My current C500 Smartphone is one of the few mobile telephones that I've been happy with for more than the first month or two of ownership - I've had it for two years now. I use it to read/write email whilst on the move, as a personal music device and as a GPS via a bluetooth receiver.

I'd like to take advantage of 3G and my handset is getting rather battered (it's had a hard life) hence it's time for a change.

I recently tried a prototype device that was similar to the one shown below:

I really liked the big screen, anticipated 3G support (I don't know if the device pictured is 3G), integrated wireless with WPA support including certificate authn and the ability to open attachments with pocket Word, Excel and Powerpoint.

For me the best feature was probably the one that won't even make it onto the specification sheet - you can turn off the audible incomming call alert AND not have to suffer "vibrate". I hate "vibrate" when my phone's on a solid surface as it's often louder than my regular ring tone.

I hope that the features I've described are retained in the production device.