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The Health Resource Group is committed to providing access to timely and progressive health resources which can help maintain and improve personal health and wellness. Our 'Mega-Fitness' system has proven to be very effective in helping people on their journey to better health. Remember, you should always consult with your physician or holistic health practitioner before making any significant changes to your exercise, diet, or lifestyle.

Health Map [ Top | Health Map ]

Maintaining and improving our wellness involves various interdependent areas of life.
Click on one of the areas shown below to find out more.

The Mega-Fitness System [ Top | Health Map ]

The Mega-Fitness System is a program designed to achieve maximum health and wellness through physical training, optimum nutrition strategies, and other wellness techniques. This system requires discipline, persistence, and self control. The nutritional portion of this program utilizes "Super Foods" which contain various "power nutrients." This program can build stamina, strengthen the body's immune system, and avert disease through preventative health and wellness. Follow the health map above on your journey to better health.
"I lost 60 pounds using the Mega-Fitness system. I went from 290 pounds to 230 pounds. I feel great, and I'm still loosing weight. Now I have the energy to do what matters most to me. Thank You!" - Another Satisfied Mega-Fitness Practitioner

Clean Air [ Top | Health Map ]

Breathing and awareness about the air we breath has been an essential element of many wellness traditions, such as Yoga, for thousands of years. Controlled conscientious breathing is essential. Learn the discipline of controlled breathing. Learn how to breath deeply and slowly during exercise and throughout the day. Practice relaxed, slow, and deep breathing. This will help oxygenate your entire body and enhance digestion as well as other body functions. It is important to exercise and engage in deep breathing in an environment with clean air. Walking and exercising outdoors whenever possible is one way to get more fresh air. We're more likely to intentionally breath deeply when exercising. If you live in a large city with smog, you may want to consider purchasing a high quality HEPA air purification system with ionization for your work place and home so that the air you breath throughout most of the week is contaminant free.

Clean Water [ Top | Health Map ]

Our bodies are mostly water. Drinking plenty of clean water every day helps hydrate your body which can increase metabolism, reduce back pain, optimize mental clarity, and help detoxify your body. Make an effort to have clean filtered water at home and work. Let water be the first thing you reach for when you are thirsty rather than juice, milk, or carbonated beverages.

Healthful Nutrition [ Top | Health Map ]

Proper nutrition is an important part of achieving optimal health. Rather than adopting a diet that restricts what you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat, consider changing your food preferences so that the quantity and frequency of eating don't matter. Raw fresh or dried vegetables can be a delicious and filling snack, yet they are low in calories and high in nutritional benefits. If the bulk of your diet is vegetables and other healthful raw foods, you won't need to worry about how often you eat or how much you eat.

Here are some considerations regarding healthful nutrition:

Nutritional Supplements [ Top | Health Map ]

Unfortunately, our foods are not as rich in vitamins and minerals as they once were. As a result, your body may have deficiencies or special needs that can be met through nutritional supplementation. Consider the following products:

Sleep [ Top | Health Map ]

Sleep is essential for mental and physical well-being. Proper sleep can help increase metabolism and speed recovery from injury and illness. There are numerous sleep systems available such as air mattresses, conventional mattresses, water mattresses, and futons. Click here to read about the Mobile Hermitage sleep system. Discover which sleep surface best meets your needs. Eye pillows and ear plugs can help you fall asleep faster if you are sensitive to noise and light. Noise elimination headphones are also a good way to alter your acoustic setting. Getting regular aerobic exercise can help improve your sleep. Staying healthy can ensure that you breath fully and properly during your sleep.

Skin Care [ Top | Health Map ]

Your skin will be healthier through proper nutrition, hydration, exercise, and rest. Natural skin care products, such as colloidal oatmeal lotion from Nature's Gate, can help your skin stay healthy, hydrated, smooth, and supple. For more information about cosmetics, click here.

Dental Care [ Top | Health Map ]

A simple tooth infection or infection of the gums can introduce illness into your entire body and lead to a depleted immune system. Consider using a natural toothpaste, such as natural toothpaste from Tom's of Maine, and dental floss with natural oils and/or wax, such as tea tree oil dental floss from Dessert Essence or natural floss from Tom's of Maine.

Hair Care [ Top | Health Map ]

Your hair will be healthier through proper nutrition, hydration, exercise, and rest. Consider using natural hair care such as the Herbal Shampoo and Herbal Conditioner from Nature's Gate. Harsh treatments such as colorizing, straightening, hair dryers, and similar 'beauty' treatments take away beauty and health from hair. For more about cosmetics and the 'beauty' industry, click here.

Foot Care [ Top | Health Map ]

Proper foot care has been emphasized in cultures around the world since the beginning of time. Traditional approaches to healing and wellness such as foot massage have a well established and ancient following. Natural skin care products, such as colloidal oatmeal lotion from Nature's Gate, can help your feet stay healthy, hydrated, smooth, and supple. Consider wearing only running shoes on a daily basis to provide support and cushion that reduces impact. Choose shoes that are slightly larger than your foot. The New Balance brand offers extra wide sizes. As shoes wear out, buy a new pair that will be your running shoes and use the old pair for office work, walking, and daily use.

Hygiene [ Top | Health Map ]

The simple act of washing your hands regularly can help reduce your exposure to numerous diseases. There are some excellent natural products available for hygiene, such as antiseptic liquid soap from Nature's Gate. For an effective natural deodorant, consider using natural deodorant from Tom's of Maine.

Balanced Living [ Top | Health Map ]

An important part of good health is having a vibrant and balance life. By daily striving to improve every area of life, stress is reduced and well being is increased. Relaxation techniques such as a hot bath, hot shower, a walk in nature, a massage, or relaxing music can help increase well-being. Having a spiritual life that includes prayer and worship with songs and music has been proven to enhance wellness. See the Resources for Life map for more information and inspiration. [Click here]

Aerobic Training [ Top | Health Map ]

Aerobic exercise and fitness is essential for enhanced oxygenation to the brain, emotional well-being, digestive health, and an active metabolism. For a good aerobics workout, we suggest a quality treadmill ($400 - $700) or elliptical system from ProForm. Or walk outdoors ($0). Begin with 12 minutes per day and work up to 30-40 minutes per day (or whatever is comfortable for you). Proper stretching before and after your workout are essential in avoiding injury. We recommend a brisk walk. Using weights which are comfortable to swing behind you and lift to your chest can be a way to build extra strength and help maintain your pulse in your "target zone." Do not begin an aerobic exercise program until you fully understand the "target zone" concept of pulse monitoring.

Strength Training [ Top | Health Map ]

The strength training component of the Mega-Fitness system involves several considerations. Here is a brief list.

Healthy Home [ Top | Health Map ]

The average home contains more chemicals and toxins than anywhere else in society. This is why it is important to make a conscientious decision to use natural and safe products for cleaning. Whenever possible, use water rather than toxic chemicals to clean surfaces. Consider purchasing an air cleaning system (about $150) with hospital-grade HEPA filtration to eliminate spores, dust, pollen, etc. If you get one of these, perhaps have it in the room where you sleep. Consider another for the room where you spend the most time. Consider purchasing a high grade bagless vacuum with HEPA filter such as the Fantom 12 Amp vacuum (about $300). This will help reduce airborne contaminants.


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