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Messenger: Lost password or secret question

I blogged about this a couple of years ago, but I still get quite a few mails asking about resetting passwords on Live Messenger (MSN Messenger). Some people can't remember their password, some have had their account hacked, some cannot sign in. All of

Instant phishing

I read this in the newswires about phishers taking over IM accounts and using these accounts to get personal details from you. SPIM (spam for Instant messaging) is something that would really bug me (if I got any). as my IM account is really simple to

Instant messaging - anywhere

A lot of us are trying to get our heads around Web 2.0 and how it will affect the way we work on the web. People are driving the web - not the other way around. Think about commenting on blogs, subscribing to something on a Wiki - this is changing how

Unified: A strategy but no communications?

I was interested to read the blog post from Microsoft Monitor the other day talking about our recent announcements on our Unified Communications Strategy. I was at the UC user group meeting on Tuesday (there's another one tonight too,) and it was really

MSN Messenger and Yahoo talk to each other.

We've had this a while in our Live Communications Server product. The ability for corporate users to have contacts that are external to their company. We call it PIC ( Public Internet Connectivity ), and here's some information on it if you'd like to

RTC Webcasts for May

Microsoft Office System Webcast: Tips and Tricks for Microsoft Office Communicator 2005 (Level 100) Tuesday, May 23, 2006 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific Time Evan Archilla, Consultant, Projectline Services Microsoft Office Communicator 2005 is an integrated

Be careful of the Christmas worm

I just noticed this on one of the newswires . There's a worm propagating around the Instant Messaging services pretending to redirect you to a Xmas site. Here's what IMLogic have to say about it: This worm broadcasts a URL out over IM clients which downloads

Encarta answers your questions via MSN Messenger

So many people have told me about this new feature, I just had to try it out for myself, and now I have, I've just got to share it with you! You can add Encarta to your MSN Messenger buddy list and ask it questions. The answers are totally fascinating.

An amazing set of support resources

Blake submitted an amazing set of links to the Industry Insiders blog yesterday, the links took me over an hour to check that they were all current and valid, so heaven only knows how long they took to collate. He has managed to get every single link

Add video clips to your Outlook emails

I've been chatting to a friend in Redmond recently, and he sent me a video clip tour to show me around his office and area. He'd captured things on video, chopped it, played around with the file and sent it to me. But there's a really cool add in that

Windows messenger group policy files

If you haven’t made the switch to Office Communicator yet, and are still running Windows Messenger in your organisation, then you may be interested in this .ADM file to manage messenger with group policy. This download updates the Microsoft Windows Messenger

MSN 7.0 - much better than the beta!

I've downloaded the full version of MSN 7.0 after playing with the beta for a couple of months and its fab... I can now put a comment under my name instead of having to modify my display options each time I log in and I'm in a different location. I can

Video conversations on your Pocket PC

I was having a look at some of the fantastic stuff to come out of Microsoft research today and I came across this prototype that they've released called Microsoft Portrait . So now you can have a video conversation with a buddy from your buddy list in

MSN Messenger - via the web

If you're at a PC that doesn't have the MSN Messenger client installed, and you want to chat to people on your buddy list, you can use the MSN Web Messenger interface. The interface is very similar and you have access to your address book as usual. Its

MSN Hotmail Facts

I had a look at the recently published fact sheet on Hotmail and the new features like MSN spaces integration and the increased storage up to 250mb. I was amazed that MSN has been running since August 1995 . It seemed like only a few years ago. I must
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