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» What are User Pictures - how do I upload them?
User pictures are icons or avatars used to represent yourself, your moods or feelings, your interests, etc. They are displayed in numerous locations on, including your userinfo page, your journal, the friends view of people who list you as a friend, comments, support requests, and the comments pages of your entries. In certain situations, you are given the option of selecting the user picture you'd like to use, rather than only displaying your default user picture.

To upload your user pictures, go to:

The picture must be a .GIF, .JPG, or .PNG. The actual picture can be no larger than 100x100 pixels, and the file size cannot be greater than 40kb. The image file must be on your local computer, or be accessible via a URL.

After entering your username and password, click on the "Browse..." button beside the file box, and go find the image on your computer. Alternately, you can select the URL option and the type in the Internet location of your image. Submit the form, and your default picture will appear on your journal (as long as the journal style you have chosen supports user picture display), on your profile, and when you make a comment.

If your paid status expires and you have more images currently stored on the server than your account type allows, they will remain there. Once you decide to upload a new picture, you will be required to delete pictures until you are at the correct number of pictures for your account type.

To set your default picture, enter keywords (, or delete your pictures, go to .

To see all of your pictures, log in and visit: .

Last Updated:
December 17th, 2002 (idigital)

» How do I add
To add a picture to your journal entry, use an "img" tag where you want it to appear:

        title or description

Within the code, "" must be replaced by the actual URL of the image you want displayed in your journal entry and "title or description" can be changed to give the image you use a title or description of your choice.

Please see for information on image loading requirements.

Last Updated:
February 22nd, 2003 (idigital)


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