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What’s New at Last.fm

Never miss the music.

Last.fm turns up the volume with Flash radio, concert listings, free downloads, and more.
Flash lLayer

New Flash Player

Listening to Last.fm radio just got a whole lot easier. You'll find the new flash player on every music page and also in a popup window when you click radio buttons.

You can choose exactly how to play your music – Flash or Last.fm software. To scrobble from your media player and get the best radio experience, you should still use the Last.fm software.

Events System

Events System

It's finally here: concert listings on Last.fm, complete with recommended gigs on your dashboard and more.

We'll be adding more listings daily, but if you can't find any of your upcoming concerts in the system you can add them yourself. While testing this internally we already discovered tons of gigs we'd not have known about otherwise, and it's a great way to see what your friends are going to too. Go live!

Free Downloads

Free Downloads

Our downloads system has returned, and the best part is there are over 100,000 tracks which our labels have marked as available for free download. Find free downloads on your dashboard, and on artist/track pages. You will have to hunt for the free downloads a bit at the moment, but we're working on a clever way to list all relevant free downloads based on your profile.


The Taste-o-meter

Every user page now shows a tastometer box, which tells you at a glance how musically compatible you are with the profile you are viewing. We've had this feature on trial in Japan for a while now, and thought it was time for the whole world to enjoy it.

New Music Pages

We're redesigned our music pages with the aim of making them more social, more informational, and more fun. Check 'em out.

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