
Adobe Open Options 4.5

Volume software licensing programs

Special notice

Adobe Open Options

With the acquisition of Macromedia, Inc., Adobe has made some important changes to the Adobe Open Options (AOO) licensing programs. Here are a few:

  • Adobe now offers most Macromedia products through Adobe Open Options licensing programs, except Adobe® Acrobat® Connect™ (available as an Adobe enterprise solution). Please view the AOO Discount Calculator for your market segment to see the full list of TLP and CLP products and point values: Commercial, Education, or Government.
  • Adobe Electronic Software Delivery (ESD) is available for most Macromedia products ordered through TLP and CLP.
  • TLP licensing has a new worldwide discount level, Level R (1 point minimum) for commercial and education customers. Please see the TLP page for more information.
  • You now can enroll in our licensing membership program, CLP, directly from this website. CLP enrollment no longer requires a physical signed agreement, and can instead be completed through an online enrollment process. Note: If your organization is already enrolled in CLP 4.0, your membership is automatically upgraded to CLP 4.5, and you do not need to re-enroll  until your current membership expires. Please see the CLP page for more information.

Please save this page in your web browser and visit it often to stay abreast of new improvements as they are announced.

Adobe Open Options programs let you combine orders of Adobe's software products. Each product is assigned a point value and your discount level is based on the total number of points you accumulate. So the more you order, the more you save! And each licensing program comes with online tools that make efficient software administration a breeze.

To calculate your discount level and points, view the Discount Level Calculator for your market segment: Commercial, Education, or Government.

Important information for Acrobat concurrent customers

Acrobat 8 is now available exclusively on a per seat licensing model.

Read more about this change (PDF, 19k)

Licensing Web Site updates

The new 4.10 release of the Adobe Licensing Web Site (LWS) is now live. Learn more

Learn more

For additional information on the Adobe Open Options desktop software volume licensing programs from an Adobe Licensing Specialist, please fill out this form.


Student Licensing*

For higher education institutions in the United States and Canada, CLP now offers Student Licensing, which helps you to acquire discounted licenses of selected Adobe software for redistribution or resale to your students, while earning points under your CLP membership for those orders. This is a great way to make Adobe’s industry-standard software an integral part of coursework and lab work. See details.

High-Volume Discount*

In certain regions, CLP now offers customers a High-Volume Discount, which provides even higher discount levels. See details.

Adobe License Manager

New releases of Adobe Desktop Products, beginning with Acrobat 8, now include an embedded electronic license management solution. Learn more


This membership-based program provides organizations with the highest discount levels of all AOO programs, based on an initial order amount; CLP is available worldwide to commercial, government, and educational organizations. After your initial order, the more additional orders your organization orders during the CLP term, the deeper your discount can become. Plus, CLP facilitates software license acquisition worldwide, simplifies software administration, reduces software costs, and delivers the best return on your investment in Adobe's wide range of desktop products. New software licenses, software upgrades, and Upgrade Plan orders all contribute to the discount level earned. See details, or contact an Adobe License Center*.


Organizations with smaller orders can still get the benefit of volume pricing with TLP. You gain discounts on new and upgrade licenses, as well as Upgrade Plan orders, each time your order exceeds the minimum required points level. If your order doesn’t meet CLP thresholds, TLP provides the next best option for savings. See details, or contact any Adobe reseller.

Upgrade Plan

No matter which AOO software licensing program you choose, the Upgrade Plan makes it better. With the Upgrade Plan, you are assured of access to all upgrades over the term you have purchased — all at a single cost per licensed product. Adding the Upgrade Plan to your software license orders ensures both budget and technology predictability. See details.

*In the United States and Canada, Adobe License Centers, Adobe Authorized Education Resellers, and Adobe License Centers for Government can support CLP. **Available through CLP to institutions of higher education in the U.S. and Canada only. ***Available to commercial CLP members worldwide; education CLP members in the U.S., Canada, and Europe; government CLP members in the U.S. and Canada.