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NYC bans trans fat

The Board of Health unanimously voted Tuesday to make New York City the first municipality to ban artificial trans fats from restaurants and bakeries by July 2008.

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Casual Upscale TOP 5
Ayhan's Shish Kebab

Ayhan's Shish Kebab

A good spot for kebabs, greek salads and baklava.


Where the cuisine lives up to its name.
TOP 5 New American restaurants on Long Island

New American restaurants

Long Island's best.
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I'll have a glass of wine

Bottle too big? Food order too diverse? The trend is to ask for one pour at a time.

Sushi swims into unlikely waters

Once the sacred trust of Japanese restaurants, sushi can be found in steak houses, supermarkets, food courts and more.

LI Seafood Markets

Long Island is blessed with many good seafood markets. These were recommended by readers and visited by Newsday.

Long Island cooking schools

Don't feel like going out? If only you could whip up a gourmet meal at home... These schools offer courses from soup to nuts.

Reader's Favorites

Small Bites
Spots for holiday cheer

Inside Information
Newsday critic Joan Reminick fills you in on the latest Restaurant News. This week: Off-season happenings in the Hamptons

Know before you go
Suffolk County Restaurant Health Inspection findings. (Nassau County findings not available at this time.)

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