[There's a reason that Yoda is the unofficial mascot of SBS.  Size indeed matters not.]

November 2006 - Posts

The Easy Button

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=311f4be8-9983-4ab0-9685-f1bfec1e7d62&displaylang=en These step-by-step guides provide instructions for deploying or migrating to Windows Vista. These guides also describe how to configure security, Read More...
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Saving the password

So the comment was that the bad thing about the RDP version 6 is that you couldn't save the credentials like you did before... but it's been my experience you can? All I do is click the checkbox that says "Remember my password" and it does. So if you Read More...
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Yes Mac's will get a RDP update too

http://www.macworld.com/news/2006/08/07/msuniversal/index.php Microsoft is also developing a new version of its Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client software, which enables Mac users to access Windows PCs on their network. “The next version of RDC will Read More...
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Firewall communities

I was listening to a Community 2.0 webcast today on how companies are looking to embrace/expand communities and one thing that I don't think I've identified is the communities of things that a lot of SBSers install... and that's firewalls. One of them Read More...


Putting Companyweb back when you didn't read the whitepaper

So if you didn't read the real white paper to do the side by side WSS 3.0 install ... ya might want to read this one: edwalt's - Things I Wish I'd known about Small Business Server...... : Removing WSS 3.0 Companyweb Upgrade - Restoring WSS 2.0 on SBS Read More...
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A new RDP client on the download and WSUS sites

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=26f11f0c-0d18-4306-abcf-d4f18c8f5df9&displaylang=en Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client 6.0) provides a way to use any new Terminal Services features introduced in Microsoft Read More...
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Houston ... we have no backup....

11/29/2006 6:21 PM ------------------------------- Date: 11/29/2006 Time: 6:21 PM User: Administrator ------------------------------- Backup Runner started. Launching NTBackup: ntbackup.exe backup "@C:\Program Files\Microsoft Windows Small Business Server\Backup\Small Read More...
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Upgrading to R2

So you have a SBS 2003 sp1 box and you just got your Action pack.... how do you update it? Do you a. Merely stick in the dvd and it will automagically update or b. Drill down to the R2 parts and run the individual cdroms? The answer is b. These disks Read More...
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...well the redirect from SBSdiva.com to http://www.msmvps.com/bradley is still messed up and Network Solutions has the account tied to someone else and I need to fax over an change authorization to get it from their control to mine to ensure that the Read More...
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The Action pack arrived

So my action pack for October (the replacement) finally arrived today and one of the things I wanted to check out for myself was the Action pack DVD.. as some folks had indicated problems with installing it... and I took my base install of SBS 2003 sp1 Read More...
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Someday in my lifetime all of my computers that I control will have no issues with Microsoft/Windows update.. and they won't give me cryptic errors and what not... You may receive an "Error 0x80072EE2," "Error 0x80072EE7," "Error 0x80072EFD," "Error 0x80072F76," Read More...
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Clearing out an error

Error Type: System Error Error Date: 11/27/2006 10:02:31 PM Error Description: Error: Agent failed detecting with reason: 0x8007000e I've found that deleting the software distribution folder and ensuring I had the latest and greatest ISA firewall client Read More...
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That's deFender with a "F"

So I'm calling Earthlink to change my MX record to point to Exchangedefender.com so to pre-filter the email before it hits my Exchange Server and when they made the change they did it like... 5 inbound30.exchangedesender.com. ...uh guys... that's a "F" Read More...
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Susan wrote:

Today I'm getting a ton of email spam about buying stocks and they are all "Insert person name"_Wrote as the subject line. Okay so like does someone really think that I set my 401K investments via junk email? It must work.. because they are sending a Read More...
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Sometimes you just need to use the native stuff

The Wireless Cingular card is working...not with the Cingular connection manager software but with the native Vista GPRS modem connection. What did the trick was seeing that there was an update in windows update for the modem. Once I updated that.. stopped Read More...
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One more for the body count

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.6.0007.5 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Loading Dump File [C:\Windows\Minidump\Mini112706-01.dmp] Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available Symbol search path Read More...
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Body count for the weekend

Christmas tree up... a few decorations not quite finished yet but mostly in place. Family recipe baked - actually done three times as we gave some to family and friends. 64 bit test box that I've been building sent home with geek friend for a Fry's run Read More...
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For less than that cup of coffee from that Melitta pot....

http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2006/nov06/11-16MelittaPR.mspx For the first time, get real-time weather forecast information and the freshest brewed coffee with a single device. Show of hands here... how many saw this on the download site and Read More...
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For that I may have to get used to command line...

The other day we were disucssing Bitlocker on a listserve and it came out in the conversation that while the GUI will only allow you to encrypt the one volume...the command line does more. http://blogs.technet.com/steriley/archive/2006/11/25/bitlocker-command-line.aspx Read More...
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The recipe

So many years ago a family recipe was handed down through the generations..... The basic recipe is 8 cups of flour, yeast, 2 cups scalded milk, two eggs, sugar. And along the years I've "upgraded" the recipe to where while they don't quite have the same Read More...
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64 bit - it's the next thing

I've seen a couple of posts recently that make me thing that folks have missed the headlines so I'll bring them up again... at a prior Hardware conference Microsoft announced that the next version of SBS will be 64bit only... the reason for this is that Read More...
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Time update patch for Western Australia

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=c6a2c8fe-abda-4051-a24f-3ec933089747&DisplayLang=en Western Australia is introducing daylight saving for a trial period commencing December 3, 2006. Several Microsoft® products require updates Read More...
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Fixing when machines won't patch

So while I'm waiting for Thanksgiving cooking to finish up... I'm doing what every self respecting geek would do.... and that is remoting in and doing all those clean up things..and one of the annoyances of relying soley on WSUS and MU for patching is Read More...
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Quickbooks 2007 supports standard user - KB

Quickbooks really and truly supports running as non administrator - standard user in the 2007 version...but in case in needs a little help.. here's a KB KnowledgeBase Support Title: QuickBooks 2007 will not run if the Windows user is a Restricted - Standard Read More...
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Fix for WSUS Se Habla

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: IE 7.0 release update Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 18:51:45 -0800 From: Bobbie Harder (MSFT) < bobbieh@online.microsoft.com > Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windows.server.update_services Hi Folks - We have verified Read More...
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Testing that SMTP

So you've set up smtp on a server but need to check to make sure that the server is 'ready to go' as soon as the Web/Mail hoster cuts over the MX records? From the outside (and this is where a little bit of RWW can help... ) telnet to the IP address of Read More...
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IE7 on WSUS Se Habla

<Update - Bobbie Harder has posted a status update> If you got a new update of IE 7 last night on WSUS and you go to install it... you'll suddenly start speaking Spanish.... you aren't alone... there's more than one poster in the WSUS newsgroup Read More...
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Do you use Web Technologies?

Firms Rate an "F" for "Failing" to use Web Technologies Accounting firms are failing to use Web technologies such as RSS feeds, blogs and podcasts to their advantage. That is the finding of a recent study by Muzeview , a research and consulting firm focused Read More...
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Better support hours than the Butterball folks

While the Butterball hotline may be staffed from 6 a.m to 6 p.m. tomorrow.. know that the SBS "hotline " will continue it's 24/7 world wide resource coverage for all your server needs. Historically, major holidays were the time in small businesses to Read More...
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In 11 days.....

The Western AU's have passed a daylight savings change ... in 11 DAYS! http://www.news.com.au/perthnow/story/0,21598,20795690-5007222,00.html Word is that MS will release a patch http://blogs.technet.com/mkleef/archive/2006/11/22/wa-daylight-savings-update-its-approved.aspx Read More...
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Partner up!

I'm a sole operator who needs a long holiday but can't because of the risk this poses to my clients. Is there a SBS specialist in __location__ who would be interested in providing backup for me? Cheers, As the holidays come up... there's probably someone Read More...
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Vista group policy settings

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=41dc179b-3328-4350-ade1-c0d9289f09ef&displaylang=en This spreadsheet lists the policy settings for computer and user configurations included in the administrative template files (admx/adml) Read More...
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So you got Vista and you want to have your Admin tools and eat them too?

When you install Vista if you want to install the admin pack... this from the ActiveDir listserve.... (and remember you need to do a "RunAs" command to do this properly. Steve Linehan wrote: install the Windows Server 2003 SP1 admin pack on Vista RTM, Read More...
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When betas shouldn't go on SBS - FCS is a BETA

I yell at folks that talk about betas outside of beta venues but this post in the newsgroup copied below made me post this: For all those SBSers that are chomping on the bit to take a look at Forefront Client Security you need to make me a promise..that Read More...
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I see dots and arrows in my document ....

"Do you know Office?" Well not as well as our Secretaries... "Well I have a paragraph mark on a Word document and can't figure out how to turn it off!" The Wordgurus always leave that little paragraph icon on.. and quite honestly I find it annoying.. Read More...
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The OEM experience

The typical uber Var/Vap will take a OEM computer and flatten it.. because they don't trust the setup. And certainly in some cases, it made sense to start over when the OEM installs had a horrifically small C: partition. Lately some of the OEM builds Read More...
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Do we really need "it"

I'm the marketing game world's worst nightmare..... I have no clue when it comes to Xbox's and Sony Playstations and whatever else is coming out this Xmas season. In fact while watching someone play a "WWII" game on Xbox, I was wondering if they had a Read More...
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Lesser video cards on Vista

If you have a generic built in video card ...even though you can run Vista on a box, you might find that you don't get that... "That" is the Flip 3d feature. I was loading up Vista from the TechNet Download only subscription and realized that I didn't Read More...
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Cingular connection manager - not quite ready

Well..I went through the Vista advisor and one of the things that won't make the "Vista" cut is my Cingular connection manager - the wireless aircard that I use, so I'll be checking for an upgrade. You can check to see if the programs and devices on your Read More...
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Okay now "Fresno" has morphed into an Xbox

http://sunbeltblog.blogspot.com/2006/11/in-other-news-microsoft-to-rebrand.html Okay now this is going from being funny to being an interesting exercise is seeing how one thing is morphing into another..... for the record .... again... "I" named FRESNO Read More...
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The real truth about the "Fresno" version

http://blogs.technet.com/kent_compton/archive/2006/11/17/fresno-whaa.aspx As strange as it may seem, "Fresno" doesn't exist. I'm not talking about the city in California which I can say unequivocally does exist since I've been there :-) but the "Windows Read More...
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Sales books of interest

For those at Suzanne Lavine's partner training tonight... some of the books she gave away... The little red book http://www.amazon.com/Little-Red-Book-Selling-Principles/dp/1885167601/sr=8-1/qid=1163750680/ref=sr_1_1/104-6132796-2333521?ie=UTF8&s=books Read More...
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Vista is on the TechNet Download site

For those who subscribed to TechNet Plus download only, Vista is reported to be now on the site..... you know... it would be nice if the MAPS/Action pack folks would also offer a download only subscription. I still don't have my latest action pack shipment Read More...
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Vista's parental blocks

Indy is demo-ing the parental control rights in Vista and showing how you can block web sites, file downloads, games, etc in your systems to ensure that your kids are safe and secure..... he's also talking about Vista's backup process. The question came Read More...
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Indy's Second call to action

Our second call to action is to download and use the Technology Assessment tool kit.. there were a couple of folks behind me that said they used it and it was great..... Indy said (something like... I may have it slightly misstated) that partners have Read More...
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First call to action

Indy is telling folks their first call to action - to visit the web site of http://www.ms-gearup.com and ensure you've looked around the site and see the resources available to you. Check out Microsoft financing while you are out there as well.... While Read More...
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Do you know about Server down support?

Indy is presenting at Fresno's TS2 event and he's talking about the Business critical down/Server down calls and I too was amazed like he is that not many in the room knew that if you had a dead server, you could call Microsoft for support. All of the Read More...
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WSS 3.0 released along with the companion whitepaper

http://www.sbsfaq.com/Lists/News%20and%20Reviews/DispForm.aspx?ID=33 Wayne Small reports that Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 has been released to the web along with the white paper on how to install it side by side with Companyweb on SBS. Share this Read More...
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A little battery please?

It's starting to be that time of year...when we get a bit cold and chilly...and when our battery backups start showcasing why I spend around $100 or less per workstation to gain the ability to save how many hours of a document. The other day my UPS died. Read More...
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SBA import tool

To those of you using Microsoft Small Business Accounting products-our company, DP dynamics, offers add-ons that create more value to individual customers. If you have any interest, please visit out website at www.dpdynamics.com . You can import General Read More...
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Issues from the Partner newsgroup for November

RECENT ISSUES AND TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS ----------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE ======= The Fax service cannot be started. Get the following error: The Fax Service encountered a problem and needed to close. Error Code: 0x00000000. Read More...
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KB's of interest this week in November

Users do not receive meeting requests after you configure IPS on a SonicWALL firewall device in an Exchange Server 2003 organization: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=925447 Error message when you try to use the Change Server IP Wizard or the Configure Read More...
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My t-PAM called today

And when I said "Hi" to Joshua my t-PAM and said that I knew what a t-PAM was, he said that I was the first partner he'd called that knew what that was. Hmmmm...shame on us if we have not been following the news on Eric Ligman's blog at http://blogs.msdn.com/mssmallbiz Read More...
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Branch Office Calculator

http://www.strongbranches.com/default.aspx?up=&pc=&origin=strong-branches.com&c=1 I had to laugh today that a letter pointing me to this was sent to my office. I'm barely a twig, let alone needing a branch office solution. Sometimes though Read More...
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Off topic: From now on I'm buying Colgate

Crest has a Christmas commercial on, Target is advertising too, and last night "How the Grinch stole Christmas" was on TNT. While I love the Christmas season, enjoy the meaning of the season, there's a part of me that gets really.... well "Grinchy" when Read More...
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How to install WSS 3.0 on SBS 2003

For those that want to install Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 on their SBS 2003, just be patient and don't follow this blog entry: http://worldwidevine.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!E448F9393446330E!216.entry Rather you want to wait for the whitepaper instructions Read More...
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If the blogs are a little slow..

If the blogs are a little sluggish tonight.. it's because we're back to pegging out the CPU again.... the search reindexing is also not completed so the search box is messed up a bit. So be a bit patient with the blogs until we can get to the bottom of Read More...
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Okay so one casualty.. search is broken

http://jaysonknight.com/blog/archive/2006/02/26/7344.aspx In the updating .. we kinda horked up the search engine.... bear with me Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
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A little bit of updating

http://msmvps.com/blogs/yoda/archive/2006/11/11/now-testing-out-youtube.aspx Well Yoda announces that he's had a couple of updates tonight (or this morning depending on where you are at) First we updated to Service Pack 1 and then updated the blogs to Read More...
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So I have action pack and I still subscribe to TechNet Plus

So.. in addition to action pack I subscribe to TechNet Plus. Why you ask? A couple of reasons... for one while the eula for the Action Pack is for running your business on it (edit) and I like to keep it for business/production purposes and not use it Read More...
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November - The Sky is Falling Podcast

The Sky is Falling Podcast - http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?podcast=1314|2&t=3668 A bit about IE7, Vista, next weeks patching and stuff Podcast Links - IE7 on WSUS http://msmvps.com/blogs/bradley/archive/2006/11/01/IE7-is-on-WSUS-.aspx IE7 may Read More...
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Broadcom Nic issues

It was first spotted by Les in the Partner groups and then seen by Nick, but there appears to be an issue with certain Broadcom nic drivers. The resolution so far is to ask the vendor of the server to send you another brand of nic cards. The code in the Read More...
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Quickbooks update

QuickBooks 2007 Release 3 (R3) Available as Manual Download Addresses Several Issues. Last week Intuit posted R3 in the Product Updates section of the QuickBooks Product Center . We post this manual download to let you get early access and research the Read More...
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Patches on next Tuesday

Summary ======= On 14 November 2006 Microsoft is planning to release: Security Updates . One Microsoft Security Bulletin affecting Microsoft XML Core Services. The highest Maximum Severity rating for this is Critical. These updates will be detectable Read More...
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Genuinely bad web sites...

http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=5750190 25% of Web sites that offered counterfeit product keys, pirated software, key generators, or crack tools attempted to install either malicious or potentially unwanted software. ...make that 100% of the web site Read More...
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Office - save as PDF

The download you'll want to have when you start deploying Office 2007 is this one: Download details: 2007 Microsoft Office Add-in: Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=4D951911-3E7E-4AE6-B059-A2E79ED87041&displaylang=en Read More...
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Process Explorer 1.0

http://blogs.technet.com/tonyso/archive/2006/11/09/filemon-and-regmon-no-more-long-live-procmon.aspx Seeing reports that Process Explorer 1.0 on some machines is eating up the CPU process. For a workaround, some are reporting to open the task manager Read More...
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About that DVD media

http://msmvps.com/blogs/bradley/archive/2006/11/08/So-you-have-CDroms-and-want-a-DVD_3F00_.aspx Does everyone realise that the base of SBS 2003 r2 is SBS 2003 sp1 standard? SBS 2003 R2 ...the "R2" parts on are the disks at the end...they are Read More...
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Kudos for Cuckoos

http://blogs.technet.com/matthewms/archive/2006/11/08/book-of-the-month-for-november-2006-the-cuckoos-egg.aspx I agree with Matt. I LOVE this book. It may be an old tale but it's still so relevant it's not funny. And okay so having this all start Read More...
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Vista's security guide also rtm'd

<http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=a3d1bbed-7f35-4e72-bfb5-b84a526c1565&displaylang=en> The Windows Vista Security Guide provides recommendations and tools to further harden Windows Vista. Use the GPOAccelerator tool in Read More...
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So you have CDroms and want a DVD?

The question came up about obtaining SBS 2003 R2 on a DVD rather than a cdrom ...and it's my understanding that the Action pack version comes on DVD (I haven't gotten mine yet to confirm) but for VL and Retail... I'm not sure ... Best bet Read More...
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Fasten your seatbelts..... here it comes...

http://blogs.technet.com/james/archive/2006/11/08/windows-vista-it-s-time.aspx http://soapbox.msn.com/video.aspx?vid=8475733d-b7f9-4bd4-baf8-16f623fe9e3f And when will it be fully deployed in my office? I'm not really sure :-) Certainly not for the Read More...
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The betas may be closed...but now the real community will have it's say

I saw this blog post about how now that Office 2007 had been released that the goal for this blog had been reached... to document the changes in 2007 for the community. I had to laugh a bit at that... that's the "geek" community...that's Read More...
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So the warning event occurred... last week?

So you get this email every day.. but it's about an event that occurred on your server like three days ago? So what's up with that? What's happening is that an event is getting 'stuck' in the performance logs files. So how can you Read More...
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Getting ready for Vista?

https://partner.microsoft.com/US/launch Looking for launch resources? I have been remiss in blogging about some of the resources for Vista and what not and someone asked me for Vista resources...but truly start on the partner site. There's some Microsoft Read More...
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Office 2007 RTM'd and.....

Office 2007 and Office Live RTM'd ...and I'll be rolling it out.... when I deem fit and not a moment before. For some firms the "Office Ribbon" is a cool upgrade. For those of us with Office customizations and macros, we're going Read More...
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CRM 3.0 and IE 7

http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=927539 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 is compatible with Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP. However, to run Internet Explorer 7 correctly in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0, you may have to turn off the application mode setting Read More...
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Looking for the ADM files for Windows Defender?

Description of the Windows Defender Group Policy administrative template settings: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;927367 Check out that KB Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! | digg it! | live it! Read More...
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VHD's on the MS download site

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=558f3ece-6509-45e9-8d60-25175848a8b7&displaylang=en This download comes as a pre-configured VHD. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is a comprehensive, integrated, end-to-end data solution that empowers Read More...
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Ray and Aileen

Ray Kurzweil is talking about how art and artists have been changed by technology ..that there is a need for art on the web that wasn't there five years ago... and I find it ironic that as Ray is talking about how technology has changed how we consume Read More...
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Would we?

Listening to Ray Kurzweil on BookTV and he makes the point that the next 50 years wont' be like the last 50 years... we are doing things we wouldn't have even dreamed of doing... and search is one of those technologies that make us be able to Read More...
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Need the contact info for the Technology Upgrade Program?

Did you send off for the Technology Upgrade Program where you get R2 because you purchased an OEM system after the March date and are guaranteed the R2 upgrade and not get your disks yet? The contact info to follow up (for USA) is as follows: Email: MSTUPSBSUS Read More...
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Making a snapshot

Okay so now that I've built my base image of SBS in a virtual setting it's time to start seeing if I can blow these puppies up.... I first cloned the image "as is" so I wouldn't mess anything up and had an exact duplicate. I then Read More...
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We can't do it all... so why do we try?

http://blogs.msdn.com/tzink/archive/2006/11/04/more-on-spam-analyst-performance.aspx So why do we think we can handle the spam problem? And why don't we start looking to ensure that something it placed in front of our Exchange servers? And remember Read More...
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RWW is helping housecleaning today

Building a vmware of SBS 2003 r2 to do some beta-ing on top of and my beefy box that can handle vmwares and vpcs is upstairs.... housework for a Saturday is downstairs....and you know how an SBS install needs disks fed to it but not all the time watching? Read More...
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The paperless office - yeah right...

So tonight I was needing to print out the beta instructions since I was dual booting this box that has my email on it..... and we realized that between Sis and I we had no more clean, white 8.5 x 11 paper. So what happened to the paperless office promise Read More...
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Beta-ing this weekend....

Well Vista may be getting closer to RTMing...but there's still more betas to be getting ready for ....and tonight.. Friday night is my BETA night (do I know how to party or what?) and I really need to get smarter about beta-ing and build a base SBS Read More...
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The annoyance of radio

..this is a bit of an off topic post.. I've been doing a project the last couple of days and sometimes that meant gathering documents, waiting for Attorneys and what not in different offices and I've found that about three listenings to Beyonce Read More...
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Want to know more about IE7?

Today's episodes of eOnCall feature an interview with Sandi Hardmeier, IE MVP, about the IE7 release. If you haven't had time to look at IE7 yet, or if you have clients who are wondering about IE7, this would be a good pair of episodes to catch. Read More...
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The Vista eula changed

One of the most bothersome changes in the Windos Vist EULA, the restriction to one transfer of a retail version to another computer, has just been reversed: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Bott/?p=166 The EULA now reads: "You may uninstall the software and Read More...
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IE7 and SBS 2003 R2 - one issue to look for

Error message when you install Windows Internet Explorer 7 before you install Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=926638 At home I installed the IE7 on my server..but here at the office... I'm probably going to Read More...
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Training your customer

From the mailbag from a bit back comes this question..... "Greetings, I would like to know what SBS training suggestions you would give to a customer that is getting SBS for the first time. My customers want to have some insight into what is going Read More...
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If you now have the blue check of SBSized WSUS...

...because you messed around with the settings in the native WSUS console... never fear... read this blog post on how to get your Green check back... http://blogs.technet.com/sbs/archive/2006/07/13/441594.aspx Share this post: email it! | bookmark it! Read More...
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SMBTN Fresno - Partner event on November 16th

After the morning Microsoft Connections Event... after the TS2 Event is a nighttime Partner event: http://www.clicktoattend.com/?id=113094 For print, use www.clicktoattend.com and Event Code: 113094 Join us to have a special Partner training event ! Suzanne Read More...
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IE7 is on WSUS

http://www.sbslinks.com/IE7.htm Just a heads up... IE 7 is up on the WSUS servers tonight and if you have SBS 2003 R2 you can see that it's waiting for your approval and will not automagically come down until YOU say so. Share this post: email it! Read More...
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Configuring Secure Wireless Network Access with Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003

An update to "Configuring Secure Wireless Network Access with Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003" has been posted to: http://home.comcast.net/~clearviewtc Briefly, the update includes the following: References to pre-SP2 Windows XP Read More...
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Dear Outlook -- grow with me

Taking a lunch break (and what else had a blog thought) ... I was at a client's the other day and as I walk in the door they have about three business cards all representing what they do and the firms they are. And it reminded me about how Outlook Read More...
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I dare you to order replacement OEM media

http://blogs.technet.com/backroom/archive/2006/11/01/a-funny-thing-happened-to-me-while-in-florida.aspx We want to be legal ... we really do.. but have you tried to get a hold of replacement media? How about downgrade right media? I have someone trying Read More...
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