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submissions encouraged. if you have an idea that you're not sure about, query us.

of course we don't pay, silly, but don't let that stop you from contributing.

all rights stay with the author, always. canadian content archives all articles, but you are free to publish your submissions elsewhere (please say "first appeared in canadian content" and give a link, if possible) as soon as you want.

note: send your submission in the body of your email - no attachments please. for all submissions include a one line bio. if you have a homepage you want to plug, specify the url.

interviews: cancon now focuses primarily on interviews of canadians of any background. fame is not a prerequisite to make for an interesting interview, and we consider a wide variety of subjects.

articles: we look for work on topics of general interest, or aimed at making readers informed. articles with spelling errors will be destroyed on contact.

reviews: go review your favourite canadian based/focussed book, film, cd, zine, etc.

poetry/prose: currently not accepting poetry/prose submissions.

other: have an idea for a column or feature you'd like to pursue? we're always open to new ideas.

stuff for review: if you want to send us stuff for review, please send an email first to ensure you have our latest mailing address.

send all general submissions and queries to reply time usually fast, but entirely dependent on how insane our day jobs are. be patient.

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