Cuban Anthem

No Castro nor his regime !



updated 08/03/04

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Unidad Cubana - Nosotros, dirigentes de Organizaciones Patrioticas Cubanas del destierro, interpretando el deseo de nuestro pueblo, hemos acordado unir nuestros esfuerzos, consecuentes con las exigencias del momento actual.

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La Fundación "Humanismo sin Fronteras" se creó oficialmente el día 9 de Octubre de 1997. El sentimiento que la mueve se debe a que sus fundadores, han estado toda una vida involucrados en la noble tarea de ayudar al prójimo necesitado en el mundo entero.

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The Bay of Pigs Museum contains different pieces of history associated with that event: maps, books, uniforms, organization charts, photos of the martyrs that died in the fighting and later on in the prisons.

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A L P H A  6 6  - An organization of fighters for the liberty of Cuba. There appears to be a relentless campaign spearheaded by the tyrannical government that misappropriated the island of Cuba, interested organizations, and other foreign governments that pretends that the Castro-Communist system is about to release its grip on the Cuban people and that peace with them is at hand.

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COMANDOS F- 4 Y PARTIDO (1) CUBANO - "POR UNA CUBA LIBRE, DEMOCRÁTICA Y SOBERANA" Comandos F-4 is an organization capable of organizing clandestine activity against the regime inside the island of Cuba.

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Junta Patriótica Cubana - dedicated to the noble endeavor of liberating one of the last holdings of Soviet and Communist imperialism, Cuba. We will try to include information pertaining to the labors of our organization towards that goal, as well as items related to it and that add to the cause of freedom.

U.M.A.P. "where there was never a gesture that was human". In 1965 one of the multiple repressive measures of the Castro-Communist Regime, the Military Units to Help Production (acronym UMAP in Spanish).

CAMCO is an independet non-profit professional organization, comprised of over one thousand military individuals of Cuban origin who have served with distinction and honor in the Cuban and United States Armed Forces.

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Cuban American National Foundation - The Cuban American National Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to the re-establishment of freedom and democracy in Cuba.

www.tommarr.com The Tom Marr Show.


Non Proliferation Mass Destruction Weapons and Terrorism Project (Cuba Case)

www.Bayamo.com New web site to help on the fight for the liberty of Cuba.

Wings of Valor, Inc. is a Not-for-Profit Corporation.
"Dedicated to Rebuilding Lives Torn Apart By War, Poverty, and Disaster"

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Cuba Free Press (Nueva Prensa Cubana) Web site for the latest news directly from Cuba, in Spanish. A contribution by Cuban reporters struggling get the news out of the country for the world community to know the facts of current atrocities, abuses and human rights violations.

CubDest Servicio de Difusión El CubDest analiza los principales acontecimientos político- religiosos relacionados con Cuba comunista y con el exilio, a través de comunicados, artículos y libros.

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Tradition, Family, Property In times of great crisis there are two kinds of men: those who are overwhelmed by the crisis and those who rise up to resist the trend of events and so change the course of history.

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La Voz de Cuba Libre (LVDCL),  tiene como objetivo básico publicar NOTICIAS Y COMENTARIOS electrónicamente. Como antecedente tiene la columna homónima del periódico " EL 20 DE MAYO" de L.A. escrita por José L. Fernandez. LVDCL sale al paso a las noticias que tergiversan la realidad cubana para ayudar a la tirania. LVDCL presenta "la otra cara de la moneda" para que el publico haga su propio juicio.

www.freerepublic.com is an online gathering place for independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web. We're working to roll back decades of governmental largesse, to root out political fraud and corruption, and to champion causes which further conservatism in America.

Carl McGill (www.carlmcgill35cd.org) Will Beat Maxine Waters On Nov. 7, 2000!
My opponent is a do-nothing congresswoman with few achievements in the district. She is all mouth and no action. Waters is the former outsider, who has became the ultimate insider.

To establish a vehicle to incorporate the new generation of Cubans, both inside and outside our nation and all those who wish to become a bridge of solidarity by joining forces with the objective of establishing a society in our country based on liberty, justice and democracy, where no man is above the law.

FACE, Facts About Cuban Exiles, works to bring the truth about this exile community to the attention of the American public. It also works to counter misleading, false, and prejudiced information about Cuban exiles in the American and international media.

Cubriendo Y Descubriendo/Covering And Discovering by authors Carlos Wotzkow and Agustin Blazquez, tells it like it is! This book is a fireworks display of the realities in Castro’s Cuba exposing the double standard, distortions, misinformation and censorship by the Cuban, European and U.S. press.

¿Ha podido leer El Lente De La Cámara por Ulises Carbó? Entérese de lo que se pretende hacer con la base termonuclear de Juraguá. Sepa lo que pasó en Africa durante el año 1977. ¿Qué representó el territorio de Cabinda? ¿Cuál fue el papel que jugaron las compañías petroleras americanas?


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Los Caminos del Guerrero El autor, Luis Posada Carriles, ha sido un tenaz e incansable luchador contra la tiranía comunista que oprime y subyuga al pueblo de Cuba. Posada fué un destacado agente de la CIA que cumplió destacadas misiones internacionales.

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El libro: El Costo de las Ideas, es una larga entrevista hecha por el escritor cubano Jorge Aguilar, al Sr. Jesús Yánez Pelletier, ex-capitán ayudante de Fidel Castro.Yánez Pelletier se da a la tarea de desenmascarar a quien por 40 años se ha sustentado en el odio, la mentira, la traición y el crimen, mutilando lo más bello del ser humano: el derecho a la libertad y a la vida. Para defender esos derechos ha sufrido exilio, golpizas, 11 años de prisión y los humillantes actos de repudio a que ha sido sometido en los últimos años.

Fleeing Castro - Operation Pedro Pan and the Cuban Children's Program By Victor Andres Triay
From late 1960 until the October 1962 missile crisis, 14,048 unaccompanied Cuban children left their homeland, the small island suddenly at the center of the Cold War struggle.  A stirring account of the covert effort to smuggle these children into the United States in the aftermath of Fidel Castro’s rise to power, Fleeing Castro brings to the light the humanitarian program designed to care for them once they arrived and the hardship and suffering endured by the families who took part in Operation Pedro Pan. 

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Operation Pedro Pan: The Untold Exodus of 14,000 Cuban Children; By Yvonne M. Conde
The Cuban government has always followed the children closely, as they had spies among the workers of the temporary shelters in Miami. The insidious watch over the children was frightfully evident to Josefina Santiago’s father. Josefina recalls her father telling her that during a police interrogation in Cuba he was shown pictures of Josefina playing in her foster family’s yard. During interrogations, parents were told by the government officials that they knew the whereabouts of their children and they would be kidnapped if the parents failed to cooperate."

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Operation Pedro Pan On the fifteenth of November,  1960 a Cuban man brought a fifteen year old Cuban boy named Pedro to the office of Father Bryan O. Walsh at the Catholic Welfare Bureau.  The boy had arrived a month earlier,  sent by his parents who expected their relatives and friends to care for him,  not realizing that these people could scarcely house and feed themselves. 

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Covering Cuba
"Cubans have not only been victimized by Castro but sadly by the us media, just 90 miles away from reality." A video documentary (in English), 1 hr 52 min. Covering Cuba uncovers the false myths of Education and Health Care after 1959 and graphically shows and explains what was there before. Producer/Director Agustín Blázquez.

Mundo Latino

Visite Mundo Latino Web site. Marcelo Fernández-Zayas, uno de los grandes conocedores de la actualidad cubana. Marcelo forma parte del WPAIS, una organización dedicada al análisis político e investigaciones de temas periodísticos contemporáneos.

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The CADP-NYC is a human rights / pro democracy web site, dedicated to the attainment of freedom in a Cuba held hostage by the communist dictatorship of Fidel Castro.

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Brothers to the Rescue - We rescue our brothers who flee Castro's communist tyranny in the Straits of Florida; advocate human rights and national solidarity; support the heroic dissidents within the island; and promote the proven strategy of nonviolent National Civic Defiance to bring democracy and sovereignty to Cuba.

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CubaNet - Committed to the free press in Cuba. CubaNet disseminates the non-governmental information that emanates from the Island and presents the full spectrum of opinions about Cuba's reality.

"Give me your tired your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

"Mándenme su gente cansada, sus pobres,
Sus amontonadas muchedumbres ansiosas de respirar con libertad,
Los desdichados desperdicios de sus rebosantes tierras.
Envíenme éstos, los desahuciados, abrumados por la tempestad,
¡Yo levanto mi antorcha junto a la puerta dorada!"

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The Directorio favors non-violent action to debilitate the Cuban government from within, creating international support to pressure the Cuban government from without, and uniting those opposing the government inside the island with those outside in order to create an effective force for change

Clandestine Radio

The Anti-Castro Historiography Page - This site is a World Wide Web resource that archives past and present anti-Castro clandestine radio stations and analyzes the use of political propaganda against the Castro regime. A current schedule of times and frequencies of active stations are listed as well as sample audio transmissions and a snapshot gallery of past and present QSL cards.

Memorial Web site

Memorial Web site -Dedicated to Four Americans Who Lost Their Lives Trying to Save Others - THEIR NAMES WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED: Carlos Costa, Armando Alejandre, Jr., Mario de la Pena, Pablo Morales

La Patria es de Todos

La Patria es de Todos - Grupo de Trabajo a la Disidencia Cubana Ciudad de La Habana, 27 de junio de 1997

13 of March Tug Boat Victims

13 of March Tug Boat Victims - This is a list of the people killed by the State Security Police -Partial List of Victims. The Cuban government continues to cover up the responsible parties. 72 people on board - 41 killed; 23 children

Canimar Ferryboat Massacre Memorial

Canimar Ferryboat Massacre Memorial - Another massacre on JULY THE 6TH, 1980 - MATANZAS - CUBA - (Murdered by the State Security Police -Partial List of Victims)

Free Cuba Foundation

Free Cuba Foundation -  "One revolution is still necessary: the one that will not end with the rule of its leader. It will be the revolution against revolutions, the uprising of all peaceable individuals, who will become soldiers for once so that neither they nor anyone else will ever have to be a soldier again." -Jose Marti

Freedom House

The Cuba Programs of Freedom House seeks to promote a peaceful transition to democracy in Cuba, establish the rule of law, strengthen democratic institutions on the island, and support the pro-democracy and human rights activists in Cuba.

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Carta de Cuba Crónicas, artículos y noticias de los periodistas independientes de Cuba y de sus colaboradores en el exterior, exclusivas para "Carta de Cuba", revista editada en San Juan de Puerto Rico.

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Born Free - Nacida LIbre

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Guaracabuya, publicación de la Sociedad Económica Amigos del País.
Revista Trimestral

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Casa Cuba Home Page Casa Cuba was established in 1996, to address the concerns of Houston's changing Cuban community. Cubans in Houston today are dispersed throughout the city and its suburban communities.

Cárdenas, Cuba - Home Page

30 De Noviembre

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JOSE MARTI - Cuba's Greatest Hero

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Aguada de Pasajeros, Cienfuegos, Cuba Circuito Sur es una publicación 100% cubana. Editada - Dirigida y financiada por cubanos Fundado en 1981 en el exilio, Miami, Fl.

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The purpose of our new magazine, "The Best Of Cuba", is to select the best stories on people, places, and events that have shaped and will continue to shape the course of Cuba.


Una Pagina Para Liborio


Por una Cuba no soviética. Tampoco norteamericana. Anti marxista, comunista, leninista, castrocomunista. Pero si con democracia representativa, division de poderes, voto universal y secreto, práctica efectiva de ...

El Che Guevara


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La Campana un periódico por la libertad de Cuba. Noticias acerca de Cuba y América Latina en general

Panorama Semanal de la Actualidad Cubana

The Ultimate Cuban Webpage

Diario Las Americas