[There's a reason that Yoda is the unofficial mascot of SBS.  Size indeed matters not.]

January 2007 - Posts

Online SBSummit - with Dana Epp

I thought you might be interested in the 2nd annual Microsoft Small Business Summit - a FREE online event designed to support the efforts and goals of small business. You'll find more information about the Summit at http://www.sbsummit.com . Actually Read More...
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Dr. Eileen's tonic for what ails you

http://blogs.technet.com/eileen_brown/archive/2007/01/31/old-to-new-reference-guides.aspx Exchange Goddess Blogger Eileen Brown blogs the links to the old to new stuff... you know ...the ribbon bar learning curve guidance. search terms that I'll use in Read More...
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GAAP does not set Patch Price policy

In addition to my SBSism, I'm also a Patchaholic and write on Patching issues for Brian Livingston's WindowsSecrets newsletter ... as such I always keep an eye out for Patching issues... which is why there's a lot of patch related stuff in the blog as Read More...
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Do you encrypt?

http://www.beginningtoseethelight.org/efsrecovery/ Okay so you set up EFS... and then you moved a computer ...say you joined a domain or something... are you totally and utterly ...well... screwed now that the EFS certificate has gotten messed up.... Read More...
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The ribbon the change the .... the yuck!

Ken... you are a definitely a geek. http://azsmbitthoughts.blogspot.com/2007/01/why-oh-why-did-i-stay-up-to-get-vista.html Mary Jo Foley proclaimed that us beancounters could care less about new technology... and to a certain extent she's right. But as Read More...
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NOD32 Database 2022 BIG ISSUE

Hilton reports in the SBS2k listserve.... If you are running NOD32 with XMON enabled (the Exchange Server plugin) and have the 2022 update downloaded and running, then Exchange Information Store will fail. Disable XMON, restart Exchange, and wait for Read More...
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Vista on SBS - time to read

As of this writing... which is .. I think... at 5:30 pacific time assuming my time zone and what not is correct.....the KB926505 that is the 'patch' to help Vista's join the domain of SBS 2003 better isn't yet live... http://support.microsoft.com/kb/926505/en-us Read More...
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Yeah yeah not another DST post... I know...

I got an email in my alternative address that hardly ever gets spammed by Microsoft.... that kinda tells me that they are sending smoke signals out on this issue to the far corners on this one .... Now some folks I've talked to are just doing a "don't Read More...
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The Master Browser thingy...

http://blogs.technet.com/netmon/archive/2006/11/22/network-monitor-3-0-has-released.aspx First off if you haven't downloaded this and played with it... go... do ...now. Follow the blog... http://blogs.technet.com/netmon/ Okay? In remoting in to check Read More...
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An interesting view

If MiniMicrosoft wrote a Security blog.... this would be it: http://infosecsellout.blogspot.com/ Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
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Uh no, we're not approving that one

Just a reminder that on your WSUS you probably will see .NET 3.0. Until I need it.. I'm saying "NO" to this one and declining for all groups until I really see a need for .NET. Our default SBS web sites need to be on .NET 1.1 and I'm in no mood to be Read More...
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SBA and MOA on SBS 2003

Download details: Small Business Accounting 2006 Document: Installing and Configuring Small Business Accounting 2006 and Office Accounting 2007 on Windows Small Business Server 2003: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=1193e3f3-b626-4264-af3e-8c4f190caa69&displaylang=en&tm Read More...
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The Outlook "Move" tool for DST has been released

Download details: Microsoft Office Outlook Tool: Time Zone Data Update Tool for Microsoft Office Outlook: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=e343a233-b9c8-4652-9dd8-ae0f1af62568&displaylang=en&tm To install this download: Read More...
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Accountants don't strike me as folks who strive to be on the cutting edge of technology

http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/?p=220 Mary Jo says... "Accounting software isn't something that will make use of the fancy Aero graphics that are part of Vista. And like lawyers, accountants don't strike me as folks who strive to be on the cutting edge Read More...
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Flash vulnerabilities in places you don't expect

Run the Secunia Software inspector on your computer and you might find that you have insecurity in places you didn't realize... run a full scan and see.... If you have Macromedia Flash in the 'normal' place, use this tool http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_14157 Read More...
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Steve Jobs really cares about your computers' Security - like NOT

Run the Secunia inspection tool and you find that Steve Jobs doesn't care about the security on your system because he doesn't make it easy AT ALL to patch for a security issue with Quicktime... This installation of Apple QuickTime 7.x is insecure and Read More...
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Technology that makes us need help

http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/01/26/60minutes/main2401726.shtml At the office the gang are starting to get High Def TV...and they are hitting the 'geek' issue... where they need help to install what used to be "just" TV. Well it's not "just" TV Read More...
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You an SBSCer in the UK?

http://blogs.technet.com/jocarpenter/archive/2007/01/28/uk-sbsc-symposiums.aspx That sounds REALLY cool! If you are... check it out! Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
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The Best Buy report

..had to go to Best Buy tonight and already they had Vista on laptops in the store.... and one girl looking for a computer was more interested in making sure that the laptop had a web cam than what operating system it was running... it did however make Read More...
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Vista Enterprise is now out

And some of us small businesses are wacko enough to "CHOOSE" software assurance so they could get it too you know.... Dear Susan Bradley As part of your Software Assurance benefits package, you can now receive and use Windows Vista Enterprise operating Read More...
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RSA's content this year

http://www.rsaconference.com/2007/us/content/webcasts/ Another conference/set of webcasts coming up is the RSA security conference... this year in San Francisco...interesting they are having a keynote on Youth and the Internet isn't it? Share this post: Read More...
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Watching Bill ....

Bill Gates Webcasts: http://www.microsoft.com/events/executives/billgates.mspx If you aren't on your way to New York City..... check out that link... and if you weren't in Vegas... check out this YouTube... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofVmkeQWybg that Read More...
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It's 10:30 a.m. for Vista

Vista is at 10:30 a.m.....but not at noon where it was earlier in the beta ... what am I talking about? The dial of security. The balance we choose between security and full business functionality.... Mark Minasi makes the point in his Vista audio set Read More...
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Excel and Real Estate

Want to see one reason why some folks that live and breathe spreadsheets will want to upgrade from Office 2003 and earlier to Office 2007? That was then.... This is now... See the difference? If you have a firm that lives and breathes pivot tables... Read More...
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Quickbooks on Vista - more testing and information

Windows Vista Resource Center More Testing and Information Intuit Further Clarifies Guidance on Windows Vista (When Running QuickBooks 2004 through 2006). Intuit has now done more testing and has updated information on issues related to Windows Vista. Read More...
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Copying this disc is unlawful and just plain not nice

http://www.minasi.com/vclassaudio/ So I ordered Mark Minasi's Supporting Windows Vista Audio CDroms... since I'm going into SBSPodcast withdrawals over here.... and printed on the label is the following: "Copying this disc is unlawful and just plain not Read More...
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Well that's a nice error message...

Well...that's a nice error message now isn't it? I was going to update this....but guess not tonight.... eh? Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
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Homer? I need people to call in...

http://msmvps.com/blogs/bradley/archive/2007/01/15/does-the-sbs-community-help-too-much.aspx#519906 Dear Homer... thanks for your comment that I posted above but I had to edit the post you made... which is against my comment policy.. as I like to post Read More...
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The storm worm possible impact

Larry Seltzer reported an issue on his SBS 2003 box with SBS's built in email attachment blocker... An error occurred in the function OnArrival:DeleteUnsafeAttachments while running the Secure Attachments Tool (Secatts.dll) to remove SMTP e-mail attachments. Read More...
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Got Entourage's in your SBS network?

http://blogs.technet.com/hied_west_blog/archive/2007/01/25/dst-2007-update-entourage-2004-and-mac-os-x.aspx You'll need daylight patches too....so if you are running Macs... check out those resources... Sean Daniel blogs about it here... http://sbs.seandaniel.com/2007/01/did-you-know-there-was-change-in.html Read More...
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I want my MTV... I mean my SBSpodcast...

Raise of hands here... how many miss the SBSPodcast ? I have it on good authority that it will be back... that the gang just didn't want to get stale.... heck ...worried about being stale? They could shoot the breeze for an hour and not get stale to me.... Read More...
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XP Homes/MCE's supported until 2009

Microsoft Announces Extended Support for Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Media Center Edition: Microsoft adds the Extended Support phase to two consumer products, providing customers with an additional five years of support.: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2007/jan07/01-24ExtendedSupportWindowsMA.mspx Read More...
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Change of technology

So someone yesterday pinged me about recommendations for a cdrom/dvdrom tower for network attached connectivity of these resources to the network for a CPA firm. Oh, no problem I said...we used to use one at the office but all/most of our subscriptions Read More...
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HealthMon on Workstations - revisited

<Please note this is totally unsupported -- you are on your own, a pox on your children and all that...> Reblogging for those who missed this... if you want to play with a smidge more monitoring.... here's something to think about... First read Read More...
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The KB for 927891 is now "live"

You receive an access violation when you try to install an update from Windows Update after you apply hotfix package 916089: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/927891 Just a FYI on this ... this is the latest of the SVChost.exe patches.... and Read More...
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Quickbooks 2007 as a standard user KB

http://msmvps.com/blogs/bradley/archive/2007/01/11/intuit-on-talking-to-clients-about-vista.aspx#512080 If you are looking for the "It should work under standard user but it doesn't so what's the fix" KB on Quickbooks... it's linked on this page: http://msmvps.com/blogs/bradley/archive/2006/11/22/quickbooks-2007-supports-standard-user-kb.aspx Read More...
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Quickbooks and Vista reminder

SERVICE ALERT If you are considering Windows Vista, please note that QuickBooks 2006 and earlier versions may be adversely affected. Dear Susan, You may have heard about the upcoming release of Microsoft's new operating system, Windows Vista. Microsoft Read More...
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There's an eula that you have to click YES to you know...

Monthly Microsoft Patch Hides Tricky IE 7 Download: http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2086423,00.asp?kc=EWEWEMNL012207EP29A This is a tech author who can't figure out that IE7 has been like that for months....and just say no when prompted? Say no to Read More...
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You cannot use an upgrade key to perform a clean installation of Windows Vista

You cannot use an upgrade key to perform a clean installation of Windows Vista: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=930985 Okay there's a part of me that understands that... that it's for compliance purposes....but there's a part of me that goes...hang Read More...
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Can you run your business on the Licenses in Action pack?

My honest answer is? No. Not anymore. Not that you aren't allow to use Action pack for internal business use like in the past, but rather that from a "can" you run your internal business on the licenses you are legal for....the answer right now today Read More...
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Knowledge base articles of Interest this week in January

Error message when you try to perform a Windows Anytime Upgrade on a Windows Vista-based computer: "The product key you entered cannot be used when installation is started from this edition of Windows": http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=930374 You cannot Read More...
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The time of this post is 12:46 p.m. pacific time

One of the sticky issues that I'm noticing with the Daylight savings patches that our Israeli and Aussie folks are nodding in a telling "yup, we've been there" is the issue right now where if I book an appointment in Outlook, it's off on the phones. There Read More...
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It wasn't dancing pigs...but a Dancing Prince

So .. in full disclosure.... it's all Prince's fault.. or the artist formerly known as or whatever.... you see I had my Zune fired up and listening to a past collection of Prince ... you know... 1999 and Let's Go Crazy and all that.... and I was then Read More...
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Death by Powerpoint - revisited

The background on the Vista OS..that I call "under the Sea" is very pretty. It's very stylish. There are other Vistabackgrounds.... one is used in fact on the official Vista blog http://windowsvistablog.com/blogs/windowsvista/ But there's one thing that Read More...
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Sometimes you just don't know...

Sometimes you are just honest about things.... Why did it reboot? You know.. I really don't know... Hmmm.... system rebooted... and upon reviewing the event logs there's not much there... which ... the lack of events tells you that it's the hardest thing Read More...
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You know ... I never did camp outside even for Star Wars...

No one would argue that I'm not a Star Wars fan...but even I, she who has Yoda in a photo taken outside the Newport Beach Movie theater where I saw Star Wars I, II and III, never camped outside in a tent or overnight for tickets. The pundits are already Read More...
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Chic Geek

The Home Server ad..... http://blogs.msdn.com/karinm/archive/2007/01/20/bill-gates-tv-ad-for-hp-mediasmart-server.aspx Link courtesy of Sandi... http://msmvps.com/blogs/spywaresucks/archive/2007/01/20/506172.aspx Share this post: email it! | bookmark Read More...
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You a member of the "All Green" club?

You a member of the "All Green" club? Les Connor has been... I was almost this morning but I had a workstation throwing off a svchost issue that I didn't catch and thus ended up with a Red Update services alert .... ...but I was close.... soooo close.... Read More...
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Daylight savings and Exchange

KB 926666 for Exchange is coming down on WSUS and it absolutely, positively needs a reboot... so don't approve it until your ready to bounce that SBS box. And it also wanted to pull down Trend and IIS and the whole enchalada so just be ready to reboot. Read More...
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Windows mobile time change patch

I would hope that new devices being sold now would not need this cab file update...but I'm not sure... http://blogs.technet.com/vik/archive/2007/01/20/2007-daylight-savings-issues-for-windows-mobile-2003-and-5-0.aspx Bottom line..... ensure that your Read More...
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We've got direct push now...

Engadget blogs about how the Iphone must connect to Exchange to be the true business killer app. http://www.engadget.com/2007/01/14/will-the-iphone-support-exchange-direct-push/ Yup. If you don't connect to Exchange, you won't get into many businesses. Read More...
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No, Joe, we don't like change...

Show of hands here... how many have installed IE7 at client locations only to uninstall it? http://www.microsoft-watch.com/content/web_services_browser/how_you_see_internet_explorer_7.html?kc=MWRSS02129TX1K0000535 Joe talks about the reason people are Read More...
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KB 916089 is now 927891

If you look at 916089 you'll see that it's on Version 4 -- http://support.microsoft.com/kb/916089/en-us - reviewed on 1/17/2007 version If you look for KB 927891 you'll see http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=gp;[ln];kberror&style=error Read More...
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The ones that join a domain

The Vistablog blogs about the upgrade pricing of Vista... and it's something I think us SBSers need to be aware of. http://windowsvistablog.com/blogs/windowsvista/archive/2007/01/17/multiple-announcments-today.aspx Manufacturer's suggested retail prices Read More...
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I can harely wait until Quicken tells me I have a virus

Microsoft has issued a security warning. CCH@Hand has detected that your system does not have the latest Microsoft security updates installed. Please visit Windows Update (below) to obtain the latest critical updates for your system. The other day to Read More...
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SCE for the SMB world

The basic recording is live, the full Office Live will be ready later (or soon). -+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+- Susan Bradley has invited you to view a Microsoft Office Live Meeting recording. View Recording <https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/winserver_usergroup/view?id=R45S9C&pw=tM%5E%227cR> Read More...
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Are you ready for daylight savings changes?

In March in the USA our daylight savings will change... and I'm not ready and I'll tell you why I know that ... http://www.microsoft.com/windows/timezone/dst2007.mspx First I installed the Windows OS patch on the servers - all was well. - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/928388 Read More...
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SBS Chat today at 4

http://chat.sbsmigration.com/ Today at 4 p.m pacific is the SBS monthly chat with Handy Andy Goodman! Check it out! Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
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Can't get .Net sp1 on the box

Was installing Quickbooks 2007 on a system and it wouldn't install...come to find out it couldn't install .NET 1.1 service pack 1 and it couldn't install that as "hotfix" 886904 MS 05-004 was already installed http://support.microsoft.com/kb/886904/en-us Read More...
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Take an exam.. get TechNet Plus Direct

Microsoft Exam Insurance TechNet Plus Direct Offer Details For a limited time, Exam Insurance gives you three ways to win. You can retake your exam if you need it, you can get a discount if you don't, and you can get free TechNet Plus Direct. To take Read More...
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ISA rules in the wrong place

http://simultaneouspancakes.com/Lessons/2007/01/15/isa-and-dhcp/ When you start using ISA to restrict things... be careful about restricting too much..... Depending on where you put that ISA rule set you could end up shutting off DHCP services as a result..... Read More...
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You could fix your hair in the glare..

Setting up a laptop today it was one of those new "glossy" screen laptops that had that near mirror finish on the screen. While they are nice looking, they do end up getting fingerprints and sometimes I wonder about the glare on them. You can practically Read More...
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ORDB and Faxing - from the SBS blog

http://blogs.technet.com/sbs/archive/2007/01/15/fax-fails-because-of-orbs.aspx Got ORDB still under the hood? Don't got faxes now as a result? Interesting byproduct of cause and effect.... Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it Read More...
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927891 does exist

For those calling in and being told that the SVChost.exe hotfix doesn't exist... you might have to do what I did. Hang up and call again. 927891 does indeed exist as a sample of the email I received is below: CASE_ID_NUM: SRX070115602314 MESSAGE: Hello, Read More...
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Does the SBS community help too much? aka the SVCHOST issue

Nick blogs about an update for the SVCHOST.exe spiking computers at 100% CPU during updating, during bootup and what not http://msmvps.com/blogs/thenakedmvp/archive/2007/01/15/hey-nick-wus-up-with-pulling-the-links.aspx And I'd like to ask each and everyone Read More...
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Do you inventory your network?

Nick writes in about his inventory tool a WMI script tool: He says: "The short of it is that it uses WMI and automates the hardware/software information gathering and inventory process (computer name, OS info, antivirus info, installed apps, etc.), with Read More...
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You call it "Premium" I call it "Home Premium"

New OEM computer was purchased by a person in the office today and they got the Vista guarantee: http://www.circuitcity.com/ccd/genericContent.do?oid=165275&c=1&cm_re=Vista-_-microsite-_-link *The standard free upgrade includes: Windows XP Home Read More...
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Microsoft Office Accounting

Just the other day I got my MPAN copy of Microsoft Office Accounting 2007. If you want to downalod the manual, it's available online at http://accounting.microsoft.com/accountants/OA2007manual.asp ... If you are a MPAN member, you should get it sent to Read More...
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Sometimes Antivirus is the cause, not the cure

Sometimes antivirus can be the "cause" of problems and not the prevention of them.... case in point... if you suddenly find that you can't get the daily monitoring emails check out Trend as a cause: http://esupport.trendmicro.com/support/viewxml.do?ContentID=en-127260 Read More...
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For those of you who remember the "bugs"

Stay tuned as we will be doing a re-vamp of the Community logo in the future... But in case you forgot the inspiration... the gist of it is that SBSers' are everywhere.... ergo... the cockroach.... from the high to the low... you can't get rid of us... Read More...


In case anyone is interested..

In case anyone is interested... here's my blog comment policy: No blog comments are deleted. They are though, moderated so that the spam doesn't end up published.. so if you haven't seen a comment... don't know what to tell you... I don't delete comments Read More...
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The Zune report

Indulge me in a little off topic post tonight regarding various music devices...that may or may not end up in your network So the other day I wanted to see what all the religious wars over Zune versus IPod was all about and I wanted to see both for myself. Read More...
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It's the keyboard ....

The one thing about all the Iphone hype that I spotted right off was the non-business-ish of it. Where's the keyboard? Scoble talks about that here too. When I take my older Audiovox SMT 5600 out on the road, it's t9 keyboard just about drives me insane. Read More...
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A little too much spell checking

I was typing in an equation to search a column and use a phrase to then extract data... and the equation was looking for HSA Contribution...and in Excel it kept changing it to HAS... no... I want HSA for Health Savings account... and Excel wanted HAS. Read More...
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RDP v6 needs "Domain" first

One of the things you have to get used to with the new RDP v6 cl ient that unless you tell it otherwise it assumes that the 'domain' you want to access is the local computer one.... so how to overcome this? Ensure that in the username credential part Read More...
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Dear Mr. Ballmer - I'd like to ask you to understand...

Dear Mr. Ballmer: I've emailed you before.. I've blogged to you before... I've seen you in person before. You seem like a nice reasonable person. You've said before that your goal is to make licensing easier. May I publically and respectfully ask another Read More...
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Action pack users, read this

Microsoft Small Business Community Blog : Do I have Downgrade Rights for my software that comes in Action Pack?: http://blogs.msdn.com/mssmallbiz/archive/2007/01/12/do-i-have-downgrade-rights-for-my-software-that-comes-in-action-pack.aspx If you have Read More...
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Off topic questions of the day...

1. Why is it that smoke detectors never freak out from low batteries or what not between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.? Why is it always from 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m.? 2. Why do same smoke detectors never "churp" long enough initially for one to figure Read More...
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Ofer-ism of the day - Gotcha when changing ISPs in SBS 2003

Ofer had an issue where a setting that was manually done in the SMTP settings didn't get changed by the CEICW wizard ...the reason? It's not a setting that the SBS wizard 'touches' or sets, so when the wiz was wiz'd .. it didn't make the change. Conversely, Read More...
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RSS feeds of KB articles and Downloads

http://support.microsoft.com/selectindex/Default.aspx?target=rss Want the RSS feed that will give you the KB articles for the software you want to track? Now for SBS it's wayyyyyy down under the "W's"... because it's under Windows Small Business Server Read More...
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Intuit on talking to clients about Vista

Talking to Clients about Windows Vista To help clients learn more about what decisions they have ahead with the Windows Vista operating system, Intuit has created a new *QuickBooks Windows Vista Resource Center* at www.quickbooks.com/support/Vista *Potential Read More...
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svchost/wuauclt consumes lots of cpu time

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: svchost/wuauclt consumes lots of cpu time Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 10:27:37 +0100 From: Stefan Falk <nothing@nospam.com> Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windows.server.update_services Hello everybody, At some, Read More...
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The Windmill

When I have something that seems impossible.. I call it "A windmill" My windmills range from getting a question answered, a problem solved... and sometimes it includes a vendor. For a few years now, one windmill of mine is our reliance so much in business Read More...
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Are you YouTube-able?

Demonstrate Windows Vista and 2007 Office to Win Small Business Specialists: Enter the Small Business Specialist Demo Challenge for a chance to win a $3,000 travel voucher, redeemable for a trip to the Small Business Symposium. Submit a demo video by Read More...
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We're not rebootin' this month

For those of you keeping score... http://isc.sans.org/diary.html?storyid=2034 Of the four patches released.... one goes on a server.... and that one.. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-004.mspx while the bulletin states that it needs Read More...
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Apparently accountants need to ..well something anyway

Alun blogs about how he gets diet ads in his blog comments....and this is just a sample daily spam email report from one of the email boxes here at the office of the junk mail that is no longer stored and kept on my box, but rather on Vlad's ....and mind Read More...
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Symptoms of the svchost issue

When you have SBS 2003 R2 installed ...one of the tell tale symptoms that your systems are being impacted by the Svchost memory issue is seeing this error in the SBS'ised patching error section on your server Error Type: System Error Error Date: 1/10/2007 Read More...
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On Patch Tuesday if you are seeing a spike in CPU

http://msmvps.com/blogs/thenakedmvp/archive/2006/08/30/111258.aspx If you are seeing that Automatic updates is hogging 100% CPU you need to do the following: 1. First fix: {correction... this should be the only fix you need as this has a more up to date Read More...
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Just a little bit of an incentive

Sometimes you don't even need to see the speakers of an event to decide on going. Sometimes it's the promise of the content and the location (and promise of good old fashioned communication) that's all that is needed. ...but.... if you need a bit of incentive Read More...
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Are you a Quickbooks Pro Advisor?

Silly me.. I always assumed that the Quickbooks Pro Advisor subscription was just for Accountants. Well I was set right today! You just need to be a professional that is installing Quickbooks for clients. So for $399 you get a copy of Quickbooks (regular Read More...
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More on the Home Server on Channel 9

Windows Home Server: http://channel9.msdn.com/showpost.aspx?postid=270965 Rory's video about the Windows Home Server Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
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SBSMigration.com IT Pro Conference

Coming this May a unique experience.... two days in New Orleans .... five days on a ship ... do one, do both, and yes, there will be High speed access on the ship for those wondering . And no death by powerpoint ..... experts talking to experts... peers Read More...
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Got Vista and looking for ActiveSync?

You cannot add or remove programs on a Windows Mobile-based device after you connect it to a computer that is running Windows Vista: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=929659 So you have a Vista machine.. and you are looking for active sync, right? Well Read More...
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KB articles of interest for Jan 8th

How to install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 side-by-side with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 on a computer that is running Windows Small Business Server 2003: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=928095 You cannot join a Windows Vista Home Premium-based Read More...
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A new year's update

Error message when you run a beta version of Windows Defender: "Application failed to initialize: 0x800106ba": http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=930522 If you happen to still have a workstation running the old old version of Defender... you know the Read More...
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SeanDaniel.com's RSS feed

http://seanda.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss Okay for those keeping track.. Sean Daniel's RSS feed is that. Now it's also this: http://seanda.blogspot.com/rss.xml But for whatever reason the one on the top gives me full posts and the one at Read More...
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The Home server

http://news.com.com/Gates+sees+a+home+server+in+your+future/2008-1041_3-6147885.html Watching the CES broadcast they talked about a "home server" offering and then blocked it out saying it was intellectual property.... I don't think they had the funny Read More...
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CES keynotes start tonight

http://microsoftatces.com/ http://www.stopdigitalamnesia.com/ Right now in Vegas the cheap geeks are annoying the taxi drivers as they get ready for the Consumer Electronics show... http://www.cesweb.org/default.asp http://ces.blogs.com/ http://edition.cnn.com/2007/TECH/01/05/gadget.show.ap/index.html Read More...
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IMF updates will restart

http://blogs.technet.com/wsus/archive/2007/01/06/intelligent-message-filter-for-exchange-server-2003-release-cycle-begins-on-the-17th-of-this-month.aspx The WSUS blog indicates that IMF updates will start up again... I'll be honest with you ... since Read More...
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So how safe is your data?

I have a CPA firm that I have done some break/fix for, and they brought up the question of "How secure is our Accounting Data". They use Lacerte and Quickbooks. They are using SBS 2003 Standard and have a SonicWall firewall as well as SBS in a 2 NIC configuration. Read More...
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Do you hibernate?

The caption reads... "Hello reception, can I have a wake up call in spring please? There's a part of me that my brain has a problem with the concept of "hot swap" and "system hibernation". And in full out honestly, I personally have never ever hibernated Read More...
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Trust me, just click on the link...

This is one of those links you just can't add commentary about.....it's a picture worth a thousand words.... http://mdewtree.com/ (and thanks Tim for the heads up about it) Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
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New SBS box, all patches and suddenly Companyweb doesn't work?

I will post again, as I'm seeing someone having this issue again, that when a SBS 2003 cleanly installed box that before updates has a working Companyweb, and after the updates it does not, it's your .NET 2.0. You have two choices --- flip your Companyweb Read More...
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A challenge to Vlad and David

With apologies to Vlad and David.. as I'm throwing down a challenge to each of them....and to Vlad we'll have to ask him to redo the Exchange 2007 webcast as there were some recording technical difficulties so the webcast isn't saved. But here's the business Read More...
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Sometimes hitting back is annoying

FIX: Internet Explorer 6 does not display the previous Web page when you browse an ASP.NET Web application and then click the Back button: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=928491 When I would shop on Amazon.com it would be extremely annoying when I Read More...
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Free hard disk space requirements for Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2

Free hard disk space requirements for Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2): http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=926029 Start making the room now folks... while 2k3 SP2 is only a beta/soon to be RC at this point in time.... start planning and making Read More...
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For those who installed IE7 before installing R2 - a challenge

http://www.sbslinks.com/r21.htm That is a screen by screen view of a SBS 2003 sp1 box with IE 7 installed prior to the installation of R2. As you can see the install "appears" to fail, but really it doesn't. All that happens is that the R2 install can't Read More...
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For the upside down SBSCers

Are you a SBSCer? If so please turn your computer upside down. Go ahead... I'll wait. Okay ready? Now that you in the role of an Australian SBSCer…. This blog is for you! Enjoy! News & Views for Australian SBSCs: http://blogs.msdn.com/sbsc_australia/ Read More...
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The Following network cards are evil

Now normally I don't like to be quite so ... well...non complementary about a product ...especially when I personally haven't suffered from the issues surrounding it. But lately so much weirdness has occurred with one brand of network cards that we've Read More...
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How to tell if SBS 2003 R2 is installed...

From the partner newsgroup I spotted this on how to tell if R2 is installed... Basically speaking, we have a registry key which indicates if the SBS Server 2003 R2 is successfully installed: SBS related Registry Keys: * HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SmallBusinessServer\UpdateServices Read More...
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So I'm looking in my ISA log files...

So I'm looking in my ISA log files because for the last couple of days my Scorpion Software Firewall da shboard has indicated I've been getting ntp attacks from two IP addresses: and and it's now where I have some time on my Read More...
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You cannot use the Windows SBS 2003 client deployment tools to join a Windows Vista-based computer to a Windows SBS ne

RESOLUTION loadTOCNode(1, 'resolution'); Microsoft is currently working on an update for the Windows SBS client deployment tools to support Windows Vista and the 2007 Microsoft Office program. This update is scheduled to be available on the Microsoft Read More...
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Need to set up the SBS box as an authoritative Time Server?

Somewhere I saw (and I can't remember where) that time.nist.gov has been deprecated and we shouldn't use it anymore to sync our domain controllers to.... and the time server we should be is point to Pool.ntp.org instead. Make sure that the CEICW has poked Read More...
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3G versus Edge - revisited

One thing I found while sitting for about 5 hours on the Northbound Amtrak waiting for the Southbound Amtrak to get a pickup unstuck from it because the Pickup truck inhabitants apparently believed that they could outrun the Amtrak (and when you share Read More...
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Well I can tell their retention policy...

At Disneyland and they have two new technologies..... one is a photo service that when you take an official Disney photo they wand in a "photo card" and you can order more photos... within 30 days... so you can tell that http://www.disneyphotopass.com/ Read More...
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