[There's a reason that Yoda is the unofficial mascot of SBS.  Size indeed matters not.]

October 2005 - Posts

It is a small world, isn't it?

Warning -- listening to the music at the beginning of this SBS Podcast may get it stuck in your brain.... I was listening to the SBS Podcast , who's theme is about community and I just loved some of the comments in the show this week about how we all Read More...
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Speaking of Wireless

So are you up on your TLAs? Three letter acronyms? Wireless has TONS of 'em. On the download center a document about wireless was just posted. Presents two deployment methods for secure wireless access: one for small office/home office (SOHO) networks Read More...
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I'm guessing Prince Charles doesn't have a Tablet PC

Well here I am... it's Halloween evening again..... Evil Queen ...handing out candy at the door and in between the trick or treaters on the tablet pc connecting wirelessly to the upstairs network. And sitting here in this garb got me thinking about how Read More...
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Interested in CRM 3.0? November 10th in Vancouver is where you want to be!

Canada once again is first to the UserGroups for Scott Colson on CRM 3.0! VANCOUVER : Microsoft Small Business Server User Group - Build stronger customer relationships with Microsoft CRM. Sign up here! Event Code: 1032285155 Date: November 10, 2005 6:30PM Read More...
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32 downloads later.... I'm back to my "Brett" condition

Okay so I feel a bit like Brett tonight. I had a set back in deploying my new workstation. You see I've come to the conclusion I'm not a hacker. Not in the traditional definition. One that can figure things out. Because even though there's supposedly Read More...
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Things we can do to workstations that we shouldn't do to servers

I think a new server should have a “Care and feeding” document for new owners. You know, those folks that have never seen or used a server before. I'd make sure it said things like ..... This isn't a workstation so don't have someone sit and Read More...
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I have ghosts

Stuck in my monitoring database are ghosts. I didn't properly remove my usb harddrive so now at 5:50 my alert system hits me via email and IM and tells me I have low disk space. but I really don't. See those dates? It's an OLD alert and not a current Read More...
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I want to keep my system safe as possible

“ I don't want to use exchange because I want to keep my system as safe as possible .“ Heh. This must be “good enough security“ tonight or something. The poster on the Lockergnome posting site should understand something about Read More...
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Good enough security

What's enough security? What's good enough security? We got to talking about this in regards to a couple of blog posts and patching. I was attempting to remotely patch my SBS box over remote web workplace and because the SMTP service got stuck taking Read More...
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Adding more space

Hey, I didn't think of that one.... I asked a question on how the SBS Podcast gang felt about reparitioning domain controllers given our new ability to increase Exchange to 75 gigs....and Damian in the podcast recommends to simply 'add a volume' or mount Read More...
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THE SBS Support Podcast ready for download!

Whooo hooo another Podcast download ready to go from the SBS support gang!!! Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
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SBA on SBS [revisited]

The other day in the comments to the blog, Greg posted the 'how to get SBA on SBS' and yes, while there is a whitepaper in the works, you know us geeks we want to try everything NOW... so without further ado here it is: Here is the configuration that Read More...
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Exchange 2003 sp2 success on my home server!

[UPDATE] - SEE THE POST IN THE SHAVLIK FORUM FOR THE ANSWER AND MORE WORKAROUNDS http://forum.shavlik.com/viewtopic.php?t=2612 Bottom line.. Exchange patches suck. I can't wait until the next version of Exchange and for the Monad era. In the patching Read More...
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Guess who is the same age as Disneyland?

Wow, I didn't realize that someone was the same age as Disneyland . Today is his birthday. I mean who knew what started out as this , with a mug shot like that would end up affecting how we communicate. I just emailed with some of my friends..... friends Read More...
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Getting ready for Exchange 2003 sp2

I want to do a very special backup before I install Exchange 2003 sp2. I'm going to dismount the store and yank a copy of it off to a harddrive. So how do I do this? Well first...[it's been a long time since I've done this the last time so someone ping Read More...
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Taking action

91 percent of Canadian small businesses see Software piracy as unethical, says the headline . Unfortunately around the world, there aren't enough Canadians, I guess. Because there are enough firms, enough folks that are going to screw it up for the rest Read More...
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You in the Heartland?

Do you sell SBS boxes? Sell to small and medium businesses? Hey there's a blog for you if you do! Welcome the the Technical blog site for the Heartland Area Small & Mid-Market partner community. The intent is for this to be your one-stop shop for Read More...
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How does one move data?

How does one move data from one machine to another? A variety of ways... OEM - Using OEM computers I use the XP file and transfer wizard to transfer settings from one computer to another and then I 'hang' the old drive off the inside of the new system Read More...
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So how long is that going to stay connected?

You know there's one thing that concern me about those new SATA drives that I am now getting in my office in our new computers..... those cables. It just seems to me that they seem a heck of a lot flimsier than the old fashioned ones. In fact on my home Read More...
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MS Partner roadshow in Australia

This sounds so cool [ especially the part about afternoon tea ] But look...presentations on ALL the cool stuff... SBS, Mobility, CRM 3.0, Office 12 and Vista. Presentations by HP [I love my HP server by the way]. Sign up HERE! Small businesses in Australia Read More...
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CRM beta now live

http://mscrmearlyaccess.com And yes I"m a TOTAL TOTAL newbie at CRM. Someone in a newsgroup said that Newbie was a bit ...well...just not a word that most folks wanted to hear...but you know what... being “newbie” means that you are learning Read More...
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How to troubleshoot Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and Windows Server Update Services installation issues

How to troubleshoot Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and Windows Server Update Services installation issues: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;906602 For an excellent resource on WSUS, head on over to www.patchmanagement.org and Read More...
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Getting prompted for your Office 2003 CDroms?

I'm stealing this from a posting Dave Nickason did in the Public newsgroups Questions have come up recently about being prompted for the Office CDs while patching with Microsoft Update or WSUS. Since it's an obvious annoyance for a user or admin to be Read More...
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Inside SBS Podcast - THIS FRIDAY

Coming to you straight from the heart of Texas, Inside SBS is recording live this Friday. This will be our sixth week, and we're just getting started! The audio equipment is finally all in place, the soundboard's tweaked, and the mic's are ready. Please Read More...
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Is there CRM 3.0 in the air?

Well I don't think it's here yet, but there's a page where you can sign up for early {BETA don't use real stuff} access to Microsoft CRM 3.0. A couple of interesting CRM blogs to watch Anne Stanton Scott Colson Sonoma Partners Friends of CRM Well the Read More...
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If you have an OEM computer...check your time zone

It's that time of year when all those new OEM computers you bought will suddenly put appointments an hour off. Don't believe me? Trust me. I haven't met a bog standard OEM installed OS yet. The fun will be next year when daylight savings changes and Microsoft Read More...
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I'd like a little management with my SBS please?

Yo? Yes? The other day when we were swapping out that harddrive in the member server did you bump the UPS's on the big server? Maybe, why? Because my 6 a.m. email said it had a power drop in power supply 2 on the HP server and I was just wondering if Read More...
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The updated "how to get Quickbooks to run as non admin" how to

QuickBooks Community - Running QuickBooks 2005 as a Restricted User (Admin Rights FIX): http://www.quickbooksgroup.com/webx?14@@.eeb323b/9 And yes it still needs these hacks for the 2006 version. Remind me to send them a copy of the Nineteen Deadly Sins Read More...
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Remote web workplace and IE7 - you know it IS a beta you know

If you are running IE 7 and trying to access your SBS via Remote Web Workplace...well..it's kinda not working as confirmed in a number of posts . But remember this “IS” a beta. So how can you USE the browser on a real machine and not screw Read More...
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So ya wanna be a consultant?

So Matt in the mailbag says that he's planning to become a consultant in the next 6 to 8 months and is studying right now for the Small Business Specialist exam. Matt....here are some more ideas to help you in your journey.... Join a partner group - the Read More...
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Not bad, SBS

Scroll down. ...Reseller Advocate Magazine names SBS as Best Channel Product In case you’re one of those who didn’t vote for SBS in this category and have been living in solitary confinement for the last three years, Small Business Server Read More...
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To all of those who have asked me "have you downloaded Skype?"

To all who have emailed and asked “do you have Skype”... I have four little words for you today. GO GET AN UPDATE . Now you can show me a Skype security report all you want, but I'm still not convinced. I still want Skype not inside my network, Read More...
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So what's your backup plan?

Being the victims of the NTT/Verio shared web hosting meltdown over the last couple of days was a stark reminder of how important it is to have full redundancy at a different location for our very small business. We don't need much and we can't afford Read More...
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Domain level? Exchange Level?

From a question from the mailbag today [of which I answered one from an Exchange viewpoint] the question was “What's SBS's domain level?” A default SBS will have a Domain functional level of “ Windows 2000 Native ” and a Forest Read More...
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Resetting the OWA screen

thisismyreallylongandconvoluteddomainname/username Have a firm that has a domain name that's really long? Why do we pick domain names that are really big anyway? If you've picked some convoluted thing and after Exchange 2003 sp2 the OWA screen goes back Read More...
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I bluescreened and then I Dr. Watson'd and then I'm not bluescreening anymore! Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
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What's a best practice?

In the MVP world we have camps. I swear we'd have cheerleaders even if we had a chance. Football games possibly with the Windows team playing the Office team. But instead we have blogs and newsgroup postings for our playing fields. And there are times Read More...
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SBS KBs of interest

You are not prompted for a user name and for a password when you use FrontPage to publish a Web site or to open a Web page on a remote server: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=905428 Description of the Outlook 2003 Junk E-mail Filter update: October Read More...
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How much of a control freak are you?

Dan [name changed to protect the innocent and the fact that I'm going to rag on his boss in this blog post] in the mailbag today asked a question about 'hosted' Exchange. He said that his boss wanted him to look into hosted Exchange [asp] as an alternative Read More...
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Okay so my drives are THIS big and Exchange needs to be THAT big, now what?

Okay so you built your server, and you partitioned off your server back when Exchange was 16 gigs..... so.... uh...now that Exchange can expand as high as 75 gigs for both the public and private stores..... uh....now what? Repartition is the name of the Read More...
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SBS IT podcast -- CHECK IT OUT - This is so cool!

Ooooh the guys at the SBS Support podcast has competition! Vlad and HappyFunboy [aka Chris Rue] have the FIRST SBS Podcast This is very cool! Gosh...they sound so impressive don't they? I'm vaklempt...once again! Share this post: email it! | bookmark Read More...
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Got an issue with your Windows update? Here's how to figure it out

Okay so you've gone to Windows Update or Microsoft Update and it grinds and grinds and then it fails. So you go to a newsgroup or listserve and ask... It's broken, how do I fix it? But you forgot the most important thing...up in the corner is a code number. Read More...
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Can I export out the blocked sender list and use them in another server?

I all started when someone in the newsgroup wanted to export out an existing blocked sender list and import it into another SBS box. And it seemed a reasonable request. Who knew it would lead me down the path of IMing Active Directory gurus. To add a Read More...
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Happy Birthday SBS!

Microsoft Small Business Server - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Small_Business_Server So where were you October 22, 1997? If you were SBS... it's the day you were born! Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! Read More...
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More questions on Exchange 2003 sp2

Rob asks in the mailbag..... The blocked senders list in IMF is a nice function. I would like to use it again after I install Exchange SP2. Have you found a way to re-use the blocked senders list in the new version of IMF in Exchange SP2 after the upgrade? Read More...
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Okay who searches while they IM people?

I'm just taking an unofficial survey of how many folks have Accidentally typed in an Adminstrative password in an IM window [after it grabs the screen] and sent it off to a friend [hopefully friend anyway]? Accidentally hit the search button instead of Read More...
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Configure Database Size Limits

Configure Database Size Limits By default, the size limit of each database on a server running Exchange Server 2003 Standard Edition is 16 GB. After installing Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2), the default size limit for each Exchange database Read More...
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What's the difference between WSS - Sharepoint and SBS - Companyweb?

I'm stealing this from an email Chad made about the difference between WSS and “our” Sharepoint: Please note, if you have been told that the SBS sharepoint questions should only be answered in the SBS newsgroup, I do have to apologize for Read More...
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Okay I have a problem with my Exchange 2003 sp2

Nothing like a little live bloggin. I went to install Exchange 2003 sp2 on my beat up home server and I got an error message .. hey a Dr. Watson send off even. Very cool! The “~” will be lovin' that one. So I'm calling Microsoft Product Support Read More...
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Web parts and IM

Sarah in the blog comments asks ..... I searched your blog for "web part" and didn't find what I was looking for, but I thought I'd ask you anyway.... How safe are non-microsoft webparts for Sharepoint? Do you have any recommended sites Read More...
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The SBS Podcast is here!

It's Saturday and the SBS podcast from the gang at the SBS Support blog is ready for download!!! Cleaning the house and geeking out to the SBSPodcast.. what better way to spend a Saturday!! Lots of news on Exchange 2003 sp2! Share this post: email it! Read More...
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Why doesn't Microsoft say that?

“....why doesn't Microsoft say that?“ It was a question I was asked earlier this week in response to an email I sent to a journalist. ...and you know what... I really don't know why someone from Microsoft in their PR department didn't just Read More...
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In case you read this on the MSExchange site

http://www.msexchange.org/tutorials/First-Look-Exchange-2003-SP2.html Part III --- The mailbox storage size limit is increased to 75 GB for Exchange Server 2003 Standard Edition (One 75 GB private mailbox store and one 75 GB public folder store). Attention Read More...
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Installing Exchange 2003 sp2 and it prompts you to overwrite files?

Seven of Nine has commented in the blog [and others in our gang] have reported that when you have SQL 2000 sp4 on the box it indicates that the files it's trying to install from Exchange 2003 sp2 are older than the ones on the box. “Seven” Read More...
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So ya wanna backup your ISA configuration?

So you've tweaked ISA and it's just so and you want to back it up.... Export, Import, and Backup Walk-through Procedure 1: Back Up a Complete Configuration Follow this procedure to back up a complete configuration, to save in case of a catastrophic failure. Read More...
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SBS Podcast/call in tomorrow to the SBS support gang

http://blogs.technet.com/sbs/archive/2005/10/20/412809.aspx The SBS Podcast gang is at it again tomorrow!! We'll be recording episode #5 tomorrow at 11:00 AM CST . This week's main topic will be Exchange SP2. Phone number for the live call-in portion Read More...


If you are wondering why Office 2003 sp2 is not coming down automatically on MU

The WSUS blog explains why.... In the previous update release of Office 2003 SP2, some AutoUpdate and Microsoft Update customers experienced installation failures, in most cases due to a damaged Local Installation Source, which in some cases is required Read More...
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Exchange SP2 "Vladville Blog" goodness

Exchange 2003 SP2 on SBS http://www.vladville.com/articles/exchangesp2sbs2003.asp Enabling IMF 2 in Exchange 2003 SP2 http://www.vladville.com/articles/exchangesp2imf.asp Easy guide to Changing Exchange Store Database Limits http://www.vladville.com/articles/exchangesp2newdb.asp Read More...
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Okay so I read the release notes that are inside the Exchange 2003 sp2 download

...and they say.... The release notes for Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2) are available on the Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 Release Notes Web page. © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Okay...that's Read More...
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A post for The "~'s" and the "V's" and all the rest.

There's a person I'm going to refer to as The “~”. Now while I'm going to speak specifically about this one person... in reality he represents a type of a person. His job is to fix things. Find things. Get things to break. Figure things out. Read More...
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CCH PerForm Plus having issues with 05-052

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS05-052: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (896688): http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS05-052.mspx So invariably several days 'after' applying the security patches that I find things.... CCH Read More...
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Exchange Service Pack Destroys Reading Ability

Yes, the thing I was ranting about earlier this week ..the sensationalist headline I'm using here for a reason. Got ya to read this blog post didn't I? Didn't I? It's apparently obvious to me that the sight of a new software patch destroys all ability Read More...
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Planning for the Exchange 2003 sp2

Remember there is no need to be the first on the block with this..... First off ensure you READ the release notes [and given right now that the notes point to the pre-release release notes, I'll probably wait for that to be updated first] Looks like similar Read More...
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I swear ..if any SBSer downloads this during lunchtime...

Yes the Exchange 2003 sp2 just RTMs as reported live by HappyFunBoy . Download details: Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 : And ... if I hear of any SBSer downloading this during their lunch hour and installing it......... where's my 2x4 ? Remember Read More...
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WSUS and ISA 2004

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=ab72eb03-09cf-4cfb-9af5-1a7dc9c80bc9&displaylang=en This paper describes how to deploy WSUS and ISA Server 2004 to manage remote clients. Thanks James for the heads up on this whitepaper on Read More...
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Missed the SBSMigration web cast and others?

In case you missed these web casts Jeff Middleton's SBSmigration presentation is available on the web at this link - and his SBS migration technique can be found at www.sbsmigration.com Join us as we talk with Chad Gross, SBS-MVP about using Windows Sharepoint Read More...
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Disabling the XP sp2 firewall

DON'T. Next blog post? Okay....okay... I'll give you my reasons.... Okay let me explain why....well first let me give you why you shouldn't disable it. Today in our world, your workstations are on that edge of the Internet just as much as your servers Read More...
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ETrust and the XP sp2 firewall

Greg posts that he's having trouble with two things regarding the XP sp2 firewall and SBS... Here's part one to his solution.... Etrust. Dave in our SBS group uses ETrust and he wrote..... eTrust has a little utility that you can run on each workstation Read More...
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Hey looks like some Small Business Accounting groups are starting

On Yahoogroups.com looks like there's some Microsoft Small Business Accounting groups starting... Small_Business_Accounting_Advisors - This group is for CPAs, accountants and other specialists who install or advise their clients regarding * Microsoft Read More...
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Need a little filtering?

http://www.scorpionsoft.com/blog/archives/2005/10/sbs_firewall_da.html The first thing was on the need for the product itself. From the results of our survey, 96% of the SBSers out there find their logs tedious to go through, and would love a dashboard Read More...
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Sometimes it 'is' the last thing you try

So I have the big hunking HP Pavillion Harmon Kardon has the built in 10 key on the keyboard that we beancounters drool about, weighs about 9 pounds dripping wet, monster in for a checkup, installing an update to the Trend antivirus [and just realized Read More...
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Patching related KBs

Event ID 1015 is logged in the Application log when you use the OHotFix program to install Office updates: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=907341 You receive a "The expected version of the product was not found on your system" error message when you Read More...
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Roaming anyone?

From the mail bag the other day comes a question about roaming profiles and I thought I'd throw some links up here about setting up roaming profiles.... First start off by reading this one..... How to configure a user account to use a roaming user profile Read More...
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1,500 now, 85,000 and more to go

CRN | News | Executive Shuffle In Microsoft's Partner Biz: http://www.crn.com/sections/breakingnews/dailyarchives.jhtml?articleId=172301780 Part of Leland's challenge going forward is finding a way to cultivate partners in the Small Business Specialist Read More...
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Want to search the SBS2k yahoogroups?

I hate the searchability of Yahoogroups. Okay so 'hate' is a strong word. How about I very seriously dislike the searchability of Yahoogroups? Someone once said that for a search company they make a lousy listserve search engine. Shout out to ATZ who Read More...
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For those wanting to share out BCM "on" your SBS 2003

How to troubleshoot a shared database in Outlook with Business Contact Manager Update: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=901164 There are some troubleshooting tips in this KB article. Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
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SBS KBs of interest

In Exchange Server 2003 or in Exchange 2000 Server, the Exchange Server queues are filled with many non-delivery reports from the postmaster account because of a reverse non-delivery report attack: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=909005 You cannot Read More...
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CHAT: SBS Live! Tuesday, Oct. 18, 7 p.m. Eastern

CHAT: SBS Live! Tuesday, Oct. 18, 7 p.m. Eastern Got Small Business Server and want to get help administering it or help others to get the most out of it? Share you SBS stories with others this Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 7 pm; Microsoft MVP and SBS expert Andy Read More...
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You know this really isn't as widespread as you think

Headline reads Critical Windows patch may wreak PC havoc Geeze Mr. Editor.....Excuse me but it's in one particular instance where the permissions are set down too tight. Can the IT world not "Chicken Little" folks and getting them all riled up? It's one Read More...
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Need to rekick Windows updates?

Here's some pointers for getting Windows update to work if it's failing on you at the SBS box. Stop the Automatic Updates service from services.mmc. On the SBS, go to %systemroot% (typically Windows)\SoftwareDistribution Delete the *contents* of the DataStore Read More...
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Windows Geniuine...working or not?

James in the comments says that on about 1/2 of his Windows 2000 boxes they are not validating going through Windows Genuine [I'm assuming that even though that's a post from March, he's hitting that issue now]. I don't have any 2000's to test on. I'm Read More...
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Sometimes... one doesn't have to type a single word...

Oh... Krissy [my dog - a toy poodle]? I think I need to buy something for you for Halloween .... Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
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I think there's a disturbance in the force again

If you suddenly are not getting emails from yahoogroups.com or getting notices that you can't send emails.. you might want to make sure you are not bouncing emals.... and excuse me? Since when do I not have a sbradcpa-at-pacbell.net account Mr. Yahoogroups.com? Read More...
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Yeah, there's probably a group policy setting that I should go find for this - the temp file issue

Annoyance 101 - Temp files. When you receive an email and there's a file attached... why is it that the default location for the files is some buried obscure location on your hardrive? I mean it's an attachment, right? Why can't I have a “My Attachments” Read More...
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What's normal?

Okay there are times I need to stop reading event log files. It could drive one to stop drinking Mountain Dew. On a daily basis I have three SBS boxes that I can compare side by side. Now mind you ... none of the three are doing the same things task wise... Read More...
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Okay so we barely have a tree ...let alone a forest

So I was listening to Eileen Brown regarding Exchange and active directory and it reminded me of some comments that folks made at the summit regarding backing up and restoring active directory and how you really really never wanted to Image a domain controller Read More...
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If you've ever wonder what goes on behind those Dr. Watson 'send' things

In my office I've sent my fair share of Dr. Watson error messages, and this video showcases exactly what happens when I send those Dr. Watson errors. It shows that the Programmers and Developers really do understand and share our pain. Take a look at Read More...
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Getting a DCOM 10016 right after reboot?

Checking the server I notice right after reboot last night [and I didn't spot it until the “6 a.m Hello I'm your server, here's how I'm doing, how are you?” email that I got this right after reboot.... Buried in all the 'oh my gawd you just Read More...
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Don't do that... they mean really DON'T DO THAT

I'm listening to the SBS podcast they remind me of the uniqueness of SBS... don't ...don't ever...rename the domain and expect to live through the experience. Like the comments... active directory domain name does not equal your email domain name... and Read More...
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Oh ... it's there.... the SBS Podcast is THERE!

Okay so I really ..... I mean... I really need a life.... it's confirmed...because I'm eagerly downloading Podcast #4 on the SBS Support Gang. Click to go to their blog and then download the MP3 from the link. Listen using Windows Media and .... geek Read More...
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So you patched all your servers/computers... don't forget there's an rollup to MCE 2005 waiting for you at home

Today, Microsoft announced the availability of a software update for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 that will enable consumers to access and enjoy their digital entertainment with greater ease. Microsoft also announced that to date, over 4 million Read More...
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Well that's a DDT Event now, isn't it?

The delete functionality in the System Policies folder removes the Exchange 2003 object from the configuration naming context of Active Directory: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;841516 Well that's a button that needs a “ Read More...
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Post patching procedures

I'm in my PPP time now. Post Patch Procedures... where I'm checking the server... sending email just to make sure all is okay and I also Microsoft update on the server to see that 'it' sees all patches are applied when Shavlik says they are and I notice Read More...
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Clean Slate

So when do you give a vendor or a person a clean slate to start over. A new page? Start from square one. I was thinking about this tonight in regards to a couple of conversations and sometimes I wonder if sometimes...just sometimes...we let the word of Read More...
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I'm patching are you?

Firing up my handy dandy Shavlik Netchk to patch those machines who have end users that I patch for... Member server has been patched and as soon as the last one goes home tonight I'll be patching the server. Yes, even though the due date for tax returns Read More...
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Issues with 05-051/902400 and running as "Restricted User"?

Folks are finding that “Bypass Traverse Checking” needs to be enabled for Authenticated users on machines that are running in “least user privileges' mode that have this permission disabled. KB 823659 and the Threats and countermeasures Read More...
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Want to put the BCM data file [MSDE] ON your SBS box?

You Can! It's now supported! 831747 Overview of the Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2003 update: http://support.microsoft.com/?id=831747 Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
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So why those pesky alerts don't show up like they are supposed to....

Amy points out why those pesky alerts in ISA don't show up like they are supposed to. And she learned about this from the SBS Podcast number 2 . You know.. THE Podcast. Where THE UBER SBSers .... SBS Escalation Engineers who do things to their home boxes Read More...
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Top support issues from the Partner newsgroups

Why you want...you NEED to be a Microsoft Partner ...because you get resources like this... TOP SUPPORT ISSUES ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue 1: ******** Memory leak issues Problem Symptom 1: ================== Memory Read More...
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Seeing two patches for 902400 in your WSUS console?

Torgeir reports that the two patches are for Windows XP sp1 and Windows XP sp2 that you might be seeing in your WSUS consoles needing approval. He says.... Hi, The one with Update ID 8768e086-9d42-41df-8577-76f820c39364 is for Windows XP SP1. The one Read More...
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It's Stump the gang from the Official SBS Support Blog time

This Friday you can have your chance to stump the gang on the Official SBS Support blog when they do this week's Podcast/Live Meeting. Remember that's 11 a.m Central Standard Time. Send your questions to sbspod-at-microsoft.com or voice mail at 206-984-0184. Read More...
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Incidents.org reports the 'chatter' around Security bulletin 05-051 is getting louder

Got windows 2000 machines in your network? Start patching them for 05-051...like NOW. SANS - Internet Storm Center - Cooperative Cyber Threat Monitor And Alert System - Current Infosec News and Analysis: http://isc.sans.org/diary.php?storyid=759 http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS05-051.mspx?pf=true Read More...
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Why I ask for "the exact error message"

Coworker - my computer at home isn't working? Got any ideas? It won't boot? Me - what's the error message? Coworker - it's a long one. Me - yes, but what is it? Coworker - I have to write it down? Me - yes, is it a BSOD - a blue screen of death? Coworker Read More...
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Wanna listen geek?

Eriq Neale is doing a radio show! Cool! eOnCall will air at 10am Central time today on Apostle Internet Radio ( http://www.apostleradio.org ). Later this evening, the show will be available for download from the show site ( http://www.eoncall.com ) if Read More...
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05-049 is only important, not critical [WSUS not quite reporting properly]

If you are WSUSing and doing so based on Criticality... 05-049 [kb 900725] is showing up on WSUS as critical and the bulletin says it's Important. But honestly... patch anyway...since you are there WSUSing... if you've tested it and are ready for approval. Read More...
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I just realized today

I just realized today...that all of my “Thanks Les!” settings got blown off during the SBS 2003 sp1 install [or... something removed them and I'm blaming it on that anyway]. All I know is that I had made some settings adjustments in there Read More...
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Security Bulletin 05-051 - keep an eye on Windows 2000 and XP SP1 machines again

Intrusion Prevention, Vulnerability Assessment & Network Security: http://www.eeye.com/html/company/press/PR20051011.html "Eeye discovered the vulnerability and provided a cookbook to write an exploit as part of its advisory. Shouldn't take too long Read More...
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Patches this month

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS05-044 (Moderate) Vulnerability in the Windows FTP Client Could Allow File Transfer Location Tampering (905495) http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS05-044.mspx Microsoft Security Bulletin MS05-045 (Moderate) Read More...
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Getting there

“Tech for Non Profits” blogs talks about getting to SBS 2003 and I agree with blog post one.... that moving from a domain to another domain in a pain... I guess he didn't know about our swing solution at sbsmigration.com ...but there's a couple Read More...
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Not only were you wearing a nametag....

Nick shares the story of well.... take a look .... And Nick...not only were you wearing a nametag....but you had on your 'walking billboard' shirt for SBS MVPdom. sniff...sniff.... I'm vaklempt! Way to go dude! Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! Read More...
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You ISA 2004 folks? Did you listen to the second Podcast?

So geeking out this afternoon and multitasking by listening to the #2 of the SBS Podcast while doing work and the discussion of an issue where ISA 2004's tcp/ip connection limits per client are being hit.... Listen to this podcast regarding ISA alerts... Read More...
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The migration issue

Richard in the comments brings up an excellent point about databases. The migration issue. Historially SQL has been this “thing” that sits over there and some of us use and and some of us don't. But I think that day of where we really don't Read More...
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I'm tired of following best practices

This all started on the WSUS patch management listserve where someone said “Oh you MUST install SQL on it's own box” and started us talking about how one firm, one person's 'best practice' didn't always fit for another firm. I'm tired of big Read More...
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What procedures do you do when an employee leaves?

Bill has an excellent list of things to think about. If the employee has left in um...well....unusual circumstances... you may want to keep the harddrive on the workstation intact and build a new one. [I'm not even going to comment on the fun of licensing Read More...
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UPS attached to a ProLiant ML150 and your CPU at 100%?

There a fix for ya When an HP T700 or HP XR5500 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is connected to a ProLiant ML150 G2 server through the serial port using a serial cable, the CPU utilization will remain constant at 100 percent. As soon as the serial Read More...
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It may not be supported....but...

I have a domain at home... I have a new computer that would be perfect as a Media Center Edition... well it will be as soon as I get a Hauppauge card, that is. I obviously live in the technology store wasteland of the Central Valley of California [aka Read More...
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Is ISA too complicated?

Rich in the comments asks me if I think ISA is too complicated ... honestly...no I don't with only a couple of exceptions.... There was a couple of things I wished the SBS team would have made better in the Premium version of SBS 2003 sp1 FTP access in Read More...
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Lessons from Big Server land

Brian Desmond and I were chatting and he was mentioning that the way we SBSers deploy servers would drive him crazy [ okay so I'm paraphrasing ...he just said he'd find a way to do it smarter so they could be standardized and rolled out faster ] and a Read More...
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If you aren't into NNTP [newsgroups]

Just to let you know if you aren't into NNTP or newsgroups we do have other options.... Web based ones include SBS forum on Daniel Petri's site that is moderated by Steven Teiger M&M's forum on Smalbizserver.net Nick Whittome's Forum on Mark Minasi's Read More...
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Another link ...another blog...and I got goosebumps!

I've got goosebumps...there's another SBS blog that just popped up! Another from the Gang in SBS Mothership Support home base of Los Colinas. This time it's Peter Gallagher who's opened up a blog. Subscribed and put the link on the side of the blog! I'll Read More...
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Want to move stuff from Novell to Exchange?

Presented by “Once a SBSer always a SBSer“ PSS' own Ray Fong! Description: We will discuss the process to design an efficient Exchange 2003 interoperability and migration strategy. The main focus will be on connecting and migrating Lotus Notes/Domino Read More...
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A new one, an old one

Two announcements... we have a new SBS MVP from Brazil! Carlos Fernando Paleo da Rocha [Latin America domination next!] and then one of our existing SBS MVPs has been spotlighted on this month's insider, Jeff Loucks . Share this post: email it! | bookmark Read More...
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SBS Podcast number 3 [aka this is SOOOOO COOL!]

This is soooo cool. The SBS support team in Los Colinas have episode number 3 of the SBS Podcast and they have some really cool discussions this week on virtual server, and the one we argue about alot... the issue of an additional domain controller. They Read More...
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Check out Amy's notes regarding ISA

I hope you guys are following Amy's ISA blog...and if not...you should after this post ! Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
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The new phishing filter

When you install Office 2003 sp2 and the Junk filter update for this go 'round, you get a new box inside of Outlook 2003 that is automagically selected. See that “Don't turn on links in messages that might connect to unsafe or fraudulent sites” Read More...
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Are you excluding enough?

Since someone's blog is a bit ...well....undernourished.. I'm stealing a post from him from a listserve instead.....this all started when a fellow SBSer had a Event 13552 and 13555... you know ... these: The File Replication Service is unable to add this Read More...
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The new Office UI

Oooooh I just thought of something... what is that new Office UI going to do to my customized normal.dot drop down toolbar that allows my firm to be EXTREMELY effiicient in pulling up Word files that we use over and over again.... You do know how to add Read More...
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Using a dynamic IP

From the mailbag Stew asks “I was wondering if you had any white papers on setting up a SBS 2003 server with two NIC cards using a dynamic IP. I'm setting this up in my home for "practice" and my cable company does not offer static IP's. I am using Read More...
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Have you seen views of the new Office format?

I'll be honest that in Office 2003 I was a bit surprised that Excel and Word weren't 'spiffier'. I mean Outlook was cool, but the rest really hadn't changed. Well hold onto your seats folks.... and check out this Office UI blog! Share this post: email Read More...
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Man ...where do I get all this junk on my workstation?

I upgraded my computer yesterday...well...not exactly... I did a Drive image of my existing disk [120 gigs] over to a 300 gigs [which doesn't say 300 on the “My computer” by the way, because I was nearly out of room and the poor drive was Read More...
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The vendor issue

Earlier today, David Litchfield wrote an open letter to Oracle users recommending that they get on the phone, send an email and demand better security response and an improvement in quality of their security patches. Cesar on the SecureFocus list echo'd Read More...
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SBS Partner group tour

Speaking of another group tour, the SBS Partner group tour is kicking off shortly! The Microsoft SBS Product and Development teams have announced plans to visit 12 U.S. cities this October as part of the second U.S. SBS Partner Group Tour. The goal of Read More...
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CRM 3.0 Roadshow

Just found out [ unfortunately too late for the Southern California guys, sorry ] that MS CRM 3.0 is putting on a road show at the end of which you'll get a VPC of the new 3.0 product. COOL! I know a ton of SBSers just chomping at the bit for info on Read More...
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Rememeber when Bill talked about antispyware at RSA?

There's an update... Steve Ballmer and Mike Nash announced that the corporate version of the Antispyware is being worked on and a beta will be out later this year. The Swiss Security blog talks about it. Cool! Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! Read More...
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Do you like the native ISA log files?

So I was talking to Dana about how I really ....uh... disliked...the native ISA logs and reporting and he being the coder that he thought of ways to fix the issue. I think it's a cool idea personally! Hey guys, Recently Susan Bradley and I were talking Read More...
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Patches next week

******************************************************************** Title: Microsoft Security Response Center Bulletin Notification Issued: October 6, 2005 ******************************************************************** Summary ======= As part of Read More...
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Dell ... if I'm a corporation ...I'm not buying XP HOMES!!!

If Dell Optiplex “Means Business” as the headline reads...why then as I am spec'ing out a new desktop for the office does it DEFAULT... DEFAULT mind you to XP Home. Dell WHY are you shoving XP HOME machines down my fellow small business owners Read More...
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SBS Podcast this Friday

The SBS Customer Support gang in Texas are at it again this Friday with the SBS podcast ....way cool! I really liked listening to the past two episodes! If you want to stump the experts you can call in, email or post to the blog! Phone number for the Read More...
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One SKU, one Single SKU

For years, Small Business Partners have been asking for a way to help make acquiring the core Microsoft software products that Small Businesses use easier to buy and sell. Your requests have been answered! Launching today, as part of the NEW Open Value Read More...
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Dr. Watson to the rescue

So tonight my Word blows up and a Dr. Watson asks me “would you like to send a report to Microsoft?“ Of COURSE I'll send a report to Microsoft! Because more and more these days I'm getting a little link that says “follow me and I'll Read More...
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Yes the bad things on the Internet "is" a big business

Too many times in small businesses we say “who would want me?” “I'm not a target”. But we are. We have computing processing power that can be used by folks. The Incidents.org web site has a post today about the 'business' of the Read More...
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Yes you can add a SBS 2003 to an existing domain

Roy says in the comments ... “ Yes, you can add SBS to an existing domain but not forever. In the KB article you mention is this comment: "This retirement process must occur within 14 days of adding the new SBS 2003 computer to the domain or the Read More...
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Are you a Microsoft Partner and don't know your Support offerings?

How about some assistance with that presales question that has been keeping you up at night? Ever have a licensing question and tried to get a straight answer? Building boxes and could use some advice? Coding for your add-in and stuck? What about some Read More...
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Virtually SBS

No, I'm not talking about running SBS on Virtual server [which on a side note when Exchange 2003 sp2 hits the streets, the Standard SBS will be fully supported on Virtual Server], I'm talking about a hosted SBS. Vlad and I were swapping emails with a Read More...
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I love my Lunch time menu internal communication system

Steve has a problem . He has a small network and because he wasn't wacko like me, didn't catch Live Communication Server. So now he's looking for INTERNAL ONLY nothing going out the firewall thank you very much [no MSN hotmail need apply] for an internal Read More...
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Mr. Minasi we can do that too!

Met up with Mark “ oh SBS is evil because it can't have a secondary domain controller ” Minasi at the MVP summit and it reminded me that we recently got a clarfication on how we CAN have a secondary domain controller and all you need to have Read More...
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Yes, you can do that Mr. Enterprise IT Pro.

In a white paper on the download site about “ Introduction to Windows SBS 2003 for Enterprise IT Pros “ it says “ I feel the need to repeat this, so here it is: there can be only one machine running Windows SBS in a domain! In sum, that Read More...
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The SBSPodcast likes Windows Media Edition

Listening to the SBS Podcast and here's a couple of things I've found.... First off it does best on Windows Media and sounded funny on MusicMatch. The minute I flipped it to Windows Media the sound was perfect. Remember you can put these on a mp3 player Read More...
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A little explanation is in order...

So Wayne spilled the beans about last week's ... uh... well let me explain. So it's like this. Last Friday I took Steve Foster up to Yosemite for the sights. I mean why come to America and just see Los Angeles and Fresno, I mean really! And then we decided Read More...
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SBS Kbs of interest

Word does not save changes or you receive an error message in an Office program after you install Adobe Acrobat 7.0: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=906899 You may experience slow performance by some programs on a computer that is running Windows Server Read More...
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Issues with Syncing and you have CRM installed?

You receive an "HTTP_500" error message when you try to synchronize a mobile device with a server that is running Windows Small Business Server 2003: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=906512 CRM 3.0 will even have a special version that sits on top of Read More...
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SBS podcast now live

Way cool!! Click here for the SBS blog for the podcast! Hey.. they did two of 'em and even had a call in phone number!! Dang... missed it! Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
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It's an Acer TravelMate C110

I think I've singlehandedly sold three laptops this afternoon. As I've sat here working on my laptop several people have stopped and asked what it is. Acer Travelmate. It's small and compact and really easy to travel with. Now granted I should have travelled Read More...
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The lowercase "c"

I'm sitting in Portland with a couple of hour layover before I go home after a couple of days in Seattle . And in my slightly sleep deprived state as I wait for the time to get the next leg of my flight, it’s always a bit of a reflective time as Read More...
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You have mail!

To all those in meetings where you bring in your laptop....can you shut off the sound? One of the Vista features is a presentation mode that shuts off the sound and IM and changes the desktop to being “more PC”. [Politically correct that is....] Read More...
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