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I dare you to order replacement OEM media

http://blogs.technet.com/backroom/archive/2006/11/01/a-funny-thing-happened-to-me-while-in-florida.aspx We want to be legal ... we really do.. but have you tried to get a hold of replacement media? How about downgrade right media? I have someone trying
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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Itunes sync from one location is dumb

http://www.microsoftmonitor.com/archives/2006/10/insecure_me.html Joe wants Apple to be more secure. I just want it to allow me to stick movies or song on it from two different worksations. I have a laptop. When my sister and I are on the road, it's
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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No more mascara rants

To all blog readers: You will be happy to know that there will be no more airline rants about the fact that I cannot take mascara in carry on luggage. http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/prohibited/permitted-prohibited-items.shtm#1 From now on I can.
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Vendors and Ports

I was chatting with Marina today (you know M of the M&M's of www.smallbizserver.net and all that) and she had a client using software from www.netop.com for remote control...and the vendor indicates that the software requires inbound port 80.
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Google is turning into the evil empire

Okay so I was googling to find the citation for the famous Linda Evangelista quote "I don't get out of bed for less than $10,000" when my OEM installed XP MCE computer got an update from it's OEM installation of the Google toolbar...notice
Posted by bradley | 7 Comments
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"A better place to get ripped off"

VioSoftware.com - Buy Cheap Software Discount Sale Small Business Server Premium PG: http://www.viosoftware.com/Small+Business+Server+Premium+PG/?utm_source=nextag&utm_medium=mall&utm_campaign=T75-00035 To whom it may concern at VioSoftware :
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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If you've stuck a link in your comment and it's not showing up..

It's just that I've adjusted the spam filters a bit..... I've been getting german spam and these lovely ones that are just links to web sites, so I've adjusted the filter to hold for approval any post with a hyperlink. Spam is a pain isn't it? Share this
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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We don't speak English

I'm here at the Illinois Business and Technology Show and the thing I hear from many folks is that they can't speak to their IT person. That when they go talk to that person, they don't understand the buzz words that they say. Best Buy for Business is
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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So why is 500 gigs .. first not 500 gigs..and secondly...

So why is a 500 gig external harddrive I just bought (to be added into the rotation of backups) ...firstly.. not 500 gigs but more like 480 (truth in advertising does not extend to harddrives?) and secondly ... why does it come shipped as a FAT32 with
Posted by bradley | 10 Comments
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The lesson this month.

http://www.vladville.com/2006/08/internet-explorer-security-tips.html#comments Just a follow up to this.... I catch anyone installing Firefox on a server and I'll use a 2x4 on you. Servers "serve". Servers don't surf. Period. Therefore there is no need
Posted by bradley | 12 Comments
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Most men probably don't have this problem.

http://www.alaskaair.com/as/www2/flights/Irregular-Operations.asp I have to go shop for lipstick. You see I'm normally a Loreal High Gloss Glam Shine lip gloss "Princess" (yeah yeah Vlad and Chris are gonna rag on me big time that my lipgloss is named
Posted by bradley | 5 Comments
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So this is not a post having to do with SBS..

We temporarily suspend the SBS themed blog for this posting while Susan laments on "Storytelling in Movies" I went to 20,000 Leagues under the Sea yesterday. Truly. I mean the movie was called Pirates of the Caribbean..but the plot had major parts of
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments
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I vote for "understand" WGA

Vlad links to a way to "disable" WGA but I'd strongly recommend that if your machine is failing WGA authentication and you beleive that you are a legal owner of MS software that you make your voice heard. 1. The WGA folks talk about a WGA "roadmap"...
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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You want more emails Frank or what?

http://www.crn.com/sections/software/software.jhtml?articleId=191000553 "The features offered in R2 are welcome enhancements, but one of the biggest features touted is the patch management--if SBS did not have all of the security issues associated with
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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The Banana hack isn't Banana-ing

So I have my brand new HP and it has a recovery partition... which I think might be causing issues with me trying to use the Banana hack to get this guy to join a domain.... I put in the recovery console and had to go into msconfig to get the boot process
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments
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The good news, the bad news...

If you bought the Sysinternals technician kit of tools that was offered a bit back, you have full rights to use them under that eula for a full year. If however, you hadn't gotten around to ordering that the eula is now this vague open ended eula http://www.sysinternals.com/Licensing.html
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Technology IS Rocket Science!

The other day someone asked about doing something with technology and he said "it's not rocket science, is it?".... and you know for a lot of things.. it is rocket science. I honestly think the computing industry has done a true disservice to the business
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Voting with my pocket book

The other day a discussion was made of if something is so hard and costly for a small business that one should 'vote with ones feet' .. and in the small business case look at other solutions.. in this case Novell versus SBS due to the issues of licensing.
Posted by bradley | 8 Comments
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How big is R2 for customers?

... good thing I'm here at home and Vlad is in Boston because I'd elbow him in the side for this crack on his blog " Microsoft’s most insignificant upgrade in its most insignificant server product justifies this kind of marketing expenditure ? " Most
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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SBSC... does it matter?

The other day someone said that he wasn't convinced that the SBSC credential mattered to clients... but I think he's missing the point. SBSC matters to you... it matters to me..... it's what we ASKED Microsoft to do. We wanted and needed a way to rise
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Don't read this horrible book...

Seriously ... I really don't want you to buy the latest Security book by Michael Howard and Steve Lipner called... Security Development Lifecycle ... I really don't.. because if you do, you'll get as ticked off as I am about the applications that I spend
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Push to me or I won't get the info

I'd like to publically ask on this blog again.. that the Microsoft Partner channel learn to get some RSS feeds... and while you are at it, cut down on the web casts and focus more on podcasts please? And don't repackage your webcasts into audio only webcasts...
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Losing my credibility

...the other day a friend warned me when I was/am being an as_. They said I was in danger of losing my credibility over my comments and beliefs on R2.... and the more I think about it.. the more I have to say..well.. if I do.. so be it. ...because at
Posted by bradley | 7 Comments
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Pulling back the rights.....

So does everyone in your network use the same rights of access? Is everyone a domain admin? Obviously not.. or I hope not anyway... so you probably have some that when you set them up on the server you gave them just plain user rights.. so they don't
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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First do no harm....

So I walked into a different sort of setup today... the client was actually ... well.. uh.. dead.. and we were coming in to help the estate...and we needed to get a unified data file. The offsite bookkeeper was posting check entries in her Quickbooks
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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