
Flex Developer Center


Adobe Edge

Video interview on Flex cookbook and CSS Advisor

Edge Managing Editor Julie Campagna interviews Mark Nichoson and Craig Goodman about these exciting new community resources.

Mike Chambers

Mike Chambers seminar: Apollo sneak peek

Get an overview of the new cross-operating system runtime, learn how it speeds RIA development and deployment, and see how easy it is to build applications for it.

Flex developers

Developers tell us why they use Flex

Developers share how Flex 2 features like the Eclipse-based IDE and visual component library help them build RIAs quickly and easily. (5:15)

Adobe Flex

Video tutorial: Creating a Flex application using the TurboGears framework

Follow along as Bruce Eckel and James Ward show you how to code a Flex interface using the Python-based framework.

Now available: Flex 2.0.1

Download Flex: Flex Builder, Flex SDK, Flex Data Services, and Charting

Flash Player 9

Get the Flex 2.0.1 Windows updater

In the Flex community


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Quick Starts


Flex 2 sample applications

Fresh from the Flex team and community, these new samples show you what you can create with Flex 2 and Flash Player 9. View and download the source code for most applications by browsing, right-clicking, and selecting View Source.

See all Adobe sample applications, and Flex Developer Derby winners.

Flex community sample applications

Adobe Flex

Announcing the Australian Flex Developer Derby winners

Dashboards, configurators, RIA stores, and more—check out the top selections in the Australian coding contest.



Use this new community site to host open source projects built with Adobe technologies—from ColdFusion apps to Photoshop plug-ins to Flash ActionScript libraries.

Derek Wischusen

Integrating Flex 2 and Ruby on Rails

Learn how to use the Ruby on Rails framework with Flex as you build an issue-tracker application.

Sample Template Shop

Sample Template Shop

A shopping cart application that connects to the websites of multiple vendors using httpservice controls. (Alnoor Lalji, Softbytes)



FlexAmp is an online mp3 player that plays songs off a user's online storage account at As the songs play, the application brings in photos, videos and product details from Flickr, YouTube and Amazon based on the ID3 information in the mp3s. (Arpit Mathur, Comcast)



Live Video Mixing Environment using Adobe Flash Player 9. (Daniel Hai, consultant) API Interface API Interface

This application is a dynamic interface into a subset of the API (Books, Music, and Video) and explores the features of Flex 2, using MXML primarily for layout and ActionScript 3.0 for functionality. (Darin Kohles, Digital Positions)

Photo Album

Photo Album

A Flex version of a ColdFusion photo album built in 2003, the Flex photo album uses web services to communicate through ColdFusion to the database of albums and images. (Gary Gilbert, Glynn Technologies)

See all Flex community sample applications

Flex Developer Derby winners

Home Locator

Flex Developer Derby winner - product configurator/guided selling: Home Locator

In Nahuel Faronda’s winning configurator app, users select real estate locations from a US map and filter the results by price, bedrooms, bathrooms.


Flex Developer Derby winner - components and gadgets: SQLAdmin

Kevin Kazmierczak’s winning component app is an online version of query analyzer for Microsoft SQL Server.


Flex Developer Derby winner - data dashboards: StatPods

Rich Tretola's winning dashboard helps users visualize web visits, page views, session tracking, and more.


Flex Developer Derby winner – Mashups: E41ST

Amit Gupta's winning mashup with and the Public Library system gives book lovers an enriched browsing experience across the two sites.

Lesson Builder

Flex Developer Derby winner - communication/collaboration applications: Lesson Builder

Tim McLeod and Kevin Harris's winning collaboration tool helps a group of content editors create Flash-based training modules.


Flex Developer Derby winner – wildcard: FC64

Darron Schall’s winning application simulates the Commodore 64 Emulator through ActionScript 3.0.

Adobe sample applications

Style Explorer

Style Explorer

See this visual way of selecting style settings for Flex 2 user interface components.

Restaurant Finder

Restaurant Finder

Using REST and SOAP web services, your users can update data in a master-detail type application.

Flex Store

Flex Store

States, transitions, and UI techniques—this app demonstrates the types of user experiences you can create with the Flex.

Component Explorer

Component Explorer

Getting familiar with Flex? The explorer shows simple usage for MXML components in the Flex framework.

Hybrid Store

Hybrid Store

See how to integrates a Flex component into an existing HTML application, and take advantage of expressiveness in Flex 2.

Dashboard sample application


Charts data visually using Flex component effects to highlight users' actions as they drill deeper into data.

Photo Viewer

Photo Viewer

See how the Flex framework creates a seamless user interface and localizes content.


Download the Flex software updates, software development kits (SDKs), and related software and downloads from Adobe Labs and take your design and development to the next level.


Flex 2.0.1 Windows updater

Get the latest updates and additions to Flex Builder, Flex SDK, Flex Data Services, and Charting.

Trial downloads for Flex 2.0.1

Flex Builder 2.0.1 (Includes free Flex 2.0.1 SDK)

Eclipse-based development environment for Flex. Supports visual and code-centric development, code hinting, visual debugging, and so forth. Includes the Flex 2.0.1 SDK, Flex Charting, and Flash Player 9.

Free Flex 2.0.1 SDK (Included with Flex Builder 2)

Enables you to develop and deploy Flex applications for free using an IDE of your choice. Includes the Flex framework, the compiler, and the debugger. (Included with Flex Builder 2.0.1.)

Flex Data Services 2.0.1

For innovative data-driven applications. Includes the message service, JMS integration, Java RPC services, data synchronization framework, data paging, proxy services, and more. The Express edition is a free, non-expiring commercial-use product limited to applications running on a single CPU machine.

Flash Player 9

ColdFusion MX 7.0.2

ColdFusion MX 7.0.2 contains connectivity for ColdFusion with Flex 2.

ColdFusion MX 7 Updater 2

Download the updater if you have already installed ColdFusion MX 7.01. The updater contains connectivity for ColdFusion with Flex 2.

Related software and downloads for Flex

In Labs: Flex Stress Testing Framework

Get help load testing Flex 2 applications that use Flex Data Services.

In Labs: Scheduling Framework for Flex 2

Create and customize any number of Scheduling Components in Flex 2 through this framework.

In Labs: Flash Player 9 beta for Linux

With the new beta version and the free Adobe Flex 2 SDK, Linux users can take advantage of the Flex 2 development model for creating and deploying RIAs.

PHP RIA SDK by Adobe

This open-source project helps PHP developers get started with building Adobe Flex applications quickly.

In Labs: Creating ActionScript API documentation for Flex components with ASDoc

Preview this tool for creating great-looking HTML documentation for your MXML and ActionScript code.

In Labs: JamJar

A demonstration application built with Flex 2 that provides a private and persistent canvas for small groups to exchange digital content easily.

In Labs: NoteTag: A Flex 2 sample application

Try this proof-of-concept Flex 2 application for capturing notes and assigning tasks, using read/write web technologies like RSS, blogging, tagging, and microformats.

In Labs: ActionScript 3.0 Libraries for Flex 2

Build Flex 2 apps with the Flickr API, Mappr API, RSS parser API, search APIs for video and podcasts, and more.

In Labs: Flex-Ajax Bridge

This new JavaScript library enables developers to easily integrate Flex applications with Ajax or DHTML code running in the browser.

In Labs: Cairngorm for Flex 2

Download the popular framework to architect scalable, easy-to-maintain Flex 2 applications.

Flex updaters

Check out the Flex Support Center, where you can download updaters for Flex 1.5 and 1.0.

Cookbook (beta)

Share knowledge and find answers to common coding problems through the Flex cookbook. Learn more

Go to the Flex cookbook

Recent posts

datagrid cell editing & custom tree control

Posted by aadityaraj at 8:54 PM on Jan 20, 2007

how to make cell text bold, colorize etc? how to make tree control nodes with checkboxes with item renderer?

I need a login/authentication component for Flex 2

Posted by msplant at 09:45 AM on Jan 19, 2007

Need a secure user authentication method!

How to config the web service for across domain accessing?

Posted by jackie1999 at 03:20 AM on Jan 15, 2007

When the web service hosted in A domain and the Flex application in B domain. As default, the Flex application doesn't allow to access the web service.


Posted by sengung1234 at 11:20 PM on Jan 13, 2007

How does the Tree.getDisplayIndex() work in Flex 2 ?

Custom context menus on nested components

Posted by flashArchitect at 1:50 PM on Jan 11, 2007

What do you do if your application needs custom context menus for components that are not at the application level but rather are nested within other containers or components.

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Start a Flex user group

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The requirements to start an official Adobe Flex user group are very basic: you must have an active web site dedicated to the group and you must hold a monthly user group meeting…that’s all!  If you are interested in applying to start a Flex user group in your area, please follow the steps below.

  1. Fill out an application.
  2. Start building your user group site and start planning your first meeting.
  3. Send an e-mail the program contact, Ed Sullivan for more information.

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