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What’s New at Last.fm

You've gotta hear this.

Listen to anyone on Last.fm, embed your radio,
make a playlist, Myspace image quilts, and more…
Radio Stations

Radio Redefined

Want to do more than just look at the music charts of cool people you find on Last.fm? Now you can listen to them!

Formerly just for subscribers, everyone can now use our new-and-improved user radio stations on profile pages. On your own page, you'll find recommendation radio. (Yes, you still need to subscribe to listen to yourself due to pesky licensing rules. But your friends can listen to you.)

Try it! Click play to listen to Last.HQ's radio station

Embed Your Head

Better yet, you can take it with you. Click the 'Share this station' links for our new radio pages, perfect for sending to friends or embedding into your own website.

Radio is central to Last.fm, and so we've stopped hiding it in a sidebar. Tune in and see what you've been missing…

User Playlist

Make a Mix

Playlists have arrived at Last.fm. Rank your favourite tracks of all time, or show off those free downloads you found, and then put it on your profile page.

Gold tracks will play full-length, on demand. Just use the 'add to playlist' button on any track page or chart to build up your list.

Image Quilts

Make a Quilt

Fresh from our flash widget oven, we've got shiny new image quilts for you. Pick your colour and size, you'll get an animated quilt of your top artists or albums that you can embed in your Myspace with a single click, or copy the code to put on any website.

You'll never need a boring text list of your favourite bands again.

Interactive Charts

Interactive Charts

Looking for those gold tracks for your playlist? Look no further than our new interactive charts, complete with inline track previews and other button-y goodness. We even straightened up those image quilts for a streamlined new look.

Contacts Importer

Find your Friends

You're probably way more popular on Last.fm than you realise. By popular demand, our new contacts importer looks up other users of the site based on your web address book. Friend-tastic.

...and lots more.

We've made improvements aplenty, including better event and tag pages, sidebars, and more. We hope you enjoy this start to 2007, it's going to be a fun year.

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