following High-Priority NON-SECURITY updates available on WU, MU, SUS and WSUS: KB887624 Windows SharePoint Services Language Template Pack Service Pack 2 WU, MU Description of Windows SharePoint Services Service Pack
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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It's Tuesday and it's patch day!

November 8, 2005 Today Microsoft released the following Security Bulletin(s). Note: www.microsoft.com/technet/security and www.microsoft.com/security are authoritative in all matters concerning Microsoft Security Bulletins! ANY e-mail, web board or newsgroup
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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Symantec Antivirus protocols

The default setup for SBS usually lets things work...but if you have a non SBS setup or have tightened up the internal default rules, here's the protocols that Symatec uses If you lock down your SBS ISA's then these are how to get SAV to work. Intel PDS.....2967
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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So does turning off the SSID on your AP of any good?

You cannot reconnect to a wireless network that uses a hidden SSID after you manually disconnect from that network on a Windows XP Service Pack 2-based computer: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=907405 Just remember that there are tools that allow the
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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So you can't send mail to you?

So in the mailbag tonight comes the question of if you have some email accounts that ...well.. match your email account but you need to forward them outside of your firm because the email accounts live outside of your Exchange server and not inside your
Posted by bradley | 5 Comments
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Haven't yet installed SBS sp1? We have a new way for you to do so

Okay so you know that SBS sp1 is a five step process right? Downloading the service pack . The download for Windows SBS SP1 includes the service packs necessary for the Standard Edition of Windows SBS 2003. As a part of this process, you must download
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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SBA "on" SBS 2003

Small Business Accounting ON SBS 2003 This document describes the process for configuring multiple users for Microsoft Office Small Business Accounting 2006 running on a Windows Small Business Server 2003 network. Just remember to go to Microsoft update
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Excuse me, Thunderbird? But did you TELL ME you were going to do that?

So I run Thunderbird to pull in my 'external' non firm Email [all my junk mail, listserves, etc....] so I'm running the 1.5 [beta... I guess I should know better] and in the middle of having the email client open it tells me it downloaded an update and
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Coming to a Desktop near you

Today in San Francisco, Visual Studio 2005, SQL Server 2005, and Biztalk Server 2005 launched. Can't be there? You can watch it here [in about an hour from when this blog post goes live] And before everyone asks whether SBS gets SQL 2005....from the web
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Writing them down

We're now a two Audiovox house. My sister now has an Audiovox that matches mine. So we were setting up the MSN IM on the device and she couldn't remember the MSN IM password she set up. Is it _________? I asked since that's the password I had set up for
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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It's PODCAST time

While I'm here migrating over [finally] to the new computer ....and man is this a pain in the rear to bring all my parts and gunk over..... I'm in Podcast heaven because both the SBS support blog podcast and the SBSshow podcast are here! SBS Support blog
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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The training effect

It's a known fact that Training makes you more efficient... so I wanted to bring up to the front of the blog a cool tip that Gregg had about the Smartphone power toy that allowed me to take a screen shot of my device.... That ActiveSync Remote Display
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Trend and Scan mail deployment

In the mailbag this morning, Roger asks “ So how do you get ScanMail client to autodeploy with the other bits? The best I've been able to do is a shortcut dropped on the desktop that installs the Trend Micro client .“ I guess I'm not understanding
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Doesn't everyone get goosebumps when http://domain/connectcomputer works on a MCE?

So I used the “ Banana hack ” to get the domain bits back enabled under the hood on my Media Center Edition and just for grins I didn't manually install/join the domain. I wanted to see if all of SBS's wizards would work. There's nothing like
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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If these devices are business phones, why aren't these native?

In the Cingular store, the Audiovox is in the section called “business phones”. So if they are business phones why aren't two things natively on the Windows Mobile platform? Reading word docs Reading pdfs Whenever I'd get an email on the road
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Any Novell experts out there?

One of the advantages of the Microsoft Mobility world is that it's very easy to find a sync tool between a “fill in the blank” and Outlook. Groupwise however... I'm not sure if I can find the same resources. We're looking for the same kind
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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BOB [the System builder guys] and the Small Business Specialist online study group

Are you an OEM builder and want to get the Small Business Specialist Designation? The Bob the Builder crew have majorly gone out of their way on this one.... Web site [you need to be a MS partner and sign up for the OEM site for this] Blog Webcasts Did
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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ISA Server disconnected the following client..... "me"

Description: ISA Server disconnected the following client: because its connection limit was exceeded. For more information about this event, see the Windows event viewer. You know I think I'm going to take off that tcp/ip connection limit per
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Getting a 14079 error on your server

You receive a false positive Firewall service error message on your ISA Server 2004 computer: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/840180 You know I have never gotten this error on my box. But most of the time we're seeing if you kick the monitoring wizard
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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No to all -- Seven times

Well I finally did it tonight. Patched the real baby at the office with Exchange 2003 sp2. I manually shut off the Trend Exchange antivirus I shut off the server antivirus I manually shut down the SMTPservice ...just in case.... And I hit the 'No to all”

A new Macromedia Flash Player is Available

I hate little programs that suddenly wake up and need updates when I've flipped to admin mode. I need a way for notifications to come to me no matter what user rights I'm in. Macromedia has addressed this issue in the following security bulletin; http://www.macromedia.com/devnet/security/security_zone/mpsb05-07.html
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Scorpion Software's Firewall Dashboard [sneak peak]

Now just so you know I got his okay to post this in the blog as long as I warned people this is the “ ALPHA ” view of Dana's Firewall dashboard . Right now he's just looking for folks to sign up to be beta testers and ...well... based on the
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Blogs? Heck! What about our Community Podcasts?

So I was doing a little Technorati surfing and came across this post about “ Small Business Resources ” and thought it funny because we SBSers pride ourselves on being helpful. John, if you think the blogs we have out here are helpful... you
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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I've been reading Security bulletins this long and only now learned this

Okay so I'm a Security bulletin junkie. I don't know of them by KB numbers but by the year and number, but I just learned something new ... when there is wording changes they increment up by a .1, .2, etc. When they update binaries, they change the version
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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My monitor had a little issue today

Today I logged in after remoting in from home and my monitor refresh wasn't quite freshing as it should. You see I have two monitors at the office and one at home. So all my layered screens end up smooshed back on the same screen at home. Soon [maybe
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Grrrrrrr.... spam filters

Sean Daniel posts about helping to fight spam...but you know what.... sometimes I get tired of other folks fighting spam so much that it interferes with communication. One of those “folks” is ...well... it's a large firm to the north of me
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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The critical mass

I got asked about an Ipod the other day. By my gadget loving boss. I can always tell when something has hit 'critical mass' when he comes and asks about something. He asked about a phone that did email [Blackberry] and I steered him to the Audiovox because
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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One patch next week

******************************************************************** Title: November 2005 Microsoft Security Response Center Bulletin Notification Issued: November 03, 2005 ******************************************************************** Summary =======
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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It's Podcast time again this Friday!

Invitation to Join the Podcast Gang This Friday - New Time! The show starts live this week at 1:00 PM CST . If it's SBS, we're talking about it. Phone number for the live call-in portion of the podcast: (866) 500-6738 Use participant code: 5362361 (same
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Inplace upgrades are just not my thing

Marcus posts about his inplace upgrade of SBS 2000 to 2003. First off, I'd never recommend an inplace upgrade. For one, it leaves behind permissions of both the 2000 and 2003 permissions. Ick. Messy. Then there's a couple of problems I see here... he's
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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Terminal Server in application mode does not belong on a domain controller

Okay right up front I'm not allowing comments on this post . You can email me via the contact page, but I've seen and read all the arguments for and against Terminal Server. At the end of the day, this isn't a forum, this is my blog, my view, and it's
Posted by bradley | (Comments Off)

So can I have an additional domain controller in my SBS network?

Yes, it's entirely supported, possible, doable to have a an additional domain controller in your SBS network... and in fact, it doesn't even need to be another physical Windows server. You can set up a virtual server 'inside' a workstation in your network
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Got a lab?

Got a test lab? A place to test things before you do stuff in real life? What's the cheapest way to get a test lab? e-Bay. There is still a lot of good, quality hardware that can be purchased from e-bay. Yup you heard that....ebay. What about Dell outlet?
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Want to know about Open value?

TS2 Wed on the Web: Partner Opprtunities with Open Value TS2 Wed on the Web: Partner Opprtunities with Open Value Event Date: 11/2/2005 Presenter: Justin Preston and Michelle Hendricks from Ingram Micro Event Time: 12:00 PM Pacific, USA & Canada (DST)
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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iSCSI anyone?

Went to a User group meeting tonight and they had a presentation from Zophar Sante, VP of Market Development for Sanrad . You know...iSCSI devices. Yeah it will be a few years before they become SBSized, but I've heard some good things about them from
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Being little, being small, being agile

A blog post last night caught my eye.. Scoble blog where somone says “ Microsoft doesn't get small businesses ”. I hope the poster is looking at today's headlines. Yeah the Live stuff . What's that all about? The other type of client I have.
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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What is this Mac night or something?

I've been pinged a lot lately about information and guidance about Macintosh's on SBS First off my main Mac advice is .... Eric? Eric Neale are you there? His upcoming SBS Unleashed book not only kicks butt on Mac connectivity but also with Amy Babinchek's
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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So what do certifications and competencies do for you?

Just sharing this post... My firm was just awarded both the Network Infrastructure and Information Worker competencies from Microsoft. What a terrific accomplishment it is for our firm and our employees. Microsoft has always created opportunity. Not only
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Dear CAL people

To whom it may concern in the SKU and CAL department. Yes, I know that we've asked before for less SKUs. We've asked before for easier licensing, for Dell computers to be forced to stop saying XP Home operating systems are 'suitable for small businesses'.
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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SBS KBs of Interest

Event ID 7514 is logged in the Application log when you enable the custom word list feature in Intelligent Message Filter version 2 on a server that is running Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=907974 How to troubleshoot
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments

CRM 3.0 RTM'd

News from Amy Luby from a CRM roadshow event that the CRM 3.0 has been sent to manufacture. That means it should be hitting the streets sometime in December. So what do you need to do to get up to speed on CRM Sign up for the early access and play Watch
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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When your spam filter flunks the test

Ian pinged the blog and said.... This weekend we upgraded to Exchange SP2. Following the release note ;) I ran Exchange Best Practice Analyser before the update to check I had installed the correct HotFixes. ExBPA passed without any problems so I continued
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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