Customer Support
Report a bug

Please use this form to report suspected bugs in Adobe products.
Please note: You will not get a response to your bug submission.

For technical support comments or questions, refer to customer support, or post your comments in the User to User Forums. Use the product feature request form to request new features or suggest modifications to existing features.

The information you provide will be presented to Adobe product teams to determine whether your submission is a known or suspected bug. Be assured that we read all bug submissions we receive and take what our customers have to say very seriously.
Please submit one report per suspected bug.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Note: If you do not see your product in the list below, try the Bug Report form for former Macromedia products.

Contact information
First name *
Last name *
E-mail address *
Daytime telephone
Product *
Product version *
(for example, Photoshop 7.0.1)
Product language *
Platform *
Operating system and version *
Service Pack (Windows only)
Total RAM *
Browser version
Printer driver
Printer driver version number
Bug severity *
Concise problem statement *
Bug description *
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