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I've decided to move my blog to a new home on Windows Live Spaces. I hope you'll move with me. My new blog URL is http://usefultechnologyblog.spaces.live.com/ . To subscribe to the new RSS feed, simply click this link: http://usefultechnologyblog.spaces.live.com/feed.rss Read More...
Confused by all this new Windows Live stuff? Yeah, me too. There's a lot of new gadgetry to get our heads around. I discovered an interesting new site at www.insiderclub.co.uk that aims to shed some light on the matter. Those talking bodies are a bit Read More...
My regular reader will know how much of a fan I have become of Windows Live Local . While Google Earth was very quick out of the blocks in 2004 after they acquired Keyhole Corp, it's now looking a bit creaky in comparison to the much improved, if absurdly Read More...
Windows Live Messenger, the brilliant successor to MSN Messenger, is now available for download. This great new product came out of Beta just yesterday and we've already notched up more than 2 million downloads in just 36 hours! There are loads of unique Read More...