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How do I edit a journal entry I wrote?
While editing entries, if you receive an error message that states "Client error: Invalid text encoding: Cannot display non-Unicode posts unless default encoding has been selected", see .


Go to the "Post Comments" or "Read Comments" page for the entry you want to edit. (It doesn't matter if there are comments or not, either page will do.) On a small blue toolbar near the top of the page, if you're logged in, you should see an Edit Entry button (a blue pencil icon). Click it to go to the Edit Journal Entry page. There you can make the changes you want, or delete everything from the Event box to delete the entire entry. Click "Save Journal Entry" to finish.

You can usually get to the "Post Comments" page by finding the entry in the appropriate journal, and clicking a link which says something like "Comment on this". However, if comments are not enabled for the entry you want to edit, you can still access the entry through the Calendar view, located at (where 'yourusername' is the username for the journal the entry is in). On this page, you should see links to each month's list of "subjects". The list includes entries for which comments were disabled. Clicking on the subject of an entry takes you to the "Read Comments" page for that entry. (Don't worry, reaching the page doesn't allow people to comment if you do not enable your message boards.) From there, you can edit the entry as explained above.

You can also edit entries in your own journal at .

See for instructions on deleting an entry from a community journal.


Many clients available for download at may include the ability to edit journal entries. For more information on your preferred client, consult its documentation or its menu options.

Last Updated:
February 22nd, 2003 (idigital)


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