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Peace art at Carman Mennonite from the Isaiah Project story.




More than a Building

"So what in the world is a Mennonite?" Carol Thiessen asks of the group of sweaty kids sprawled all over the banquet room at Bethel Mennonite Church. Thiessen tells her audience that as a Mennonite, she is called to help people. "We can't just be a building," she says, "not inviting you in. As Mennonites, we want to help other people. And we do that because of our faith." This is the reason why the Neighbourhood Club exists. Read more...


Youth brave snow & frigid temperatures to serve

Do you remember where you were the morning snow was spotted in downtown Winnipeg this past August? I do, and I'm not likely to forget it soon. I was serving at the Anishinabe Fellowship Centre food bank in downtown Winnipeg, along with three junior high youth from Douglas Mennonite Church. Another small group of junior youth from our congregation served at the Missionary Sisters of Charity soup kitchen in the North End on that chilly day, along with our summer intern, Thomas Epp. Read more...

Making Music - Serving the community

On an industrial street on the edge of Winnipeg’s Chinatown sits a small white church – square, steep-roofed and simple. Walking up the concrete steps you would never expect that this building is home to not just one, but three congregations: Vietnamese Mennonite, Chinese Mennonite Brethren, as well as a Spanish congregation. Nor would you suspect that upon opening the doors you would be met with the sounds of dozens of keyboards and xylophones all being played at once without a single distinguishable tune – it is “creative chaos.” read more

Divine Secrets of the NK Sisterhood

Down in the basement of the North Kildonan Mennonite Church is a treasure. "A secret treasure in the basement of a Mennonite Church? In Winnipeg?" you ask. And what a treasure it is - a feast for the mind, body, and soul - but it isn't meant to be a secret, though chances are you haven't heard about it. Find out!

Isaiah Project: Voice crying in the wilderness?

Why do we have to be "the quiet in the land"? What good does it do to be quiet while people's lives are being devastated by war? Where is the "voice crying out in the wilderness"? Find out!

Young Adults encouraged to be the light.

What do you get when you mix a cold Manitoba winter, cozy facilities, giant Dutch Blitz cards, a spiritually led worship team, great meals, a captivating speaker and seventy-four enthusiastic Mennonite young adults? Find out!

