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Issues installing ISA 2004

Question Several days ago when i install ISA 2004 in SBS 2003 R2 i get the following error in the ISAWRAP_*.log file... and installation setup stops"Installer activated, command-line='/v"/qn FULLPATHANSWERFILE=\"C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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How to block MSN Messenger traffic and Windows Live Messenger traffic by using ISA Server

I don't allow everyone in my office to have external IM in the office. I happened to catch Exchange 2000/SBS 2000 on software assurance and caught Live Communication for internal only instant messenging. If you do allow your firm to have external
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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ISA firewall won't start

So there are times when you get a weird answer to a weird problem.... We've seen before that ISA/RRAS/MSfirewall won't start with a event id 7001, 7024 and 7..... ..and believe it or not the KB article that does the trick is this one: You cannot use the
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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ISA and IIS on the same box

On the download site is a program that allows you to do ISA and IIS on the same box.. there's just one problem... while it's a cool tool for SBS.. the fact is that you cannot install ISA 2006 on a SBS box. For one we're not licensed for it... and for
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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ISA 2004 needed sp2 to properly load

Phil had installed SBS 2003 on a 2 processor, Dual core Xeon so = 8 logical processors... he then installed ISA 2004 and got the message: The ISA Server Standard Edition cannot run. Either the server is using more than 4 processors, or it is configured
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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ISA 2006 RTM's (but remember it doesn't work on SBS)

Just a reminder that while ISA 2006 has recently RTM'd... the CEICW doesn't work with it and we're not licensed for it...So play with it for testing purposes for standalone installs....but don't try to install it on SBS. Check out Tristan's blog for more.
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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ISA 2004 sp2 update for issues with Delta/iTunes, etc.

Heads up ..this 'may' need to reboot your server, so you'd probably need to install this after hours just in case... (and if you have WSUS set for "publically available patches" ... or whatever that one category is....you should see this in your WSUS
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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ISA 2004 sp2 hotfix and a reboot

Just in case you install the hotfix to fix the iTunes, Delta.com, Sun.com issues with ISA2004 and you DON'T get prompted for a reboot... reboot... just in case. Besides sometimes I 'bounce the box' just to put a detailed info in that Shutdown logging
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Patch for issues with ISA 2004 sp2

Update for HTTP issues in Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 Service Pack 2: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=916106 The hotfix for issues with ISA 2004 sp2 is now out.... For those of you who remember..that's Sun.com and Delta.com web site
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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Configuring Secure Wireless Network Access with Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003

From the newsgroup.... Fellow SBSers: An update to "Configuring Secure Wireless Network Access with Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003" is now available. With the help of SBS MVP Dave Nickason, it now includes ISA2004 firewall changes which
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Need a little more management of workstations with ISA 2004 on SBS?

I was listening to the SBS Podcast 15 and it happened to flip over to Podcast 1...and my goodness the sound quality has changed TONS... But they reminded me about one setting that you may hit in ISA 2004 that I don't think I've completely blogged about...
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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You know about firewalls?

http://www.vladville.com/2006/03/sbs-show-18-isa-firewalls-with-amy.html Download the SBS Show #18 http://www.vladville.com/sbsshow/sbsshow-episode18.mp3 SBS Show #18 is an adult now and with the age of maturity we look at a responsible topic of protecting
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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When a vendor asks you.....

Whenever a vendor says any of the following items you need to stop... stop right in your tracks and ask "Why are they asking me to do that?" A vendor instructs you that you need to open up an inbound port 80 and port 443 connection. [Whenever you go to
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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ISA 2004 sp2

( as Sandi noted on IM... I sounded a little stressed in some recent blog posts... and honestly.. more like just a little tired of the religious wars is all... so let's get back to fixing issues shall we, and get a bit de-stressed?) So... you have ISA
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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So maybe it's a good idea on SPs not to be first?

On the smallbizit list, Dale reports that on the ISAserver.org site they are reporting issues with ISA 2004 sp2 and certain web sites...... FYI - There's a post ISA 2004 SP2 bug being reported by myself and others at ISAserver.org's message boards on
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Sometimes you do indeed get Lemonade from Lemons

So everyone knows that SBS 2003 R2 won't get Windows 2003 R2, right? Well ...there's a silver lining in that...we won't hit this error on our SBS boxes with ISA 2004 on them and have to worry about seeing this issue..... Error message in ISA Server 2004:
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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Moving the ISA tracing file location

Have not tested this yet...but you are supposed to be able to move the tracking file for ISA 2004 to another drive after doing this.... Stay tuned.. I'll let you know after I test it on my box. 1. Add the following registry value under HKLM/Software/Microsoft/ISATracing
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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ISA 2004 tracking file (like your C: drive wasn't full enough already?)

In the newsgroups today... Gary reports the following: ----------------------- Well, here's a reason not to install ISA2K4/SP2: It will create a new 400mb file, Windir\Debug\ISALOG.BIN, and a second, new 400mb file, ISALOG.BAK, on the C: drive. According
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Firewall Dashboard...asking for good feedback

So you tried it out yet ? Remind me of someone I know who urges me not to just give feedback like...'this sucks' or 'that's broken'... he wants me to say why something is broken and if I were in charge of the universe...what would I do to fix the item
Posted by bradley | 3 Comments
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Remote management of ISA?

Okay you are a var/vap and you do remote management of a SBS box with ISA? Then have you set up the system policy rule that makes you "trusted" like the gang from the SBSpodcast said to do? Launch the ISA console Click on Firewall Policy Click on Edit
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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ISA 2004 sp2 (do not do this remotely and read the release notes)

ISA server 2004 sp2 just released on the download site and since we are READING the release notes before installing...they say... If ISA Server services are installed, ISA Server will enter lockdown mode during installation. Following installation, the
Posted by bradley | 4 Comments
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I think it's going to be like the Maytag repair guy...pretty lonely...but..

Today on the WSUS console is a new category...and yeah... given the current need for patching this product (no patches for the 2004) and only one or two that I can think of off the top of my head for the 2000 platform...this is going to be a bit like
Posted by bradley | 1 Comments
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Converting a 2000 KB to a 2004 KB

"Connection Error: 10057” error message when you try to connect to the Lacerte Web site or to download updates of the Lacerte Tax program in SBS 2000 or in SBS 2003: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;839503 So that KB is written
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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So how do I track RWW?

A commenter [I'm too lazy to go link it up as I was in the office at 6 ungodly am this morning to ensure that a Tax Webcast training seminar was working properly and right now I'm blogging as the Earl Grey tea attempts to clear the grogginess from my
Posted by bradley | 2 Comments
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Outgoing VPN connections having issues?

So Mike asked..... Hi, I was wondering if anyone else has a problem with outgoing VPN connections after uploading SBS SP1. Everthing works as before with ISA 2000 but I have a VPN connection to a friend I support and this is now being blocked by ISA2004
Posted by bradley | 0 Comments
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