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June 2006 - Posts

Starting the new year with a clean Outlook

It's the end of our financial year today, we're starting FY07 tomorrow, and I'm tidying out my mailbox. I do this every year, to keep myself in some sort of structure, although my Inbox gets a bit chaotic for the first couple of weeks in July. At the

Machine cinema - will it catch on?

I've been really remiss. Steve , who works in my team, has been really creative with Machinima (Machine Cinema) and released a little clip onto Youtube last week and I didn't notice. I have loads of excuses though - things like the roadshow and End of

2007 Office system: Take it for a test drive and send us a smile...

Well you can't wait for the beta . You've heard all about the ribbon and how it changes the way you work. you've heard about the XML file formats and how your Developers will thank you as they develop applications for Office. You've registered for the

Moving towards truly Unified Communications

***edited with working link*** I had to miss the live streaming show from San Francisco last night as I had to sit on an online Chat between the IT Evangelists and the UK MVPs. My participation in the chat kept me too busy to truly multi task so I had

Customising Quota messages in Exchange 2003

There have been loads of questions about customising that message that gets sent out automatically when you reach your quota in Exchange, so we've released a tool that allows you to do just that. You need to download and install the tool onto your Exchange

My best Microsoft things - in a list...

Following on from Steve's blog entry the other day, after listening to James' musings at the roadshow on Wednesday, because it's Friday, I'm winding down to a wonderful sunny weekend, and completed my urgent tasks - I thought I'd add my thoughts to the
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 5 Comments
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SharePoint User Group - talking about Office...

Nick from the SharePoint User group has let me know about their next event in July - with a couple of interesting speakers... This is being organised with Combined Knowledge (the chaps who presented at the first user group meeting) on Thursday 20th July.
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 2 Comments

Exchange questions from the TechNet tour

We're at Bristol at the final leg of the roadshow, and the final time for a couple of weeks that I'll be demoing the Unified messaging demo (apart from amazing my non technical friends with the demo of a voice controlled interactive email system - it

Live messenger 8.0 available to download

I blogged about the Live Messenger beta availability a couple of months ago, and I'm amazed at how many people still refer to this as MSN messenger 8.0! We're obviously not doing our marketing to the right audience if most of my referrals to the blog

Office Webcasts for July

Microsoft Office System Webcast: Be One of the First to See Tips and Tricks for the 2007 Office Release (Level 200) Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific Time Stephanie Krieger, Author and Document Production Expert, arouet.net Join us as

Sharepoint webcasts for July

MSDN Webcast: Developing SharePoint Workflows Using Visual Studio 2005 (Level 200) Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Time Eilene Hao, Program Manager, Microsoft Corporation This webcast covers the basics of workflow development for

Mobility webcasts for July

TechNet Webcast: How Microsoft IT Does Mobile Messaging (Level 300) Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific Time David Wilson, Microsoft IT Service Manager, Microsoft Corporation This webcast describes how Microsoft IT used Microsoft Exchange
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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Messaging Webcasts for July

TechNet Webcast: Exchange Server 2003 Tips, Tricks, and Tools (Level 300) Friday, July 07, 2006 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific Time Chris Avis, TechNet presenter, Microsoft Corporation This webcast introduces you to some of the new tools that are available

Exchange - going small or large?

A lot of the questions I get when I'm out at the roadshow are about Exchange and what Exchange 2007 can do for organisations. I get questions asking how the Unified Messaging System really works behind the scenes, and whether we have plans for SIP integration

Bill Gates stepping down

There's a webcast going on at the moment over in Redmond with some significant news. Bill Gates has decided to step down from his current position and work part time, concentrating on his charities. I can see the headlines bouncing all over the blogosphere
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 4 Comments
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Active sync, Windows mobile and certificates

Brett, (he of the interesting blog on Exchange) came up with some excellent resources on active sync the other day in an email that I thought I'd pass them around. I get asked about these regularly and have blogged about similar resources before in a

ITForum and TechEd merge in Europe

Well the IT forum site is now live on the web - but it's now called TechEd-ITForum . I think it's a really good idea that the 2 events have merged in Europe. For one thing, it's only one trip across the pond for presenters from corp, so less disruption
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 3 Comments
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SMS R2 - available to download

I noticed today on Blakes blog and Rod's blog that Systems Management Server 2003 R2 is now available for download . Omar pointed out all of the features included in the release and Anthony talked very coprehensively about upgrading his systems. These

Getting started with Software updates

I sent lot of information out about our update services the other day. I'd been researching some information for a question that I'd received at the Roadshow on Tuesday and thought I'd pass it on. I was a bit surprised actually to hear that this company

Acronym hell in conference calls

James has been nagging me to have a look at this video that he found on Jasons blog . He practically forced me to watch it the other day. The scary thing is - I understand almost all of the acronyms and buzzwords that they used during the video. in fact
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 4 Comments
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Exchange 2003 synchronisation with Outlook 2003

You know, sometimes I'm really glad that I'm not an Exchange admin any more. Sometimes life is just too hard... I got a mail from Paul with this challenge: We have a user that is at the end of a slow link in Africa. We continually have problems with him

64 bit Exchange really does rock!

Tour date 3 of the TechNet roadshow and we were in Manchester. I was expecting to sail through the session, and all of the demos, and hoping that the UM demo went off without a hitch. I mean, it wasn't as if it was the first time I'd done this was it?

Open your Outlook Calendar in any view you want...

Now this is something that I think that even the great Allister hasn't mentioned on his blog.. If you want to look at your Microsoft Office Outlook calendar a day, a week, or a week and a half at a time. With your calendar open press ALT+ the number of

System Center Virtual Machine manager

We announced this last week at WinHEC. Bill Gates and Bob Muglia talked about this product and where we are going with our overall virtualization strategy. I'll leave it to James to go into the Virtualisation technicalities in more detail, but this product

User groups leaders for user groups

We're hosting a community leaders day today on campus, where we invite all of the people in the UK who run User groups, either online or offline. They come from all technology areas, but in the IT Pto space, there are a number of gaps. In the UK there

Sharepoint 2007 resources

You may have been playing with the Beta of Office 2007 , and it may have inspired you to start looking at SharePoint 2007 . I use this quite a bit internally at Microsoft - especially the wiki software and the blogging software. Yes I have an internal