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September 2005 - Posts

One other top tip that comes to mind for those of you who use Forms in conjunction with a Signature in emails. You may have noticed that Outlook moronically puts your email signature at the top of the form's content when you create a new email using Tools Read More...
Email signatures are really useful but creating them and getting them to appear correctly can sometimes be troublesome. For example, sometimes you may create a beautiful email signature only to discover it comes out double-spaced when you compose a new Read More...
Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Microsoft Office 2003 is now available for download from Microsoft Update. You may even have received this update already if you subscribe to auto-updates. There are a bunch of enhancements that improve the security and reliability Read More...
In what is turning out to be an interesting experiment in the effects of mobile communication deprivation, I left home this morning without my Pocket PC. On the list of the "things not to leave at home" a Pocket PC must rank pretty near the top. From Read More...
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I recently blogged about the high number of questions we're getting from UK Notes/Domino organisations about how or why they should migrate to the Microsoft platform and mentioned that we're running some new event to help explain all. One of these events Read More...
The good people at Microsoft Office Online have a handy list of available command line switches that you can use when launching Outlook. You can use these to change the way Outlook behaves when you start it up. The full list of switches can be found here Read More...
I've got a week's holiday next week to paint the outside of my house. Yes, that's a real man's holiday. None of this lying on a sun-lounger drinking spirits for me. No, this is more of a climbing up ladders and smelling of white spirits type of break. Read More...
I've been well impressed with Microsoft's SmartScreen anti-spam functionality that's built-in to Outlook 2003. So I'm pleased to see that's it's just been awarded the #1 spot by ConsumerReports.org . From my experience, if you use Outlook 2003 against Read More...
Here's a top tip I learned recently from a colleague. You can customise the right-click menu in Office 2003 applications so the options you use most regularly are close at hand. Here's how: In the application of your choice (Word, Excel...) go to the Read More...