Syd Barrett’s paintings auctioned-off

21 Nov 2006

  Syd Barrett's family have decided to auction off a number of his paintings and have announced that a percentage of the proceeds with go to help artist education and development in Syd's home town of Cambridge.

Syd initially studied at the Camberwell Art School in London before his music career took him to Psychedelic martyrdom with the fledgling Pink Floyd. After his much publicised breakdown, Syd returned to Cambridge where he apparently began painting again. The auction is said to include some early works, as well as more recent pieces that Syd completed in the run up to his death.

Stranger still, the auction will also give you the chance to purchase Syd's artificial Christmas tree. I kid you not. Check out the listing here. Other bargain items include Syd's chair, Syd's toolkit, Syd's Lamp and Syd's hand-painted bike. Well, it is for a good cause, I suppose. The auction takes place in Cambridge at Cheffins Auctioneers on November 29th.

Let's remember Syd fondly by watching this video of Pink Floyd's first and best single, 'Arnold Lane':

Can you take his picnic basket back when you realise it's a bit lacking in sandwiches? - TALK!

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