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rank: Conscript
points: 0
occupation: What do I do for money ? I go to the ATM thingie... doesn't everyone ?
location: CA

Born Vancouver baby !... travelled the US approx 4 years as audio, lighting-special effects tech... I'm never really settled on any one thing, but I have skills that allows me to generate good cash.. or less cash and more enjoyment. Right now it seems I got both on the go... we'll see what t'morrow brings to table

currently reading:
textile for dummies

currently watching:
the total mud pit in my 1/4 mile long driveway turning into un-negotiable hard crusty ruts… any of you unemployed and good with teh rake or own a bulldozer ?

The incision heal on my groin from a recent hernia operation. ( really)

currently listening to:
to my gut… and oh, my inner child… which btw tells me… some of us still need to grow up… are you listening ?


Eminem joins the "Establishment" by turning a new leaf and...

B16036 / Wed, 14 Jun 2006 00:08:41 / Media

getting OLD ??!!

I almost couldn’t believe my eyes, but there it was so I couldn’t deny it. The whole thing in it’s glory up on Yahoo in full technicolor….

Eminem To Star In Movie Western

eh ??

It’s a fucking goddamn Western people !... not some cinematic semi auto biographical portrayal of a young soul facing teh struggle growing up in Detroit having to dodge modern day fascist takedowns by the man.

Now it seems that he’s workin for the man… at least your everyday sleazy Hollyood kind.

Yahoo reports

Eminem has agreed to appear in a new film as a bounty hunter, according to reports.

Have Gun – Will Travel was originally broadcast in the 1950s and followed the antics of a gunfighter-for-hire. Apparently the program will be updated for the 21st century and will see Eminem adopting the role of bounty hunter, perhaps in his hope city of Detroit.

wtf?.. bounty hunter ?... an updated adaptation of the 1950’s series ?

What’s next, his own late night talk show in Vegas with a fancy cigarette holder and pink pajamas like that dude Sam Rothstein in the movie Casino ??

shit, this is like old peoples movie roles… And I would know cause I’m like fucking OLD myself man…

But it’s not that one of Gnn’s icons is actually selling out that gets me. Trust me, all of you, each and every one you WILL sell out. It’s only a matter of time…

I mean hello ??... Who the fuck do you think is calling the shots these days…. It’s all us Free Love, Acid dropping Flower Child dopes who saw God and then one day decided to get a haircut, put away the bong cause a really nice Lexus or beamer drove past and we went… oooooohhh… me wants..

I know how that shit goes.

but whatever… Here’s what really wrinkled my ass. The moment I saw this news bit, I’m like OMFG and drop everything cause I figure Gnn must be having a cow over this. I mean it’s one of our own faggot cursing, establishment dissing, smart ass motherfucks who basically tells Tipper Gore and Mrs Cheney to go fuck themselves while pissing on the White House Lawn, in one of Gnn’s own Videos !!

nope, not a peep, nothing… what the fuck G’s, where’s the uproar, the outrage… how in the fuck do you plan on carrying out teh rEvolution when it takes an old dude like me to point out what just slipped under the radar on you…

you disappoint me.. really, you do.

k, I gotta go talk shit with my tax advisor about RRSP’s and other things you wouldn’t understand until the big Five-0 begins looming up at ya…

facking peace out brutha’s, you buncha podcasting lazy motherafucka’s

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rocketjam @ 06/14/06 05:08:24

Who gives a shit, its Eminem man. But yeah, maybe he wants to do something else after his rap career sank. All the power to him.

tango @ 06/14/06 06:10:59

Totally Fuck this shit!

Paladin was my fucking numero uno childhood hero.

The AS2 legend is as follows:

One day when I was around three or four years old, my grandmother, the stereotypical one, asked me to do something. I shot back “Nobody tells me what to do, except my Daddy and Paladin.” Of course when my dad got home he explained to me that he was telling me that I was to do what my grandmother asked, whenever she asked …...

Even though the plot line will be updated, the title is sacrosanct from where I sit.

Now to the news item itself. Eminem had been saying he was getting too old to rap. That he wasn’t going to be in the rap game, at least not as a rapper, for much longer. He had hinted he wanted to produce. Perhaps the offers were not there and the money is the motivator for this. He did a pretty good job in 8 mile, if the character in this film has that kind of edge, he may have found his next niche.

Next thing you know, they’ll be … ahem … attempting to update for the 21st Century, The Twighlight Zone’s, It’s a Good Life.

A word of warning for those who might be tempted, I’ll send your ass to the cornfield, and quick.

AreolaSharon2 @ 06/14/06 06:58:46

how is a modern day bounty hunter an “old person role”?

also it sounds like this won’t really be a “western” in the traditional sense at all, so it seems totally in line with the kind of stuff eminem has done in the past.

also…i’m not really a big eminem fan, so i don’t really care.

Number5Toad @ 06/14/06 07:10:02

Who gives a shit, its Eminem man. But yeah, maybe he wants to do something else after his rap career sank. All the power to him.

so that’s it huh, his career waffles and the forces of “G” just write him off like yesterdays tuna casserole ?...

Next thing you know, they’ll be … ahem … attempting to update for the 21st Century, The Twighlight Zone’s, It’s a Good Life…. A word of warning for those who might be tempted, I’ll send your ass to the cornfield, and quick.

Areola gets it, he knows the warning signs. I take some comfort that there might be hope after all, at least for him, but I’m not so sure about the rest of the crew… See this is how it happens. This aloof attitude:... yea well, shrug, ( kick some dirt) it’s Eminiem, what do I care, maybe the dude’s gettin soft, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do and all that…

this is only the beginning. I’ve seen it happen before. If something isn’t done soon, mark my words, he’ll be cast in some lame ass Magnum PI or worse Mannix comeback series.. you DO remember Mike Conners in Mannix don’t you ??

It was bad.

how is a modern day bounty hunter an “old person role”?... also it sounds like this won’t really be a “western” in the traditional sense at all, so it seems totally in line with the kind of stuff eminem has done in the past.

TOAD… take it from me it is… and sure, not western in the traditional sense…. but THAT’S HOW THEY DO IT. It’s like that Psyops stuff, is he really your traditional type of insurgent, or is he in fact an agent for intel who keeps re-appearing over and over, makin a come back from the dead with new limbs that according to the Pentagon had already been blown off before ??...

this doesn’t worry you ?

I think it’s an obligation… no it’s our duty to gather up as many G’s as is realistic and drive our ethanol scooters or bio diesel whatevers down to LA rallying together to help save this soul from his own devices…

It’s ebb an flow man. Some sort of natural law. The god’s giveth but if you’re not careful the Gods can taketh away too. You have to battle teh evil forces from subjugating your hard efforts as they work at distracting you from the real issues with dangly shiny things and empty promises hoping you’ll bite.

Gnn is embarking on a new era. The overlords have sent Jessey on his way and brought us a newer, better, more happier developer. It could mean good things for us… then again if we don’t stay sharp in preserving our keen sense of g’rrrla perspective, before you know it Anthony could announce to the forum that he’s putting the finishing touch’s on his latest publication… My new Millennium with Bill O’Reilly.


JustLurking @ 06/14/06 10:00:48

It’s a fucking goddamn Western people

There are a lot of cool Westerns.

totalstranger @ 06/14/06 10:13:28

so that’s it huh, his career waffles and the forces of “G” just write him off like yesterdays tuna casserole

Heh, you assume I ever gave a shit about him. Eminem has done some brilliant work, but I’m not sure how anti-establishment it is to be on Interscope, to be the MTV poster boy. Personally, if DP or Immortal technique went all Hollywood or whatever, that would be pretty shitty. But I really don’t see your outrage at this.

Like I said, I think it’s cool that he’s growing and wants to peruse other careers.

tango @ 06/14/06 10:25:02

There are a lot of cool Westerns.

wasn’t my intention to diss westerns overall. I understand the hankerin to take in and absorb the raw feel of a mean and gritty Western… always been a fan of Clint myself even though he’s possibly a little too “polished” for the real hardcore connoisseurs of western cinema….

This isn’t about that.. I think the issues cut much deeper than this. Perhaps right to the core of the manifesto here at the Guerrilla News Network. I’m talkin the potential to have our cred deliberately watered down by a deep sinster hidden agenda held in the minds and powers that be to strike us down, cutting us off at the knees, essentially neutering us without any of us recognizing WHAT JUST HAPPENED !!... and in the process dashing any and all hopes of tipping the scales in our favor as to in effect change with a massive paradigm shift that will one day sweep the world over…

or perhaps maybe I’ve been here too long and need a vacation

JustLurking @ 06/14/06 11:13:28


You’re dead on, gunslinger.

If you take vacation, make it a good ‘en, then mosey on back.

Yer brand of amoonition is mitey powerful.

AreolaSharon2 @ 06/14/06 11:23:10

Well, look at his life – another divorce, his best friend Proof’s a murdering dead man, and none of that shits fun or funny anymore. Besides, Haley’s at an age where Daddy’s tres (or teh) embarrassing. Better he shut his mouth.

Whatever happened to the movie where he was playing an orthodox Jewish boxer? Anyway, I’m with you JL, be better if he were getting chased by bounty hunters or something.

BTW, my daughter and I agree, so listen up Oliver Stone – Em would have made a great Alexander!

Chickenma1 @ 06/14/06 11:33:11

You’re dead on, gunslinger.

thanks pardner…

Like I said, I think it’s cool that he’s growing and wants to peruse other careers.

truth be told, I’m not anywhere’s fucked up over this as I made out to be. Simply come across the article in Yahoo and found it kind of interesting. I think Eminem’s actually done some good things, and really, in some ways he’s able to demonstrate that it’s important to lighten up and not always take yourself too seriously.

And it is interesting, to see the evolution of his career unfolding, reinventing himself as he moves along. Hope good things happen to him and he’s able to experience more of that satisfaction that comes with doing something you love.

JustLurking @ 06/14/06 11:37:33

Eminem has always been about Westerns, just look at his early songs (i.e. Bad meets Evil). And who cares what he does?

Genius @ 06/14/06 16:59:57

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