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Information on LCS from the Support

March 2006 - Posts

OC: Multiparty IM messages generate new window after 10 minute idle period
So I was contacted in IM today by a past colleague (Hey Steve) now doing some consulting and he brought up this issue and trying to find the value as well as some background. The issue came up with a customer who wanted to have what is referred to as Read More...
MSN and AOL item: New IM Worms Delete Files, Hijack PCs
Please note very carefully that this is an issue for clients that can sign-in to the MSN and AOL services. This could possibly impact those customers running Windows Messenger 5.1 or Mac Messenger which both support multiple "stacks" or services. http://www.techweb.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=181501620 Read More...