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September 2005 - Posts

Windows Sharepoint Services SP2

Did you notice that WSS SP2 has been released to web? Here's the link to the download... and here's the link to the Administrators guide ... there are some new features that you may want to take a look at - particularly the enhancements for extranet and

How to open the Outlook calendar from the command line

I noticed that Allister has come up witrh some tips on Opening Outlook by using the command line, and by using switches. I blogged about a handy list of switches that Outlook tips published, but the ability to open Outlook in a specific folder each time

Secure and Well Managed Enterprise

We're running a series of webcasts aimed at managing your enterprise. Here's the info... You can learn how to become a dynamic IT organization and achieve operational effectiveness through delivering higher quality of service, email availability, and

Exchange 12 - Roadmap for Developers

If you're an Exhange fan, likes new features, and a it of a developer (sounds like you John then!), have a look at this article that Terry blogged about the other week which covers a few of the architectural changes that will be happening in Exchange

Find out how to migrate from Notes to Exchange

Dave Thompson , who is the VP for Exchange in corp. is coming over to speak at an event in London, Docklands next month. The event is: Understanding the Microsoft Platrform for Notes Organisations . I quite often talk to customers about their challenges

Exchange Free / Busy message size

I saw this on an internal mail the othe day, and thought that this information was too good not to share around. I only wish I'd had this level of detail available to me when I was an Exchange administrator. So I'm sharing it. Just in case you also want

Talking about blogging

I was at an industry event for executives last week who seemed to be completely unaware of the reach and extent of the online blogging community and how much information is fed around the blogosphere. It's often fascinating, when some big news item hits
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 2 Comments
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SPV c550

I've been dithering for some time about the type of phone to get to replace my c500, and I'm currently oscillating between candy bar type phones, Razr's and the clamshell type device, wanting all of them in equal measures. the Orange M5000 caught my eye

LCS ports used for communication

Gary wondered if there was a kb article that detailed the ports that LCS used to communicate between client and server. Well Gary, all I could find is a list of the basic ports used when LCS 2005 talks to Windows messenger . here you go Gary: Client:

Office Webcasts for October

Microsoft Office System Webcast: My How You've Changed: Side-by-Side Tips for Outlook 2000 and Outlook 2003 (Level 100) Tuesday, October 04, 2005 – 9:00 AM-10:00 AM Pacific Time Andy Reed, Senior Training Specialist, Pacific Technical Consulting (PTC)

Real Time Collaboration Webcasts for October

TechNet Webcast: How Microsoft IT Deployed Office Communicator 2005 (Level 300) Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Pacific Time Kelley LeBeau, Service Manager Microsoft IT Real Time Communication, Microsoft Corporation Learn how the Microsoft

Mobility Webcasts for October

Microsoft Webcast: Windows Mobile Security for Non-Technical Executives Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Pacific Time Steve Conn, Enterprise Marketing Manager, Microsoft Corporation Learn why Microsoft Windows Mobile security features are

Messaging & collaboration Webcasts for October

Microsoft Webcast: Unlock Lotus Notes Using Microsoft Collaboration Technologies Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific Time Cliff Reeves, General Manager, Microsoft Corporation Gary Devendorf, Technical Evangelist, Microsoft Corporation

MOM & SMS Webcasts for October

TechNet Webcast: MOM and AVIcode: Incorporating the Operations Perspective in Dynamic Systems Initiative (Level 200) Wednesday, October 5, 2005 - 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Time Stephen Pelletier, VP Business Development, AVIcode, Inc. Dhananjay Mahajan,

Portals Webcasts for October

TechNet Webcast: Getting Started with Microsoft Collaboration: 30 New Applications for SharePoint Services (Level 100) Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific Time Jason Bunge, SR. Product Manager - WSS, Microsoft Corporation Collaborative

defining SMS local and remote site boundaries

Mark had a problem with his local and remote site boundaries His Active Directory site was defined within “Site Boundaries”. He has Included site boundaries within the local roaming boundaries of this site in the “Roaming Boundaries” check box and wanted

Office 12 - sneak peek

Have a look at the new look and feel of the next version of Office - Office 12. Looks quite a bit different doesn't it? I hope that Ill be on one of the early betas as I'm reall keen to have a play with this. If you want to get involved with having a

Send SMS messages from your mobile phone using Outlook 2003

John has found this fantastic little download from Microsoft that lets you send SMS messages from your cell phone by using Outlook. A boon to those of you who have big thumbs and those of us who blame your poor spelling on the predictive text feature

Exchange 2003 SP2 - whats in it?

I noticed that Gerod has posted a link to the release notes for Exchange SP2 (they weren't with the original bits). They're now on the web . (I mentioned that you could download them in a previous blog entry ). I'd missed the bit about pausing replication

Documentation for MOM 2005 SP1

MOM 2005 SP1 documentation is now available at the Microsoft Download Center. These documents will provide guidance and explain features & functionality that will help you plan for, deploy, and administer MOM 2005 SP1. Visit http://www.microsoft.com/mom/techinfo/productdoc/default.mspx

Monad shell available to download

I just noticed this on one of our internal newsletters and thought it was worth forwarding on... “Monad” Shell – Publicly available on Microsoft Download Center Windows "Monad" Shell is a new interactive command-line and task-based scripting technology

Copying your SMTP relay list to another computer

Godfrey mailed me with an Exchange problem tht was causing him quite a bit of work We have a large number of IP addresses in our SMTP "relay list" It's a real pain to have to enter them into each new exchange server. There must be some way of copying

Powerful Powerpoint points

Jesper, who seems to live on planes at the moment , has blogged about how to make your Powerpoint presentations much more effective . As someone who presents and listens to preentations regularly, I know only too well on the torture of a bad set of slides

The Microsoft.com team tell you all

I've just noticed this great blog from the Microsoft.com team . Their first blog entry describes th infrastructre of Microsoft.com, how many servers, how big the pipes are (Biig) 150 million downloads per day. Phew. Certanly a blog worth watching... and
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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The TechNet Index

I've been sent a mail about how TechNet has been organised to make it much more easy to navigate the site. I've had a browse during today and I'm impressed. here are some of the features: TechNet Indexes have been placed onto http://microsoft.com/technet/index

Bill Gates chats to Channel 9 - without socks

Robert Scoble gets to chat to Bill Gates for 15 minutes on Channel 9. Its an interesting interview and has a few insights about Bill's 10 and 15 year vision for software, and where he thinks we're headed. He talks about XML and development initiatives

New trojan - won't let you see "adult" sites

I don't normally blog about virus alerts, worms and trojans ( Steve normally blogs about these) but this one this morning has caught my eye. There's a new Trojan out there which won't let you visit sites with sex or exhibition in the title bar of the

Small Business Server - have you outgrown it?

There's been quite a bit of a buzz about the announcement made yesterday about our new mid market solution codenamed Centro with several articles in the press , blog , and news sites. Centro is aimed at businesses sized from 50 - 250 pcs, and aims to

Software Assurance Webcasts. don't miss out

There are quite a few changes coming with the new Software assurance program, so I'd really recommend that you watch one of these 4 global webcasts coming up next week. The current Software Assurance benefits provide IT Pros with Training Vouchers, eLearning,

Starting from somewhere

Ewan reminded me about start.com today (we were talking about kittens over IM and got a bit sidetracked over the picture of a kitten drinking from a straw ). I had a play with start.com/1 and start.com/2 in the early days of it's incubation period, so

Move your Autocomplete entries to another machine

Koen had a bit of a challenge moving his autocomplete entries "After searching on the Microsoft site, I found an aricle in your blog about the autocompletion of email addresses. Personally I really love to use it. However, I'm encountering a problem with

Microsoft and Frontbridge

As I've mentioned before , Microsoft have now completed the acquisition of Frontbridge technologies. here's the info from the presspass site, and news comments are starting to appear... The acquisition of FrontBridge allows Microsoft to deliver services

HTC Universal - now on sale

But you've got to go to Germany to buy one at the moment... I noticed that the Register said that the HTC universal was on sale (in Germany) today ( or yesterday ). It's described as a clamshell - but its not the sort of clamshell that immediately comes

Troubleshooting RPC/HTTP

RPC/HTTP is a fantastic solution to accessing your mail without using a VPN, and since we enabled it here at Microsoft, I hardly ever log on using the VPN and smartcard when I just need to send emails. (General emal triage is done as and where on my smartphone