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Our Favorite Sites
This is a selective site list. We assume that anyone reading OpinionJournal.com is already familiar with standard news sites such as Yahoo! News, local papers and the usual array of faltering 'zines. In the belief that what the Web most needs is editing, and from experience that suggests a wide set of users is likely to share many of our tastes, we've picked sites that we've found informative and amusing, some standard and some obscure.

The list comes without guarantees. We don't agree with everything on these sites, nor can we vouch for the quality of individual items. Clicking on the links will open a new browser window. All sites are free of charge unless otherwise noted, but first let us acquaint you with WSJ.com, a premium site offered by Dow Jones & Co, and Factiva, a business news and research service that is a joint venture between Dow Jones and Reuters. Other Dow Jones free sites are included in appropriate categories.

Dow Jones Premium Sites

WSJ.com - All three editions online daily: The Wall Street Journal, The Wall Street Journal Europe, The Asian Wall Street Journal. Plus updates throughout the day from a dedicated WSJ.com staff. Plus search options for recent editions. And "company research" with detailed background on thousands of companies. There is an annual subscription fee.

Factiva - No-junk searches. Designed for corporate research but intuitive enough for the ordinary Web user. From Factiva.com, users can search and retrieve articles from thousands of professionally edited publications through its database. There's an annual fee and a per-article viewing cost.

Our First Team

Washington Times - A conservative paper in the nation's capital; must addition to any search list because it covers news the Beltway consensus downplays. Column by Editor Wesley Pruden often a stitch.

The American Spectator - It's back! The most investigated publication in America during the Clinton years, it fell on hard times, but founder R. Emmett Tyrrell resumed and revamped it with the help of The Wall Street Journal's late Editor Emeritus Robert L. Bartley.

National Review - Still standing athwart history, now with a hip, young edge and frequent updates. Web site much more than magazine.

kausfiles.com - From Mickey Kaus, the most tough-minded liberal we know.

overlawyered.com - Walter Olson's daily updates on the scourge of litigation.

SmartMoney.com - The Wall Street Journal Magazine of Personal Business has built one of the best personal-finance sites on the entire Web, including the "map of the market," a visual tool that literally needs to be seen to be believed.

Fox News - Formerly a cable news alternative, now the industry leader. Lots of commentary, both the restrained and the high-decibel variety, but less unlabeled spin.

The Drudge Report - Why deny it? Sometimes wrong but always awake. Gossip central, plus links and a wire-service search forms.

InstaPundit - By Glenn Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor. Pravda calls it "the New York Times of the bloggers."

Opinion, Commentary and Gossip
The Weekly Standard - Inside-the-Beltway conservatism.

The Atlantic Online - The late editor Michael Kelly enlivened this venerable magazine.

The New Republic - Trying to stay liberal against the tides of reality.

City Journal - Urban-affairs quarterly edited by Myron Magnet and published by the Manhattan Institute.

The Spectator - Weekly British magazine of opinion and criticism.

Issues & Views - "Forum for dissidents, conservatives, and plain old mavericks," who happen to be black.

Independent Women's Forum - What gender gap?

Lucianne.com - Lucianne Goldberg dishes, and her readers follow the news.

Dynamist Blog - From Virginia Postrel, author of "The Future and Its Enemies." Libertarian but not doctrinaire.

Little Green Footballs - Blogger Charles Johnson casts a wary eye on the Muslim world.

Tim Blair - Australia's finest blogger.

Roger L. Simon - Mystery novelist, screenwriter and now blogger.

Wonkette - Witty (and often vulgar) Beltway gossip by blogress Ana Marie Cox.

The Volokh Conspiracy - Legal and other commentary from UCLA prof Eugene Volokh, brother Sasha and their co-conspirators.

OxBlog - Oxford students Josh Chafetz, David Adesnik and Patrick Belton hold forth on the issues of the day.

RealClearPolitics - Daily digest of news and commentary.

Talking Points Memo - Highly partisan Democratic Web log by Joshua Micah Marshall, the thinking man's Paul Krugman.

Jim Romenesko's Media News - News about the news business.

mediabistro.com - Metanews from Laurel Touby, social butterfly of the New York media world.

World Magazine - Evangelical Christian view of the world, edited by Marvin Olasky, author of "The Tragedy of American Compassion."

Acton Institute - Father Robert Sirico's organization combines Catholicism with classical liberalism.

First Things - The "journal of religion and public life" edited by Father Richard John Neuhaus.

Jewish World Review - Conservative Judaism, with a small "c."

newt.org - Keep an eye on Newt Gingrich; he may be back.

prodeathpenalty.com - Facts that back those who support capital punishment.

NRA Institute for Legislative Action - National Rifle Association lobby. If you find the NRA too wet, try Gun Owners of America.

Progressive Review - Idiosyncratic left-wing site.

Scientology and its critics, Operation Clambake and others. The bitterest fight on the Web; for those with lots of time.

The Onion - Satirical newspaper.

ScrappleFace - Satirical Web site. Often as funny as the Onion in its heyday.

Romenesko's Obscure Store and Reading Room - Offbeat news stories.

The Smoking Gun - Reproduces interesting and amusing original documents.

Polls, Politics and Interesting News Outlets

Google News - Automated headline service is buggy, but 30-day search engine is invaluable.

C-Span - Cable and Satellite Public Affairs Network.

The Hill - "The newspaper for and about the U.S. Congress."

The Gallup Organization - The best-known public-opinion firm; its tracking polls tend to swing wildly compared with others.

Zogby International - Until 2004, the most reliable pollster at predicting presidential races.

Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball - Election predictions and commentary by the director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics.

Christian Science Monitor - Boston-based national newspaper; another independent view.

New York Sun - Upstart daily newspaper edited by Seth Lipsky, a former Wall Street Journal editorialist, editor of the Forward and OpinionJournal columnist. Requires subscription.

New York Post - Conservative tabloid, not afraid of peer ridicule.

Chronicle of Higher Education - News from the academic world.

Serious Research
Federalist Society - Bête noire of left-wing interest groups and a gathering place for America's most interesting legal minds. Co-sponsored a 2000 survey on presidential leadership with The Wall Street Journal, published in book form in June 2004 and available form the OpinionJournal bookstore.

townhall.com - Formerly the Heritage Foundation's starboard portal; went independent in 2005.

Heritage Foundation - Home page of the right's biggest think tank.

American Enterprise Institute - Scholarly Washington conservative think tank.

Cato Institute - Washington's libertarian central.

Reason Public Policy Institute - A branch of the Reason Foundation, Left Coast libertarians who also publish Reason magazine.

Manhattan Institute - New York's leading think tank (publisher of City Journal).

Claremont Institute - Studies statesmanship and political philosophy. Our Mark Helprin is a senior fellow.

The Independent Institute - Bay area free-market outpost; extreme isolationists on foreign policy.

National Center for Policy Analysis - Private solutions for public-policy problems.

Political Economy Research Center - Free-market environmentalists in Big Sky country.

American Council for Science and Health - No emotion, just science and common sense.

Ludwig von Mises Institute - Austrian economics.

Center for Security Policy - Defense think tank.

Competitive Enterprise Institute - Champions of deregulation.

Pacific Research Institute - San Francisco-based free-marketeers "offering practical solutions."

Thomas - Library of Congress site for legislative information. Senate and House roll-call votes (since 1989 and 1990, respectively) are available online.

Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress - Information on every member, from the Continental Congress to the 109th.

History of the Federal Judiciary - From the Federal Judicial Center. Includes short bios of every judge ever to sit on the federal bench.

FindLaw (Supreme Court Decisions) - Full text of all opinions since 1893.

CEOExpress - A staggeringly long list of links for busy executives.

Information Please - Almanac, dictionary, encyclopedia etc.

CIA World Factbook - Information about every country in the world.

David Liep's Election Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections - Detailed information on every election, 1789-2004.

The Political Graveyard - Biographies of more than 100,000 U.S. politicians.

Online Speech Bank - American Rhetoric's oratorical database.

opensecrets.org - Campaign finance data from Center for Responsive Politics.

History of Economic Thought - From the New School University.

Library of Economics and Liberty - From the Liberty Fund.

Urban Legends Reference Pages - From the San Fernando Valley Folklore Society. Before you pass on a forwarded e-mail, check it out here--please.

The Bible Gateway - Fully searchable Bible in 13 translations.

Internet Movie Database - Comprehensive list of movies, TV shows, actors, etc.

International News

Far Eastern Economic Review - Dow Jones's magazine of Asia.

Asia Source - From the Asia Society.

ChinaOnline - Reliable news from the world's biggest country.

Taipei Times - News from the other China.

Mainichi Daily News - English-language paper from Japan.

Korea Herald - South Korea's No. 1 English-language paper.

Bangkok Post - "The world's window on Thailand and the region."

news.com.au - Rupert Murdoch's Australian newspapers.

BBC News - An influential news source despite recent scandals.

Telegraph - Clever, conservative, pro-American London daily.

Guardian - Clever, liberal, anti-American London daily.

Jamestown Foundation - News and analysis from the former Soviet Union.

Jerusalem Post - Israeli English-language newspaper.

CubaNet - Independent news from the communist redoubt.

Good Works
Christian Freedom International - Does humanitarian work for persecuted Christians in China, Sudan, Burma and elsewhere.

Freedom House - Publishes Freedom in the World, an invaluable annual world-wide survey of political freedom and civil rights.

Index of Economic Freedom - Another world-wide survey of liberty, published by the Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal.

Human Rights Watch - Investigates and exposes human rights violations in all corners of the world.

Doctors Without Borders - Physicians who work in war-torn regions; winner of the 1999 Nobel Peace Prize.

The Chosun Journal - Devoted to human rights in North Korea.

International Rescue Committee - Provides relief, protection and resettlement services for refugees.

Most Wanted - You've seen "America's Most Wanted." This site takes the idea global.

Official Sites
U.S. Supreme Court

White House

Defend America - Pentagon site for news about the war on terror.

U.S. Central Command - Latest information on Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.

Missile Defense Agency

U.S. House of Representatives

U.S. Senate





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