
Adobe Illustrator

Vector graphics reinvented

Adobe® Illustrator® CS2 software gives you new creative freedom that lets you realize your ideas quickly and powerfully. Instantly convert bitmaps to vector artwork and paint more intuitively. Save time with intelligent palettes and optimized workspaces. Plus, tight integration with other software allows you to produce extraordinary graphics for print, video, the web, and mobile devices.

Adobe Illustrator


Buy from US $499
Upgrade from US $169

Adobe Illustrator CS2

See your upgrade options

The upgrade wizard requires Flash Player 7 or greater. You can download the latest Adobe Flash Player.

Rave reviews

Joshua Davis

Joshua Davis

Renowned artist creates a new design aesthetic using Adobe Illustrator CS2.

"Live Paint and Live Trace in Illustrator CS2 will single-handedly streamline our packaging workflow."

—Phillip Lauer
Senior Technology Specialist — Landor Associates

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Design Center

Explore, learn, and connect with the latest in digital design and motion graphics. Browse work by leading artists, discover new trends, and hone your skills with in-depth tutorials.


Illustrator Techniques

This website complements the Illustrator Techniques Newsletter from the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP). It features tutorials, how-to forums, and galleries for sharing artwork.
Learn more

Other design and graphics tools

Adobe Creative Suite is the complete design environment for print, web, and mobile publishing.

Adobe Photoshop® is the professional standard in desktop digital imaging.

Adobe InDesign® redefines page layout with tools to inspire creativity and simplify elaborate design tasks.

Adobe GoLive® offers integrated tools for powerful web design.


Adobe Creative Mind Icon

Step inside the Creative Mind

Check out how designers are breaking the boundaries of design using Adobe Creative Suite 2.3.

Why upgrade to Illustrator CS2

Why upgrade?

Are you using an old version of Illustrator? Discover new ways of being creative and productive with Illustrator CS2.

FAQ icon

Support for Intel-based Macs (PDF: 79k)

Learn about Adobe's plans for supporting Apple's new Intel-based Macs.

What's new in Illustrator CS2?

What's new in Illustrator CS2

Take advantage of more powerful creative tools, a streamlined interface, and new integration options, all in the new version of Illustrator.

Adobe Creative Suite 2 movie

See it in action

Listen and watch as we walk you through the key features in Adobe Illustrator CS2. Watch the movie (SWF: 1.2MB / 3:16 min).

Try Illustrator CS2 free for 30 days

Try Illustrator CS2 — free for 30 days!

Download the tryout version of Adobe Illustrator CS2 software and see for yourself how vector graphics have been reinvented.

Adobe Stock Photos

Adobe Stock Photos

Quickly find the perfect image by searching the stock photo partners you rely on, all within your favorite Adobe tools.

Adobe Production Studio

Adobe Creative Suite Production Studio

The complete post-production solution, now with Illustrator CS2.