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Adobe Developer Program acquisition FAQ (PDF: 124K)

Find out more about how the Macromedia acquisition impacts the ASN Developer Program.

Adobe Enterprise Developer Support

Enterprise developers can join the Adobe Enterprise Developer Support and receive 1 year of developer support and developer licenses of Adobe LiveCycle software, for $1495 per year.

Adobe Enterprise Developer Events

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Adobe Enterprise Developer Newsletter

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Try Adobe LiveCycle Designer 7.1

Design PDF and XML forms quickly and easily with a free trial copy of Adobe LiveCycle Designer 7.1.

Adobe LiveCycle Developer Center

Get access to technical resources, tools, and software to help you create enterprise solutions based on Adobe LiveCycle software.

Developers can deploy, extend and integrate existing projects with the Adobe® LiveCycle™ line of J2EE-based enterprise server and design tools, which are at the core of the Adobe Intelligent Document Platform. Adobe LiveCycle software provides Java APIs, uses XML for data interchange, and supports web services allowing for easy integration into existing enterprise infrastructures. Adobe LiveCycle's support of these industry standards means you can quickly deploy Adobe Document Services in today's Service Oriented Architectures (SOA).

Enterprise developers can now join the Adobe Enterprise Developer Program, which provides members with content, tools, a monthly newsletter, and software to help them develop solutions based on Adobe LiveCycle software. A 1-year subscription entitles members to developer licenses of Adobe enterprise software, including Adobe LiveCycle, as well as developer support via e-mail.

Data capture and document generation are examples of critical processes managed by enterprise applications and present difficult development challenges: Ensuring that data captured is properly bound to your XML schema, and generating documents that are consistently presented independent of the delivery channel — web, e-mail, fax, or paper. These can all be laborious development tasks and create large maintenance headaches. By blending together the data integration power of XML with the presentation capabilities of PDF, the Adobe Intelligent Document Platform extends J2EE-based application servers to streamline the development and maintenance of enterprise processes.

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